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Carmen hadn't planned on going over to David's.

Normally, many members of the Vlog Squad would hangout at the group leader's Hollywood home in the early afternoon for filming. It was never planned; each person had their own responsibilities and would swing by whenever they had the chance and felt like it. I think that's what made Carmen fall in love with this life so much: nothing was ever set in stone. There was no way to predict how your day would go.

Though her career was similar, and she loved being on tour and performing in front of thousands of people, sometimes she longed for the simple life. In a few months time, she would release her album and start another tour where again she wouldn't see her friends for months.

She wouldn't see Jeff for months.

After a long morning of writing and continuing her major streak of writer's block, the singer grew increasingly frustrated with her situationship with Jeff. His mixed signals had her confused and annoyed. The brunette knew that Jeff would be at David's, but decided to go anyways and spend time with the group.

She regretted that decision as soon as she saw him. Jeff had been wearing his usual attire: plain white t-shirt, black cap and adidas joggers. So effortlessly himself—his brown, almond eyes seemed to sparkle but not at Carmen, at someone else.

Kelsey, a friend of David's who happened to be a beautiful Instagram model, had been hanging out with the group that day. Duerte Dom had even made an appearance at the Dobrik home. Carmen knew as soon as she saw Kelsey that they were trying to film funny bits with all of the eligible bachelors, and while she had even been in some of those segments, the idea of Jeff doing them with Kelsey really got to her.

Carmen had nothing against Kelsey, but she did have an urge of jealousy knowing that Jeff would be saying the same things to Kelsey as he had to her. She had been contemplating for weeks why Jeff had such a change of heart towards her. It all stemmed back to the day after the party.

Why did she ask him to stay? She knew it would complicate things.

Better yet, why did she let herself get attached? She knew how this story would end.

Jeff was a playboy: he was older than her, more experienced, and he had lived a completely different life than hers. He could be dangerous.

Why did she have to be so naïve?

Carmen swallowed her nerves when she walked into the house and put on a smile, already regretting driving out here. Todd had run up to give his un-biological sister a hug, lifting her effortlessly off of the ground. She giggled at his actions which made him smile, but her happiness stopped there. There was something else behind her eyes.

Todd could see a tiredness he hadn't seen in a long time, and it scared him. "Are you okay?" he asked, keeping a low tone as his arm stayed around her waist.

From across the living room, Jeff watched on. Todd's hand staying connected to her a bit too long made him clench his jaw. He knew the two were just friends; Carmen wasn't made for a guy like Todd and that's what made them such good friends. However, it still bothered Jeff that he couldn't be that close to the beautiful girl in front of him.

He grew frustrated at the fact that although Kelsey was sitting next to him on the couch, he couldn't take his eyes off of Carmen. Never has a woman transfixed him the way the singer has to the point that he wasn't attracted to any other woman.

He couldn't have Carmen; he needed to leave it alone.

Carmen nodded her head, looking away from Jeff and Kelsey and looking back to Todd. "I just had a bad writing day today. Writer's block is killing me," she spoke, not entirely lying but withholding much of the truth. Carmen knew that Todd would freak if he found out Jeff was upsetting her, and Carmen hadn't wanted to complicate their friendship.

Todd nodded his own head, releasing his grip on his small friend as he gave a glance towards Jeff. Jeff had distracted himself by beginning a conversation with the Instagram model, seemingly interested in whatever she was saying. The two would exchange laughs back and forth which stung Carmen.

David had come up with an idea to question both of the young girls, only a year apart in age, on their careers and being in the limelight. Carmen took a seat on the couch next to Kelsey who had been sitting a little too close to Jeff for her taste.

She needed to work on that—Carmen García wanted to empower other women, but her own self-image issues made her feel uncomfortable in this situation with Jeff.

Fulfilling her usual role, and partially trying to take a stab at both Kelsey and Jeff, Carmen took a seat right next to Jeff and swung her legs over his lap, becoming comfortable in her position.

David began asking Kelsey different questions. She had informed the group that she had gotten Botox at the age of nineteen and that she hadn't ever planned on becoming an Instagram model, it just happened one day. Jeff had spoke up next to Carmen, startling her slightly when he joked, "wow I just have so many followers" and waved his hands sarcastically.

"You're a pretty girl, you don't need that kind of stuff," David shook his head, going back to the idea of Botox.

Kelsey jokingly tucked her hair behind her ear and smirked. "If I was pretty you would kiss me and you don't want to kiss me," she spoke, causing the group to laugh.

Carmen had always found it comical the amount of women that David would reject and friend-zone. Liza and him were very close and she knew that he was still recovering from their breakup. She felt for the both of them; she truly believed the two were meant to be but it was a right place, wrong time situation.

Was love truly real, after all? If Liza and David couldn't work out, how could she ever imagine her and Jeff?

She subconsciously moved her leg when she felt him rubbing small circles on her thigh.

Jeff noticed the movement and sighed, retracting his hand. What was he doing?

A while later, Carmen had stood up to use the restroom. During her leave, the group continued joking until Jeff said, "I think you and I have really good genetics and would make beautiful babies, but we need to get on it right away."

The group laughed as David asked the ex-convict, "what about Carmen?"

Carmen had heard what Jeff had said and though it was a joke, it did get under her skin. She walked back into the room and interrupted, "my kids won't be serial killers."

The entire group began laughing as Carmen smirked, raising an eyebrow at him. Jeff couldn't help from chuckling either as he shook his head.

This is the woman of his dreams.

"You know it's bad when Carmen makes the prison jokes," David laughed.

Todd sensed a bit of hostility behind her jokes, one that no one else could pick up on. He could tell that there was more going on and he wondered why Carmen wouldn't tell him. Besides, Jeff knew that Todd would not hesitate to clock him if he hurt the girl.

As more of the friend group arrived and wanted to hangout with Kelsey, Carmen found herself escaping to the backyard. David had a beautiful view from his balcony, and she was too overstimulated to handle any more of the jokes from Jeff to Kelsey.

Carmen sat down in one of the white lawn chairs and pulled her knees in close. She sighed, running a hand through her hair when her phone rang.

It was Austin.

She shook her head, growing anxious as to why her ex would be phoning her now of all times. He did always seem to have perfect timing. She contemplated letting him go to voicemail, but Carmen García was never that good at holding grudges.

"Hello?" she answered, not knowing what to expect.

On the other end, Carmen heard his voice. "Carmen?" he spoke. "It's Austin."

"Austin—hi," she tentatively spoke.

"I'm sorry for calling all of a sudden," he started. "I wanted to apologize for how I treated you at that party."

"Austin, that party was months ago," she responded, annoyed, not needing to deal with the extra emotions knowing that she would forgive him.

"I know, and I have no excuse to be talking about it now. Or, I guess, about anything with us, really. But I'm not the same man I used to be. And I know that has no meaning for you now, but I guess I just want to tell you I'm sorry and maybe one day you can forgive me. Not just for the party, but for everything," he apologized, sounding sincere in his words.

Carmen took a deep breath, seeing the sun poke through a rare cloud in the California sky. "I appreciate you saying that, Austin," she said. Soon after, the sliding glass door opened behind her, alerting Carmen that someone was coming outside. She turned her head to see her un-biological brother's messy, dark hair. "Right now isn't really a great time. Can we talk about this later?"

On the other end, Austin agreed. "Yes, just call or text me when you get a chance. Thanks, Carmen," he spoke graciously.

As Carmen hung up the phone call, Todd took a seat next to her. "Did I interrupt something?" he asked.

Carmen shook her head, trying to act as if her world wasn't just thrown off of its axis. "No, it was just music stuff which can wait until tomorrow," she lied, hoping he wouldn't notice.

Todd hated that Carmen felt so distant from him. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to lie but he tried not to take it to heart. "What happened between you and Jeff?" he questioned, knowing that if he wouldn't she never would bring it up.

Carmen's body stiffened, bringing her brown eyes to meet his. "What makes you think something happened?" she questioned.

"Don't do that, Car. You guys went from talking 24/7 to you making side comments and rolling your eyes. You don't do that, Car," he explained.

Carmen watched his mannerisms, seeing how he rested his arm so easily on his bent knees as if he's never felt uncomfortable a day in his life—as if he'd never been taken advantage of in any facet. He was so trusting in his body and in his surroundings. How could she be like that? How could she move on?

"You never used to keep secrets from me, Car," he shook his head, hearing her silence.

Her brown eyes moved to his. It had never been her intention to hurt him in her process of self-loathing. The singer couldn't comprehend the idea that there was a difference in their relationship now because she was so focused on Jeff, and Austin, and everything else.

She put Todd on the back burner. What kind of friend does that, after everything?

"Todd, I'm not keeping secrets—"she began, trying to console the situation.

"Aren't you?" he interrupted, giving a straight face. He saw her worried eyes and then looked out towards the view once again. "I mean, you're avoiding my questions. You left early after that party and haven't been the same since."

"What about the party?" Carmen asked, a bit too quickly, her heart beginning to rush at the thought. Why has it come up so much today?

Todd scrunched his eyebrows. "That's what this is about? That party?" he questioned, "I didn't even know you were coming, Car. I didn't think Jeff would've—"

"Would've what?" she interrupted this time. Had Jeff told? She didn't want Todd or the others to know. She didn't want them to get involved and do something stupid to hurt their reputations on the internet.

Todd immediately tensed. He knew Carmen was hiding something now, and he knew Jeff was in the middle of it. Had he hurt her?

The idea that the ex-convict would have done something to wrong his best friend-his sister-that thought was too much to bare. She was too kind; too pure for a man like him and he knew Jeff would never be good enough for a woman like her. He should have protected her...he needed to protect her.

The California native immediately stood, breathing heavily as he stormed back into David's estate. "Jeff!" he yelled.

Carmen called for Todd and tried to get him to stop, but it was too late. Todd was on a rampage.

When the small girl entered back into the house, she was horrified at what she had seen. Todd was charging after Jeff, clearly trying to hurt him. Jeff avoided his pushes and punches, but had not thrown any back himself. Carmen knew Jeff didn't want to hurt him.

"Todd, stop! What's going on?" Jeff yelled, trying to grab ahold of his hands.

"What did you do?" Todd yelled.

"Todd!" Carmen tried to stop him. Seeing as the men wouldn't listen to her, she did the next best thing. Carmen flung her body in front of Jeff.

The small girl barely reached his chest, but it had stopped Todd from throwing another punch.

"Carmen, what the hell are you doing?" Todd asked, clearly frustrated.

Jeff immediately grabbed her waist and moved to stand in front of her and protect her. "Todd, what the fuck?" He wiped his bleeding lip. Todd must have gotten a hit in before she entered the house.

"What did you do at the party? Did you hurt her?" she asked, voice raised.

"What?" he furrowed his eyebrows, looking from Carmen to Todd and back to Carmen. He appeared hurt, as if it broke his heart to hear Todd think of him so lowly; to think Carmen would lie about him to his best friend.

Carmen stood back in front of Jeff, looking at Todd who only looked at Jeff. "Jeff didn't hurt me, Todd. He saved me."

"Carmen went to the restroom and got lost in the crowd. While you all were too drunk to notice, some guy had her stuck up against the wall. I pushed him off and took her home!" he confessed, causing the entire house to look at her in pity.

Carmen had felt like a shell of herself; she knew that Todd needed to know in order to protect Jeff, but she hadn't wanted the whole house to know. They would only further worry about her. They would only further pity her.

Todd slowed his breathing as his hands dropped to his sides. His face transformed from furrowed, angry brows to sad, disappointed eyes. But he was not disappointed in Carmen like she thought—he was disappointed in himself. For being angry at Jeff, upset with Carmen; Todd really should have been looking at himself. How could he not protect her? How couldn't he notice?

Did he have an alcohol problem, after all?

"I'm—I'm sorry," he stuttered, eyes almost tearing up. Carmen shook her head, but Todd couldn't meet either of their eyes.

The petite girl walked to her best friend and moved her hands to the sides of his face, making him look at her. The sides of his face were scruffy and sweaty but she hadn't cared. "I'm okay," she whispered. "I'm okay."

Jeff watched the encounter and saw as a girl who had been through something traumatic; who had experienced the wrath of a man and yet here she was consoling another.

She had a huge heart that constantly ended up hurting her.

Had that extended out to him, too?


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