Brother (brother! Harry Potter)

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Y/N walked into the Great Hall, her boyfriend Chris at her side. As he went to sit with his friends, she scurried over to her brother, Harry. He looked up with a warm smile, casting a nasty glance over Y/N's shoulder at her boyfriend's back; she didn't notice.

"Good morning," she said, sitting with a sigh. She began to reach for the porridge, but stopped herself, picking up a piece of toast instead. Harry watched her eat the dry bread, raising a brow.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" He asked, pushing the tray of pancakes closer to her. She eyed them hungrily, but shook her head.

"Yeah, I'm getting kinda pudgy, don't you think?" She replied, sipping her orange juice.

"No, not at all. Who told you that?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Chris," Y/N said simply, avoiding her brother's eyes.

"He told you that you were getting pudgy?" Harry snapped, his blood boiling.

"Yeah, I mean he's right-"

"No, he's not! I'm gonna hex that prick," he interrupted, pulling out his wand and getting to his feet.

"Stop it, you'll only get yourself into trouble again!" Y/N hissed, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the Entrance Hall.

"Let me go teach him a lesson, Y/N. Nobody talks to you like that and gets away with it!" Harry fumed, clenching his jaw.

"Relax, it's okay," she replied.

"No, it isn't. He has no right to say stuff like that. What else has he been saying?" He asked.

"Nothing important," Y/N mumbled, rubbing her arm.

"Tell me," Harry demanded, his voice softening at the fear in her eyes.

"He said that I've been getting fat, and that I should stop eating like a pig. I stopped wearing my glasses because he told me that they make me look ugly, but I can't bloody see without them. I leave my hair down now, even though it annoys me, because he said that I look like a boy with it up. He told me that-"

Harry cut her off by pulling her into a tight hug, resting his head on top of hers.

"Listen to me, Y/N. Nothing that he said is true. You're perfect just the way you are, and he doesn't deserve you if he can't see that. I never liked that stupid prick anyways, I knew there was something off about him. Don't listen to what he says, just put your glasses back on so you can see," he said with a chuckle, pulling back to look down at her.

"Where are you going?" Y/N asked as Harry turned away.

"I've got something to do. I'll be back before you know it," he replied.

"Don't do anything stupid," she said, pulling her glasses out of her pocket.

"When do I ever?" Harry called over his shoulder, running up the stairs.

"You told Sirius?" Y/N exclaimed, pacing in front of the fireplace.

"He's our godfather!" Harry retorted.

"That doesn't mean you have to tell him everything! Why would you tell him?" She replied.

"Because what Chris did was wrong, and it's obviously upsetting you. I figured if anyone could cheer you up, it would be Sirius," he said, throwing himself on the couch.

"I appreciate it, Harry, I really do. But you did a fine job on your own," Y/N whispered, sitting beside him and nudging him with her shoulder. He let out a scoff, a bashful blush rising to his cheeks.

Suddenly, the portrait hole burst open, startling them. Y/N glanced up, laughing incredulously as her godfather walked into the common room.

"Sirius!" She cried, tackling him in a hug. He chuckled, patting her head affectionately.

"How did you get here?" Harry asked, giving his godfather a hug as well.

"I had an old friend help me out," Sirius said, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Professor McGonagall?" Y/N guessed. He didn't reply, but a smirk crept onto his face.

"So, what's this I hear about an arsehole boyfriend?" He asked, sitting on the couch.

"It's really no big deal," Y/N replied, blushing slightly.

"It is a big deal if he hurts my little girl," Sirius said sternly.

"Sirius, I'm not a child anymore," she countered lightly, sinking onto the couch beside him.

"I know, but I'll never stop seeing you as my little Y/N," he replied, his eyes shining.

"What do I do about Chris?" Y/N asked quietly.

"Listen, sweetheart. Any boy who makes you feel insecure is not worth your time. He has no right to talk to you like that. It's his loss in the end, not yours. He lost someone who is smart, beautiful, and so loving. You deserve more than that," Sirius said with a grin, reaching out to gently tuck her hair behind her ear.

"I love you, Sirius," Y/N whispered, throwing her arms around his neck.

"I love you too, little one," he replied, kissing the top of her head.

Y/N and Harry walked out into the courtyard, stopping in their tracks as they took in the scene in front of them. Chris was running around, screaming at the top of his lungs, being followed by an Ever-Bashing Boomerang which repeatedly smacked him in the head.

"Y/N, there you are!" Fred and George said eagerly, their faces red with laughter.

"What's all this?" Y/N asked, trying to suppress a giggle as Chris ran by, covered in boils, and screaming something that sounded like 'bake it pop'.

"We got a letter this morning from a Mr. Padfoot, asking us to prank the bloke," Fred said eagerly.

"We put Bulbadox powder in his robes which is where the boils came from, and gave him Ton-Tongue toffee so his tongue would swell," George began.

"Then when he came to us for help, we told him that throwing the Boomerang would make the swelling go down. He's been screaming and running around for the past ten minutes!" Fred finished, doubling over as Chris ran by again.

"Now I feel much better," Y/N said with a grin, letting out a bark of laughter as Chris tripped over his feet and landed sprawling in the grass.

"I don't think he'll bother you again," Harry laughed, slinging an arm over his sister's shoulders.

Thanks, Sirius, Y/N thought, smiling happily as they watched Chris jump into the Black Lake.

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