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Mmmmmmmmmooooooooooommmmmm I'm hhhhooooooommmmmmmeeeeee

" I'm in the kitchen Fey "
Well that is my nickname but my mom only calls me that and no one else
it's just me and her ,her and me
People find it weird that my Mom thirty three years of age is still single since giving birth to me at the age of eighteen. They keep wondering when will she ever get a date.
Well just a short summary of my mom she's a brunette and has dark brown chocolate eyes and a little tan because of her work at Grandpa JOJO's outdoor restaurant uphill as a waitress . She's stubborn,overprotective and A beautiful and amazing woman inside and out

"So how's school"

It was fine

"Fine that's all , what about it was sickening and dull and boring what happen to those words Fey"

"I don't think it's in my vocabulary anymore Mum and the weird thing is that Mr B just called you beautiful when we were talking today , Why would he say that maybe he just has a slight crush on you Ma"

"Oh is that your torturous Mathematics teacher Fey "

"Yep the very one".my mom is like a best friend I never had ,she's my advisor,inspiration,protector and also my partner in crime whenever we are planning on doing pranks. Well let's just say she's the reason I love doing pranks.

"Hey mom, I was just thinking that on Friday maybe you know like umm tell me about  ummm you know who's the sperm donor and all "I winced at how I sound when I said sperm donor ,oh dear lord ,I'm so gonna lost my ear when I know getting on this particular topic will be heading and I definitely know where it's heading ,it's going down,down to blowing my ears off on the lectures that I know that is coming my way .

"FEYRE "my mom shrieked

"Oh come on ,please , pretty please with a an apple on top because the cherry is not big enough ,and any way I have the right to know and I hate not knowing mom"

"Feyre please not again we've talked about this okay. Just drop it and don't ask me again .You've now becoming one of the gossip ladies in town asking who is your father and all"

"But I'm turning sixteen next week Friday "

"Oh I know Fey that you want to know who he is but it's better if you don't know him"

"What do you mean by that Mom" I was getting impatient with my mom right now but I have to take it slow with her because she is going to leave me  sooner or later and also on what was going on around us lately .

" I mean is that the less you know about him the better and it will save you from getting hurt"

"Okay fine ,anyways I'm tired and ummm going to bed early"
I stood tiptoe to kiss my mother on the cheeks before walking towards my bedroom

" Wait don't you want to eat Chop-suey  your favourite "a surprise laced in her voice, because it's my favourite food

"Nah I'm full mom , I think when I wake up then I'll eat it"I said to her before heading towards my bedroom

Tessa O'Connell's POV

Seeing disappointment across Feyre's face was like an arrow in the heart
She wouldn't drop the topic about who her father is
But she is. A smart girl she knows that she has her fathers looks
With her long brown hair and deep  dark violet eyes that sometimes  I almost think that it's dark brown like mine that sometimes I mistakenly  think that she has my eye colour but I alway get reminded with the gold ring on her pupil
My beautiful Fey  with her unusual eye colour , which always reminded me why I had to keep her father a secret , call me selfish but I'm preventing her from feeling the pain that I went through but I will never regret any of it because I got something out of it
She doesn't know I'll be leaving her in three weeks time as what Doctor Brandon has said
I haven't told her that.I didn't want to cause her more sadness than I already have . She deserves more than this

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