Food (Ron Weasley) pt.2

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A blunt light shot of your wand, finding it's way to Weasley's plate, however it was quickly deflected by the boy, whose hair was as fiery as his temper could be. He returned the favour by yelling something you could not make out, because as soon as the last letter left his mouth you were sent flying backwards, crashing into the wall of the great hall along with a river of plates, goblets and bowls.

A sharp pain shot through your back as you fell onto the floor, struggling to stand up as your hand was cut by the fallen glass and ceramics. You managed to look over at Weasley, he sat their looking stunned, staring at his wand, a look of awe smeared across his face. You just managed to stand up, a wave of adrenaline rushed over you as you ran towards him, your wand attached to his direction like a compass pointing due north.

You sent an array of spells in his direction, students fled and created a valley in the hall, you and Weasley locked in some sort of gladiatorial fight. Creevy stood there taking pictures as he always did, a single flash emitting from the crowd. Even Potter, Granger, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle had moved into the crowds, and were standing next to each other without being at each other's throat. You scanned the crowd, the on-looker's eyes all stayed glued to the scene unfolding. Weasleys wand kept at your direction but shook wildly as he tried to maintain a fake shroud of confidence.

"Put the wand down Weasley." You snarled, taking steps closer to him.

"Or what Y/S/N... I'm not scared of you..." Yours and Weasley's head shot to the side as two onlookers cropped up to give their ... input.

"Go on Ron!" One of them yelled, they were his childish brothers, looming over the crowd.

"Yeah Ron..." The other yelled, throwing a firework up into the ceiling of the great hall, a flare of dazzling red and green. You got lost into the sparks, long enough for Weasley to deceivingly ambush you with a spell, sending you shooting down the corridor and landing on your chest, your head hit a surprisingly cushioned floor, a majestic, purple clothed floor, embroider with stars and a crescent moon. Your eyes trailed up the slippers, they lead to a dusky, grey robe. About midway up a silver beard trailed up to an aged face and a disappointing set of eyes.

"Well Y/N... causing trouble, again are we?"

A smug looking Granger stood smiling at his side, her arms crossed.

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