Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Senju's Heir


The sky was melancholic as the sun's rays suffered the effects of earth's rotation, bringing about a slight darkness that only helped enhance Gaara's equally gloomy state.

As he sat on a bench at the edge of Konoha's main gate, with the wrappings around his head finally gone, Gaara stared ahead clearly unhappy. 'Not today either, huh...?'

From his seat, he sighed and leaned against the wall behind him. His eyes followed after the average traveler entering through the gate, some of them halting at the call of the two Chūnins keeping track of the daily traffic.

"Not surprised to find you here, Gaara."

Stopping the sand limbs under his feet, Gaara lifted his eyes to see Jiraiya. "Jiraiya-sensei..." He felt a sudden surge of guilt at the man's critical eye. "Sorry, I just thought today, he would finally..."

Giving the boy the benefit of the doubt, Jiraiya sighed and slouched next to Gaara. "I just came from Sarutobi's office. Apparently, he ordered Kakashi to head for Wave on an A-class mission involving Team Eight, seeing as he was the closest to the country at the time. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were expected to come back, but I think we all know that didn't happen. I doubt the old man didn't consider this outcome, though."

"I see..." Gaara straightened his back, and began to stand back up. Glimpsing under his scarlet locks, he sighed seeing the gates Naruto had left through time ago. "Do they know when they might come back?"

"Unlikely," Jiraiya also stood. "Missions can be extended from their expected rate for unexpected coincidences. As the rank goes up, so do the chances of extended leaves. Don't worry though, Naruto's with Kakashi. He's one of the strongest Jōnins Konoha has to offer."

"I know, but..." Gaara gazed at the horizon provided by the village gates. For a while now, he had been bothered by one very unpleasant feeling telling him, warning him that Naruto was in turmoil. Perhaps not physical, but dangerous nonetheless. "I can't shake the feeling he may be doing something unwise..."

Jiraiya stopped at this.

He too had been suffering from this fleeting morbidity. Part of him knew he could trust in Naruto's abilities, but the possibility of unaccounted factors coming into play were there, lurking around corners which couldn't always be controlled.

'If anything were to happen to him, I would never...'

Jiraiya knew he would be devastated beyond repair.

Looking over his shoulder, Jiraiya's eyes were clouded with unease. 'You would let me know if you needed me, right, Naruto...?'

~~The Land of Waves, Bridge~~

Sasuke could do nothing but keep his eyes rooted on the marvel taking place before him.

He lifted one arm to shield himself, and noted how the tainted chakra oozing out of Naruto was somehow hot, boiling even. He directed chakra into his eyes, and activated his Sharingan, so he could see the anomaly for what it was.

Sasuke's eyes broadened at the revelation, 'This chakra... It's shaped like a fox...! Where did he get this from?!'

Her arms shielding her, and her body trembling from the bloodlust streaming out of her teammate, Sakura kept grinding back despite her attempts to stop herself. After a while, she concluded that this chakra couldn't possibly be human. 'What on earth is this?! I can't believe something this powerful exists!'

Kiba had fallen on his behind from the first surge of chakra, his eyes broad as he sat next to the unresponsive Hinata. "This is still Naruto... right...?" Gazing over his shoulder, he realized Shino was no longer there. "Where the hell'd he go?!"

It wasn't this often Naruto allowed himself to be consumed by such overwhelming emotions; it was hatred. Hatred for being lied to, hatred for being branded a sacrifice.

The Kyūbi's chakra, now he knew what it felt like. It was like a taste of an addictive, but momentary pleasure. It was like suffering from a blistering blizzard, and stepping into a warm shower, one toe at a time. As more of his body began to delve into this warmth, more could he feel himself growing corrupt, more powerful.

Still, by all logical aspects, he could step into this warm shower just a little more...

'No!' Naruto clutched his hands to his sides, beckoned his sense of restraint, and held back that thirst telling him to keep drawing. 'I can't allow myself to drown in this! The more I summon, the harder it gets to control! It's... It's getting to the point that it feels simply unbearable! I feel like any more, and I'll start losing myself...! Why?! I thought being a Senju would help...!'

Unbeknownst to him, his genetic composition to allow such a feat was indeed working, but his unstable mind was clouding its effects. His mind and body were not in sync.

Naruto raised his head, fox-like eyes in full view. "You're Zabuza of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, right?"

Naruto needed an outlet. There was just too much going on inside. Unfortunately for Zabuza, he was one of the few options available.

Splintering the cement under, Naruto blasted forward, his fist cocked. "You'll suffer for what you've done!"

"Haku! Get back!" Zabuza swung his blade at the nearing blond, but the latter twisted inches before any contact was made. 'He dodged it...?! At that speed?!' He watched the blond twist and turn, all from yards of his eyes. Somehow, he turned enough to land his right foot over his face, pushing him back. "Could you be..." Zabuza slid back and swiped away the taste of steel over his lips. "A Jinchūriki...?!"

Naruto landed on all fours, his arms bent at his joints, and his legs doing the same. He snarled and bared his canines, all sharpened and made to pierce flesh. He could feel his humanity starting to slip with each passing second. He could feel his animal side fighting for superiority, and it was winning.

"Zabuza-sama!" Haku quickly stood before Zabuza, his arms spread and his guard up. He could feel his arms quivering, each with its own unique wavelength. This boy's chakra was not natural. "I've never felt anything like this in my life...!"

"Stand aside, Haku... unless you want to die." Zabuza recomposed himself and swung his blade to the side. "He's way out of your league. I'm sure you can feel it."

Seeing the blond launch forth yet again, Haku brought his hands together. "Hyōton: Ice Wall!"

A massive construct made sheerly out of ice stood before Naruto. He pierced through it, not by destroying it, but by drilling through the middle with sheer speed. He adjusted his stance when he came close to Haku and sent his fist straight for the opposing ninja's chest. He heard a snap and cry of agonizing pain.

Haku was shot cleanly off his feet and into Zabuza's arms, the latter sliding as his body embraced Haku's potential energy and distributed the remains through his body. He sat Haku down, gingerly and with the care many would find peculiar considering his reputation.

Seeing blood trailing down Haku's lips, Zabuza growled. "You little piece of shit... You made his ribcage collapse!"

"Duly noted," came the reply from the Kyūbi's Jinchuriki. His eyes crimson, nearly blood-red, were crucial to show his lack of care and thirst for blood. He grinned as his whiskers came up, the latter thick and full. "Team Eight's report said you considered him nothing but a tool. I don't think someone with that mindset would look so furious if that was the case. They said the mighty Zabuza was stoic, after all."

"Don't you dare patronize me, boy!" Plucking the Executioner out of the concrete he had plunged it in to catch Haku, Zabuza dashed forth. Naruto meeting him halfway, Zabuza swung to decapitate him, but the former ninja slid on his knees and bent his head back. "Nimble rat!"

"Overgrown hatchet-user!"

Both flesh and steel clashed in the middle, producing a boom of condensed energy the likes of which the Genins present had never seen.

They watched as Naruto, the supposed dead last of their class, flashed and reappeared again with a ninja that should be of superior quality. And as more and more did Naruto's fists crash against the flat side of Zabuza's blade, more did they seem to grow awed, but at the same time skeptical, by this seemingly sourceless output of power.

For where had this sudden burst of evil, ghastly chakra come from?

Sasuke clutched his fists and his teeth moiled against each other. As further jealousy, further anger surfaced from his Sharingan, more did they seem to spin into a wild frenzy.

A surge of energy began to course through his veins. "I won't let him end it alone...!"


Rasping his throat with the howl escaping his lips, Sasuke instantly severed the distance separating him from Naruto and Zabuza's battleground. By some unforeseen force, perhaps that of lady-luck, he landed a succesful powerful blow to Zabuza's midsection, unlocking the second tomoe over his crimson pupils in the process.

Stricken by disbelieve, Naruto quickly regained his composure and jumped, twisting his body and landing a kick over Zabuza's chest. He landed with one hand on the concrete, and Sasuke standing to his side. "This isn't a game anymore, remember? Rivalry has no place on the field."

His breathing flustered, Sasuke observed Zabuza as he neared. "Lone-wolfing falls into that category, too. You said we were a team now, remember?"

Naruto breathed a gush of wind too warm to be comforting.

He couldn't directly see Sasuke's eyes, but he could tell his teammate had struggled to get those words out. "Sasuke..." He smiled, though his expression seemed more devilish than happy. "You've finally realized it huh? That you and I, Senju and Uchiha-"

"Yeah." Interrupting Naruto, both he and his blond companion bent their backs to avoid getting sliced in half by Zabuza's Executioner. Landing on their hands, they both kicked-up to diverge Zabuza's blade upwards, disorientating the much older man. "Together," reestablishing their stance, both he and Naruto reeled their fists. "We can't be stopped..."

Their fists shoving him back at least twice as much as when he caught Haku, Zabuza glared his displeasure at their seemingly effective teamwork. Rising with his blade to the side, he patted away the pain like dust drawn over his chest.

Seeing their disbelieve, Zabuza sneered. "You don't truly believe you can defeat me, do you? Your performance may be admirable, but you're both still only Genin."

Naruto grounded his teeth, "He's right."

Sasuke turned to Naruto like the latter had slapped him. "What...?!"

"He has more experienced than both of us combined...!" Naruto charged forth, one hand reeled and the other flat to couter any blows. "If you can, keep up with me!"


Zabuza stabbed his blade into the concrete.

Seeing the dark-haired boy coming from the left, he raised his arms and intercepted the kick aimed for his head. Seconds later, he stopped the blond's fist from damaging his esophagus with his knee. Taking advantage of their fallback, his fist struck Sasuke's face, and his other knee collided against the blond's nose.

Zabuza scoffed as they lifted themselves from the ground, each of them groaning in discomfort. "Is that all?"

The red of Naruto's eyes intensified in color, bringing about a thin and nearly invisible red herring around his body that disappeared just as quickly.

"No." He instantly kneed Zabuza in the stomach, as if proving that his prior attempt to stop him had been for naught. He pulled on the man's shirt, and planted his remaining fist over the Mist Nin's face, covering his knuckles with foreign blood. "You deserve nothing but DEATH!"

Zabuza rolled over the concrete, until his head rested right over his Executioner. Groaning, he laid on one elbow and glared towards his two foes. "What monstrous strength..."

Hearing his last words, Sasuke took Naruto's shoulder and stopped him from advancing. Those were not the words of the blond he knew. "Oi, what the hell is going on with you? Get a hold of yourself!"

His mind clouded in bloodlust, Naruto grabbed Sasuke's shirt and pulled him too. His fist took its claim over the surface of Sasuke's cheekbone, sending the latter soaring over the surface of the bridge's concrete

"We're even." Naruto turned back to Zabuza, the fist that struck Sasuke closing shut with an audible crack. "Stay out of my way."

Seeing Sasuke flying towards her, Sakura rushed and caught the teen in her arms. "Sasuke-kun! Are you alright?!" A groan from him was what she received. Her eyes moist, she turned to her remaining teammate. "Naruto! What's going on with you?! Please snap out of it!"

"What are you taking about...?" Naruto asked, his voice draped in darkness and marinated in his personal brand of sass. He grinned at her, his canines bare and only slightly less menacing than had they been dripping blood. "I've never felt more alive in my life..." He turned to Zabuza with that same expression, only somehow more bloodthirsty. "Power is... truly wonderful."

Naruto rushed forth yet again, this time cracking the concrete under his sandals.

"Aye," Zabuza seemingly agreed. "Power is the sacred blood of society. It's what makes it move." He sneered as he started rising from the floor patting himself clean. Tying his fingers around the handle of his Executioner, he eyed Naruto like a veteran who'd seen it all. "And you obviously can't handle it."

Naruto faltered at the claim, but was no longer capable of stopping. His fist struck the flat side of Zabuza's Executioner, the blade chipping from the assault. His mind was brimmed with thoughts of anger, spite and thirst for blood. Anything else sounded like an insult to his intelligence.

Naruto spun on his heel and struck yet again, his opponent's blade screeching against the impact. "I can't handle it you say?!"

"Look behind you," Zabuza instructed. "You'll see why."

"What...?" Naruto's clouded mind was actually foolish enough to comply.

There, Naruto saw what would later haunt his dreams.

The grudge-filled, nearly outright disgusted eyes of Sasuke, and the fearful, worried eyes of Sakura, both laying on the concrete. As he turned back to Zabuza, a massive sting spread across his left cheek, one he knew came from a fist connecting.

His Shield of Leaves was nowhere to be seen.

"Naruto!" Sasuke bounced to his feet and went to stop Zabuza's assault. 'No, no! Not again!'

"Lack of self-control and lack of experience," Zabuza sprung forward with his Executioner high over his head. "You need to be taught discipline, boy!" He brought his massive butcher knife down, unmindful that the Uchiha had suddenly appeared shielding the downed blond. 'Foolish...'

Sakura didn't even think about it this time. She rushed after Sasuke to protect Naruto.

Seeing the inevitable death of her two precious people at a hair's length, she jumped, and instinctively pumped her right fist with chakra. "Get the hell away from them!"

Zabuza froze. Hearing the silent whispers of danger, he retreated feeling it was the wisest thing to do.

Inches from striking Zabuza's face, Sakura's fist continued on its path and crashed against the bridge. The entire structure trembled, cracks spread along the width like the weaving of a freakish spider, and the stone under her fist gave to portray the Land of Wave's ocean.

She stood before the two stunned forms of her teammates, clutching at her suddenly bleeding appendage. The life-giving liquid ran down the length of her arm, dripping and leaving its mark over the silver finish of the floor.

"I don't always just want to standby..." She breathed, her brow covered in sweat and her eyes only half opened. "And only watch..."

Naruto stared at the splashes of blood under Sakura's likely broken fingers, the red markings indicating the blood he had drawn from Sasuke personally. Staring at his own bloodied hand, he forced Kyūbi's influence to recede, returning his eyes to their mystic violet.

They flashed a powerful gold once the possibility of losing his teammates came to mind, as if they were reminding the very world of an ancient power that was once lost, but was now reborn in a different vessel.



"UWOOOOH!" Naruto's right hand morphed into a lance made of condensed wood.

Bringing up his blade to use it as a shield yet again, Zabuza gawked at the scene taking place before him. The sight of one of his most unpredictable, fulgurous enemies rushing through his two teammates with a manipulation over wood that shouldn't exist.

The sight of something so peculiar gave way for a split second of carelessness in Zabuza's part. 'Mokuton?!'

Using the crescent loop right under the horizon of the Executioner's handle, Naruto lunged his improvised blade and stabbed through Zabuza's chest. The damage done, Naruto snapped the spear and fell on his backside, the javelin remaining within Zabuza's chest and out his back.

Zabuza stumbled back, blood making two trails down his lips. He grasped the stake in his chest and pulled it out in one swoop. Snapping the thing in two within his hands, he flung them aside without any sentiment of where. "You aimed to demobilize, not kill... Soft to the end..."

"He is, but I'm not."

Zabuza's head nodded back in surprise.

He tried to turn, but was held from doing so feeling a kunai lined against his jugular vein. He caught from the edge of his peripheral the man holding him hostage. "Kakashi of the Sharingan... I should've known such an astounding team would be lead by an astounding man... Still, you can't possibly expect me to give just because of this, do you?"

"Are you sure?"

Zabuza turned towards Haku, where the latter lied injured and a Shadow Clone of Kakashi was overhead. He scowled seeing the clone casually holding a kunai at the edge of his index right over Haku's heart. "Bastard..."

Taking a rabid and nauseating breath of blood, Haku raised his head. "You are... naïve if you think... threatening me with death... will stop Zabuza-sama... I am only a disposable tool to him..."

"Really?" the Kakashi clone made an effort to sound merry. "Welp, keeping you alive is pointless then." He twirled the kunai in his grasp until the point was aimed at Haku's forehead. "Down the drain I guess."

He brought the kunai down.

"Wait!" At Zabuza's plea, the clone stopped the sharp object's descent. Gritting his teeth, he released his Executioner with a large cling. "I surrender. Leave him."

Haku didn't know what this warm feeling overtaking him was, but he liked it, even if it did make him feel a bit selfish. Perhaps it was what many thought as being cared for. "Zabuza... sama...?"

"Don't talk, Haku." Zabuza ordered flatly and without compromise. Huffing, he turned to Kakashi. "But really, leaving your team of Genins to fight someone of my caliber... Does your arrogance know no bounds?"

"Who knows," Kakashi eyed his students with his dual eyes, mainly Naruto. "It was a request that I simply had no choice but to respect... One I find myself regretting. So," he started, Naruto lifting his gaze to equal his. "Did this help you? Does being a Senju make it easier, or harder?"


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