Chapter 18: Reunions

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(Emma's POV)

We rode together, both of us on one horse. I rode behind him, the tulle of my dress hiked up my legs, and fanned out on the back of my horse like a giant bubble, and the tight corset I was wearing rubbed against his back as the horse bounced us along. We trekked through miles of lush greenery that surprisingly I found hard to leave.

I never thought I would like this place so much. But, maybe it's just the company. I thought as I tightened my grip around Killian's abdomen, hiding my smile in the crook of his neck. I suddenly realized that I was practically straddling Killian, and I blushed immensely.

It took me a while to fully comprehend how close we were; I knew we had true love, and that we were each other's happy ending. But, I still couldn't fully process how much I truly love him.

Once, we finally determined we were far enough to not take anything- or anyone- with us we stopped. I grabbed the bag of souvenirs and placed it around my shoulders, then I grabbed the velvet bag full if magic beans. I looked to Killian, who smiled reassuringly back at me. I smacked the horse's legs, causing it to ride off quickly. Then, I threw the bean on the ground.

The ground beneath us started shaking, and I held onto Killian. The wind around us picked up, and circled, faster, and faster like a cyclone. The tulle of my dress, also flew everywhere , and Killian wrapped his arms around me tighter. The ground opened up a bright green portal, with aqua colors mixed into the wispy whirlpool. I looked to Killian, who nodded to me. With his conformation we stepped into the portal together. There was a bight light all around us, and when it faded we were on the main street, still holding each other.

Then, I saw Henry walking- well running- down the street. I quickly left Killian's embrace, and ran to Henry. When, I reached him, I quickly wrapped my arms around him, holding my son close. I was shocked when I didn't have to stoop to his height, he was as tall as me now. When did that happen? I wondered. I kissed the top of his head. "I missed you." I said, holding him closer.

"You're home now." He assured.

Once I finally let go he ran up, and hugged Killian I thought I heard him say 'I missed you dad' but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Killian whispered something to him. Henry yelled that they would be back, smiled and then Killian lead him away from me, and toward the docks.

But, I wasn't alone for long. My parents ran up to me, and when I turned around I saw tears in their eyes. My mom looked down at my dress, and touched it softy, before pulling me into a hug. Then, she gave me hugged me, holding the back of my head,which soon turned into a group hug.

"where's Killian?" She asked.

"He went to talk to Henry by the docks." I said, looking back towards the docks, here they were talking, and smiling.

"So what happened, back in the Enchanted Forest?" My dad asked.

"That is a long story." I said before recounting the tale.


(Killian's POV)

"Henry, I have something to ask of you." I admitted nervously. "Your mother, and I have been together for a while now, and I thought it was high time in asked her to marry me." I cleared my throat, hating how nervous my voice sounded. "However, I would never do so without you, and your grandparent's permission. And, that is what I ask of you- do I have your permission to marry your mother?"

"Yes! Of course! I've literally been waiting for you to pop the question!" He said excitedly.

I hugged him once more. "Thank you, Lad." I said before releasing him. "It means a lot."

I then walked with Henry back to her parents; the Charmings were in a family hug, and I felt bad for interrupting. But, when they broke apart Snow hugged me, much to my surprise. I returned the gesture.

"Thank you so much for taking care of Emma." Snow said.

"If there's anything you ever need, just ask." David said, which surprised me. Even more surprising, was when he hugged me, it was quick, just a small pat on the back. But I couldn't be more happy about getting- well gaining her father's approval. It would make asking them for permission much easier.

"Emma, we are hosting a welcome home party at Granny's!" Her mother squealed excitedly.

"How are you going to get everyone there in time?" Emma asked. Snow picked up her talking phone, and dialed a number, before holding it up to her ear.

"Hello, Grumpy?" Snow asked sweetly. "We're having a welcome home party at Granny's tonight at eight for Emma." She said then hung up.

Not even five minutes later, Grumpy was running down every street yelling: "Savior welcome home party, Granny's at eight!" Over and over.

"Who needs invitations..." I muttered, which only Emma heard. She stifled laugh, holding her hand up to her mouth, which was pressed into an adorable smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and gently kissed her smiling lips. I heard a small laugh behind me that came from Snow, and I turned to see David trying to act all 'I-am-big-scary-father-who-does-not-approve' but failing, as he could not wipe the smile off his face.


Thanks for reading! What did you think? Do you like Killian's surprise? What about the Charming family reunion? Henry and Killian? Are you excited for the party at Granny's (I am)? What that too many questions?

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