super complicated chapter ab miya's inner thoughts

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The following day, Miya could barely meet Y/n's eyes. When they passed in the halls, they shared quick glances that were quickly taken back.

Y/n found shelter in Rai and Takashi, who guarded her like hawks, practically hissing whenever Luna or Miya came close.

Luna was the only one who rejoiced in their sudden tension. She found it a great time to steal miya from y/n's grasp, though she had no idea that they had already ended the relationship.

Though it made Y/n uncomfortable, she continued reminding herself that she now had no place to interfere and ignored it as much as she could. However, she couldn't help but notice Miya seemed uncomfortable and Luna's antics.

Whenever Luna touched her hand to his or started ruffling his hair, he usually sighed or looked away, obviously in discomfort.

Luna, being her ignorant self, didn't notice at all and pretended as if Miya were her loyal lap dog.

Y/n pitied him, but she had warned him and he had ignored it.

Now, she sat besides him in art class, nonchalantly adding colour to her canvas while Miya sketched slowly and occasionally sneaked glances at Y/n. Luna wasn't in art, thankfully, but it also made for an awkward silence that hung between the two.

As Miya stared at the girl, he felt something stir in his heart. He still liked her, he knew that for sure. But he didn't know how to say. He didn't expect her to forgive him if he ever told her.

He sighed. Y/n glanced his way, and Miya's natural reaction was to look away. Miya knew his main obstacle between him and Y/n was Luna. But for some reason, he couldn't seem to do anything about it.

Luna used to be his best friend before she moved away - she would always hold that place in his heart, and he knew that she had changed ( for the worse ) but he just couldn't let go of their memories yet.

But in doing so, he was letting a future with him and Y/n slip away.

Who was more important to him?

Miya didn't know. Before Luna had intruded on his life and brought all of those memories and thoughts back, it was Y/n. He was prepared to do anything for Y/n, and he had never expected they would have broken up so fast.

He realized that with Y/n came many other pleasures in life. Reki, Langa and his other skating friends no longer looked at him the same way after they noticed him and Y/n not talking or interacting at "S" . They whispered amongst themselves and went to Y/n, leaving Miya alone with his thoughts.

On the days that Luna accompanied him, he put up with her constant praise and chatter, but of course he also noticed judgemental glances at Luna from the other skaters. He received some as well, and he heard them talk about him being better with Y/n and why he was hanging around with some amateur.ย 

Though, since he will still an esteemed skater, some managed nods and grins at him anyway.ย 

He had to admit: Ever since Y/n left his life, it's been a whole lot gloomier.

And he knew, it was his fault. He wanted to fix it, of course he did. But he didn't know how. She would never get back together with him, he knew. But still.. Maybe.. she-

"Mr. Chinen!"ย 

Miya was rudely interrupted from his thoughts. He looked up, eyes wide.

"You've barely done anything!"the art teacher scolded.

"I'm almost done my sketch.." miya trailed off, knowing it was hopeless as he eyed his half done drawing.

"Y/n has already started painting her sketch! She can help you if you're stuck, you know" The teacher gave him a look, patted Y/n's shoulder and walked away.

Miya peered at Y/n. Y/n ignored his glance, and began mixing a shade of blue with white.

It was hopeless. Miya could tell.

So, he grabbed his phone and quickly, he texted the only wise person he knew and trusted.

cherry blossom๐Ÿฅฑ


it's miyaย 

can we talk?

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