4 ♫ getting through

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♫ Present

♫ Demi

I woke up on Monday morning with butterflies in my stomach for the x factor to start and knowing full well that my daughter was going to get through with no question about it. But I was selfish and wanted the other two to think her voice was too common so she couldn't get through. But my daughter's voice was just as unique as mine was and she has the spark. "Mama!" I felt Rory jumped on top of me and I smiled at her.

"Rory!" I whispered with my sleepy voice as I hugged her and she kissed my cheek. "Aren't you a little cheery bean."

"I should be!" Rory answered back as she stood up and looked at herself through the mirror analyzing her outfit. "Do you think this is too much in their face?" I got of the bed and caught her worried glaze through the full length mirror.

"No, baby." I answered as I smiled to her and she returned it back with a grateful look. "You look so beautiful, did Sophia help you out there?"

"Yeah.. We spent all day yesterday looking through all my clothing and finally came to the conclusion that this was it." She twirled around and I stood there with a proud look.

"Oh, stop it you!" I threw a pillow at her with a giggle and she caught it laughing. "Stop growing up on me, my little princess."

"Mama!" Rory cooed as she gave me that cute puppy face look. "I will always be your little princess even if I become on the top of the charts with my single."

"You betcha ass you will or you will hear it from me, young girl." I joked as I pointed my index finger in her direction then laughed. "I am proud of you." I gave her a nice firm hug and swayed us side to side. "You deserve this."

I looked down at my suitcases then looked back at Rory who was standing with me next to Sophia silently. "I wish you would be there with me for this life changing decision."

"I know baby.." I whispered as I wiped the tear that fell from Rory's eye. "I will be there in your heart and that is the main thing, correct?"

"Correct." Rory nodded and I looked over at Sophia.

"Make sure she looks after herself for the next few weeks and whatever happens, happens." I whispered to Sophia as I patted her arm as my Uber came to the driveway. Rory threw herself at me and I almost fell back but Sophia steadied me with us laughing then Rory stopped.

"Thanks for being a mother and a father to me, Mama." Rory whispered in my ear. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your sacrifices and your eagerness to make sure I wasn't missing out because I only had one parent."

"Baby, thank you." I whispered into her ear with a soft, gentle hum. "I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for your existence in my life." We pulled apart with smiles on our faces as the Uber honked. RUDE. "Bye for now but call me!" I showed her my iPhone as I walked backwards with my suitcases and she nodded. I got the suitcases in the boot then put myself in the back seat then waved them bye as he slowly drove away and he turned around with a smile.

"Nailed it." Mike stated with a wide smile and I rolled my eyes with a laugh as we drove to the arena where the first set of trials would be held. "You must feel sick." I looked at him and he offered me a small smile again.

"I hope nothing bad will happen in these incoming weeks ahead."

I stood in front of my mirror in the dressing room with everything in tact. Suddenly Simon burst in and I turned around with a smirk. "Demi Lovato!"

"Simon Cowell." I replied back with the same tone he had and I folded my arms across my chest. "Thanks by the way for the ambush on the Ellen Show." He took a seat on my lounge and crossed his legs making himself home.

"Ah, you are welcome!" He replied with a big smile as Britney Spears walked in with our make up artists who fix up anything before the filming starts.

"Hello you two." Britney greeted as I gave her a hug and smiled at her. "Long time no see!"

"I know right." I answered back as the make up artist started to fix bits of my make up and wig. The make up artists were the only people who knew I wore a wig but never questioned it. It would be awkward if I hadn't told them and swore them to secrecy.

"You see, if I hadn't ambush you then you wouldn't be here." Simon answered after a short silence and Britney turned her attention to Simon surprised.

"Yeah, he had ambushed me on the Ellen Show and he knew I couldn't say no in front of my fans." I answered to Britney's shocked face as she looked at me then back at Simon.


"It's okay." Simon interrupted Britney before she could scold him. "I am sorry, Demi for giving you the chance to move your career from being stuck on a skyscraper."

"Ouch." I pointed to my cheek with a laugh knowing he was being sarcastic like always. "That was a burn." I heard him laugh and I sat next to him. "Okay, I am not mad. Just needed time to come up with a practical answer."

"Why?" Simon questioned as Britney took a seat opposite of us. "You don't have to do that when you are on your own writing songs." Oh, only if he knew that this Demi Lovato has a 14 nearly 15 year old daughter to look after.

"Yeah.. You are right." I trailed off slowly as I looked down at my fingers that were recently done this morning.

♫ Present

♫ Rory

I held Sophia's hand nervously as we stood in the once was a long line but now it was nearly time for me to audition and see if I am in then find out who will be my mentor. I looked at Auntie Rachel, Marissa, Addie and Grandma who stood there with proud smiles. "Stop pacing." I turned my attention back to Sophia who was now rubbing her hand up my arm. I stopped walking in the spot and laughed a little.

"Sorry, I am just so nervous." I whispered softly and she nodded with an understanding smile. The line moved again and I took a long, unsteady breath in then out. "God, if Demi turns me down.. It will break me."

"Stop overthinking your overthinking." Sophia whispered as she tucked a strain of my brown wavy hair behind my ear giving me another smile which I returned. "You are as good as Demi Lovato even better than her."

"I wouldn't say that about your friend if you really cared about her feelings." We turned our attention to the girl behind us who then offered a small smile. "I just don't think false hope will help."

"I am sorry but who are you?" Sophia questioned rudely and I smacked her arm knowing she was a bit rude.

"I am Cora." She put her hand out to shake my hand ignoring Sophia's rudeness with a smile.

"Hi, I am Rory." I greeted Cora then looked over to Sophia who now looked a bit annoyed. "And that is Sophia, my best friend."

"Our names sound so much alike." Cora stated with a laugh as the line moved again and it seems like it is moving faster. "I do hope you do well in there and I am truly sorry if I was stepping on anyone's toes." She looked at Sophia who shrugged with a sigh and I nudged her to be nice.

"I hope you do well too, you seem like a really nice person." I replied back and I noticed I was next. My nerves turned into excitement as I looked at my family sitting over at the window near the exit and Sophia took my hand into hers.

"You are going to do well, babe." Sophia whispered as she gave me another hug and then walked to where everybody else was. I then looked back at Cora who offered me a warm smile.

"The hardest part is just walking in front of them, once you are standing there then that is the hardest part done." Cora whispered as she patted my shoulder and I smiled realizing she was right as the door opened. "Good luck, sweetie." I was lead to the room where cameras were set up and I walked to the spot after they fixed my hair. I looked up at the three judges with a smile and focused my attention on Demi Lovato.

"Hello sweetie." Britney cooed through the mic with a gentle smile on her face and I smiled at her.

"Oh my god, hi!" I replied excitedly and looked at Simon who winked at me. "I am Rory Stevens!"

"Hi there Rory, you look like someone I know." Simon greeted me and I laughed nervously as I held my hands together and fiddled with them. Simon looked over at Demi who looked confused at Simon. "She looks like a little Demi Lovato."

"Oh wow." I stated gently and looked at Demi knowing my cheeks were blushing. "Hi Demi." I waved to her with eagerness.

"Hey there sweet girl." Demi greeted me with a laugh and looked at me with admiration. "Aw you are so cute, what song are you going to sing for us?"

"I am actually singing one of your songs." I whispered gently into the mic looking at Demi who smiled widely at me. "My love is like a star."

"Damn, you look like Demi and you are going to sing one of her songs." Britney exclaimed with excitement. "Let's see how amazing you are, my girl." I smiled shyly at the three judges and Simon pointed to the person who turns the music on and the moment I was waiting for as finally happen. I sang the best I have ever sang in my life and I think I hit the notes that I was struggling to hit last time.

"It won't be long just to know that you're not alone.." I finished with tears rolling down my eyes as all three judges clapped as they stood up. Demi came running over and brought me into her arms to hug me.

"You have just blown us and America away with your beautiful voice." Demi cooed in my ear gently and I laughed knowing America doesn't know yet until tonight when the episode airs. Demi went back to the table with the judges and I wiped my eyes with the tissue she handed me.

"Rory Stevens." Simon stated in the mic looking down at his paper then looked up again. "Are you sure you aren't related to Demi Lovato?"

"I am sure." I answered back with a laugh and the other two judges laughed.

♫ Present

♫ Demi/Isabella

I faked laughed at Simon's comment and looked at my little girl doing her Mama proud. She is even better than me and that is just telling you something about how spectacular my little Rory really is. "You are truly amazing, Rory." Britney spoke through the mic and I smiled at Rory who looked so stunned. "I am sorry, Demi but she just blew my mind with how much better she sang your song than you did."

"No, it's okay because it is so true." I stated as I looked at Britney and back at Rory. "Rory, you have such a special type of voice that neither I, Britney or even Simon has seen for a long time and I think that is saying something."

"I sincerely hope that Demi and yourself can sing a duet together because your two voices together will blow the charts up." Simon spoke again and Rory just stood there speechless.

"Okay, let's put our votes in but I think everybody knows what the answer will be." Britney spoke then looked over at me. "Demi?"

"It is a yes from me, sweetie." I spoke through the mic and looked at my little girl's face with humble. Britney looked at Rory with a wink and a grin.

"It's another yes from me, Rory!" Britney spoke then we looked at Simon who had a serious face and I knew it was fake.

"Well, I guess you are through my star." Simon finally spoke and Rory screamed in excitement as she ran over to give us hugs. "One more thing before you go and celebrate." Rory realized and ran back to the circle then looked at us. Britney and Simon looked at me with a wide smile telepathically telling me to take her to mentor.

"I want you Rory Stevens." I explained gently as she then quickly nodded her head excitedly. "I want to push you to your fullest potential."

"Hashtag team Demi!" Rory spoke through the mic fist bumping the air with a big smile and we all laughed at her cuteness. I fist bumped the air too and then she had to be walked to the exit so we could get more people in. The cameraman came over to get our opinions about Rory.

"I think she has the potential to win this as long as Demi persists with Rory's talent and uses her voice to the best advantage ever." Britney spoke with a smile on her face. "I have never seen this much passion is one's face for a while so I really hope Rory Steven's shows how much she wants this."

"Same." Simon nodded as the camera turned to him. "Rory has this spunky spark about her that makes me think she will put up a huge fight to win this year and it really excites me." I laughed as the camera turned me.

"It isn't everyday that a fourteen year old out-sings me so I am quite baffled in a good way." I stated to them with a big smile on my face. "I am really glad to take Rory on board and I am ready to get her to reach her potential. Vote for my team!" I gave an thumbs up then the camera turned off. "Could I take a quick break?" I asked and they both nodded then Simon told the cameraman to take 5. I ran to my dressing room and ran to my phone seeing Rory had already texted me. Good grief. What the hell have I gotten myself in?

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