Chapter 8

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AN: Hello everybody. So I just woke up in a great mood and thought.... why not give you all an extra update XD

Astrid's POV

As I stepped into the museum building I bumped against Hiccup who had come to a standstill along with Fishlegs as he yelled "What the hell is going on here!!"

I clutch Soren tighter and peer from behind Hiccup to see security guards knocked unconscious and two men opening the glass display case containing a Roman shield. They were momentarily shocked by our appearance but began to pull out guns.

Soren and I were quickly pushed behind a large display case as the men opened fire. I heard Fishlegs squeak in fright and saw him dive behind a display case opposite to ours.

The bullets sailed overhead and Fishlegs yelled in a terrified shriek as they embedded in the wall. I saw Hiccup draw his own gun from his coat.

"Wait!! You're gonna shoot at them!!" Fishlegs yelled to Hiccup.

"Of course I am. If you haven't noticed we are currently being shot AT!!" Hiccup growled back to Fishlegs.

"But that direction has precious artifacts!!" Fishlegs squeaked out and ducked further as another hail of bullets flew past. The glass of the display cases shattered and I covered Soren, who was whimpering, instinctively.

Hiccup let out a groan of exasperation. "I'm a very good shot." He said and then proceeded to shoot the guns out of the hands of the two thieves.

"Oh my Thor!!" Fishlegs exclaimed. "Please no more guns!!" and Hiccup let out a groan of annoyance.

Their hands were bleeding and the guns landed a distance away so Hiccup charged at them kicking one in the stomach, sending him to the ground, then turning to the other one who was clutching his palm and hitting him hard against the face.

The man staggered back against a pedestal and grabbed the vase on top hurling it towards Hiccup.

"The Hoplitodromos vase!!" Fishlegs screamed as he saw the vase in mid air.

But Hiccup staggered back and barely caught the vase.

Fishlegs then let out a sigh of relief.

But the other intruder had gotten up and grabbed the nearest thing to a weapon that he could find. From one of the wax soldiers he grabbed a gladius and charged at Hiccup who was still holding the vase while trying to subdue the other attacker.

"Hiccup look out!!" I yell but it was too late. The man had reached Hiccup and trusted the gladius forward towards Hiccup's abdomen.

'Oh Thor' I thought but it seemed that all three had stopped fighting momentarily. They all wore incredulous looks as Hiccup took the gladius in hand and bended it.

It seemed the Roman sword was made of rubber and no one had expected that. In their moment of confusion Hiccup throws the vase towards one thief who catches it on reflex while grabbing the rubber gladius still in the other intruder's hand and yanking it causing the man to jerk forward. Hiccup then punched him in the face and knocked him out.

The other thief holding the vase was also given a punch and Hiccup grabbed the vase back just as the man fell backwards.

Security was called after both men were subdued and we could all rest easily. As the men were escorted out and Fishlegs gratefully took the priceless vase back I had to wonder how Drago's men knew about the location of the shield. Once their masks came off I had recognized them instantly as some of the guards from the compound.

I had told Hiccup my suspicions and he to frowned at the implications. After the entire incident Fishlegs managed to get us to see the shield.

"This is called an Apsis." Fishlegs told us. "A round Roman shield often used by Hoplites. These shields were mostly made out of wood or leather but this one is made out of metal."

"Why would Drago's men be after this shield?" I ask. "Can it really be one of the King's lost things?"

"I don't think that is the right question Astrid." Hiccup frowns deeply as he says this. "What we should be asking is how did Drago know of its location? And does he know of others?"

"You aren't implying that he already knows the location of all the items are you." Fishlegs asked worried.

"No but I think he needs this shield to find them." Hiccup comments and picks up the shield. "The front looks like a normal shield but the back of the shield has strange indentations." He shows us. "It looks like something is carved into it."

"Hey won't that ticking thingy fit in there?" Soren asked as he pointed to the circle in the middle that looked slightly bigger than a pocket watch.

"Worth a try." Hiccup mumbles and motions for me to produce the clock/compass.

We place the compass in the middle of the back of the shield and rotate it until the North arrow is pointing to the top of the shield. There is a click and some of the indentations rise higher than the others.

"What?!" Fishlegs exclaims in wonder. "This definitely isn't a normal shield."

"Looks like a map to me." Hiccup murmured. "A very old map."

"Is that place" I ask pointing to the risen indentation. "Where the next item would be?"

"Oh my, this truly is a wonderful discovery. We must investigate." Fishlegs exclaims. "I'll need to cross reference the maps."

"No." we hear and look up to see Hiccup with his arms crossed.

"Hiccup?" I ask hesitantly.

"I say we destroy that damn compass." Hiccup mutters.

"But this compass may be the only way to find the King's lost things before Drago." I tell him.

"Those things can stay lost for all I care." Hiccup tells us.

"And what if Drago already has an idea where the other items are?" I counter. "He knew about the shield. He could be gathering the items as we speak. Also even if we destroy the compass, Drago won't know that, and if he does figure it out then he'll be after us for revenge."

"Please!!!" Fishlegs now pleads. "These objects are from a period that is still shrouded in mystery. You can't just destroy them. There could be more going on here then even we understand."

"You guys aren't going to let this rest are you." Hiccup muttered annoyed. He pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a huff. "Fine." He says finally and then adds. "If these items begin to cause trouble I won't hesitate to destroy them."

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