Chapter 19: Welcome Back

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(Emma's POV)

I paused to look at the familiar building. The sign adorned in neon lights read 'Granny's Diner' with a large glowing arrow pointing to the front door. I look down at the lilac tulle of the gown I was wearing, and doubted myself. I turned to Killian. "I feel like this is a bit much." I confessed.

I looked at my feet, as blood rushed to my cheeks. He quickly stepped closer to me, grabbed my hands, and placed them on his chest. "You look beautiful my, Swan." He said then, he leaned in, and whispered in my ear. "But, if I see another man so much as look at you." He said with a menacing look. "To say I would get protective is an understatement, my Love."

"You have nothing to worry about." I assured him. "You are my one, and only." I said, wrapping my arms around him, and placing a kiss on his lips. And with that he placed his hook at the small of my back, and held his hand out for me to help me up the steps. And thank goodness for that because I would have died if not for his help, considering the death-trap heels and multitude of tulle.

When I stepped inside, I was almost swarmed by people shouting 'the savior is back' and 'welcome home Emma'. I was quickly handed wine, and I walked to the counter to grab a knife from the fold of a napkin. I stepped to the back of the diner, and clinked the knife against the crystal, gaining the rooms' attention. "Thank you all for the warm welcome home." I said with a smile. "I on know you're all probably wondering what happened in the Enchanted Forest. And it's a long story , one that we won't have time for. But, long story short we met Merlin. And we did end the Dark One's curse, but the Sorcerer died in the process. His dying breaths spoke of his legacy, and how to uphold it. And he made me the new Sorcerer," Cheers erupted from the crowd. "and now I'm home." I concluded.

I had just finished my speech when Belle approached me. "I need your help. Now that you are the Sorcerer, you have the power to save Rumple, right?" She asked with a hopeful expression.

"I believe so." I said with a smile, and Belle led me out to the pawn shop.


(Killian's POV)

I don't think anyone was more nervous then I was in this moment. I cleared my throat, and tried to steady my voice as I approached David. "Sir, may I have a word with you?"

"Yes, Killian I something wrong?"

"Depends on how this goes." I mumbled to myself. We went to the very back of then diner, where it was quiet. "Sir, as you may know, I love your daughter, very much." I let out a shaky breath. "I know it may seem too soon, but I can't live without her. And with your permission, Sir I would like to propose to Emma. So I ask, Sir, for your daughter's hand in marriage." I couldn't read his expression.

Then, he hugged me, said with a laugh "Yes, of course, I couldn't think of a better man to take care of my daughter." But then he pulled back, and with a completely stoic expression threatened "But if you ever hurt her, you will have me to answer to."

"I would expect no less." I assured, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Thank you, Sir." And with that he walked away.


(Emma's POV)

I sat next to Rumple, and placed my hand over his heart, and let my magic flow into it. I pictured him alive, and happy, and with Belle. Then he woke with a start, I quickly stepped back, and let Belle take my place. "My work here is done, I'll give you two a moment."

And with that I left and started on my way back to Granny's. Outside, I saw Regina. She was about to head into the diner. "Wait, Regina!" I said and ran up to her before almost tackling her in a hug.

"Good to see you too, Swan," she said with a laugh.

"I have something important to ask you..." I trailed off when I looked at her hand. "But, first , tell me everything." I said suddenly feeling like two teenagers talking about boys. She explained how Robin took her to the forest, gave an eloquent speech, and popped the question.

"Now, tell me what you needed." She said with a smile.

"I became the Sorcerer." I explained. "But the Sorcerer needs an apprentice, and I understand if you are not up for it. But, Regina I would like,e you to protect the world from the darkness with me. As- well apprentice is a bad way to put it. As a partner, and a friend. Will you accept?" I asked.

"It would be my honor." And with that, we headed into the diner.


Sorry this took so long! But thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll update soon- hopefully. Love you guys!

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