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If you listen to the song, it will help contribute the meaning of this chapter. It's not Marvel, but it's a powerful song about letting go.



My Daughter.

"Take care of her."

Peter's ears perked up when he heard me say that. I know what it sounds like, that sentence. I think a part of me knows that I won't be coming back.

"Mr. Stark," the boy said, "you can take care of her too."

"Yeah, well kid, you don't know that."

"I promised I'd keep you safe," he said, "so this is what's going to happen. We're winning this war and coming back home to see your daughter turn 18."

"18's a big number, right?"

"Yeah. it is."

Happy pulled up to the HQ and stopped the car. It was deadly silent, like most of the day was, and I let it sink in. For the past two years I watched Peter and Y/N grow up together, and all I wanted was to see the smile on her face as I walked through the doors tomorrow.

But that part of me is still there.

Still knowing my fate.

I leaned over my seat-belt and gave Peter a hug. The last one. But of course, he didn't know that.

"You're a good kid, Peter," I said, "be good to her."

"I will."

"Don't let her push you away when she needs you the most."

"I won't."

"Do you swear?"

"I swear," he said, "but seriously Mr. Stark-"


"Uh- well Mr. Tony-"

I chuckled softly, and popped open the car door. I'd miss the kid and his tireless habits. I got out of the car and took a look at the world. In some other universe, I'd still be living, probably at home with my daughter building god knows what.

But I can't go back now.


"I am..... I am Iron Man."

Hearing those words come out of my mouth, I knew they'd be my last. They were the words that got me into this mess, and they were going to fix it.

But, of course, Y/N would never know that.

My last words to her meant more than who I was as a hero. 53 years on this earth and I had been incapable to love someone until she came into my life. I wanted to be a better father, but I knew I could never be the perfect person for her. God, I'm so tired.

My fingers felt like they were on the verge of falling off, but I had to keep going.

I was almost there; my fingers were pressed together to make that snap. But all I wanted was one more moment with her. To see her turn 18. She trusted me to come back, but I broke that trust the minute I told her it was going to be okay. I knew my fate would lead to this moment, and I knew there was only one way we could win.

Good bye Y/N.



Unbearable pain.

My body felt as if it were decaying slowly, while I bled out. A hero's death, that's what I wanted and that's what I got.

"Mr. Stark?"

I didn't have the strength to open my eyes, yet I knew who it was. How could I forget the boy who seemed almost like a son? Maybe he would have been my son in the future, but I'll never know, will I?

"Mr. Stark," Peter pleaded, "can you hear me?"

Yes, I can kid. Yes, I can.

"It's Peter," I heard his voice break, "We won."

I knew we would.

I wanted to stand up and pretend like everything was fine, but I couldn't even feel my bones. I lay there motionless, a dead body with almost no trace of life left in his body.

"Mr. Stark," he said, grabbing my arm, "please, you have to wake up."

I can't.

"I promised Y/N I'd bring you home! I promised! You did too!"

I'm sorry..

"Please.." he mumbled, "you can't leave us..."

I heard a struggle, as someone tried to pull Peter away from me. He didn't want to let go, no one seemed to, but it was my time. I did my best to be the hero everyone needed, and the father my daughter wanted.

I'm sorry I couldn't be either.

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