Chapter 34

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Astrid's POV

We flew at top speed and managed to reach the falls near midnight. Hiccup motioned for the dragons to land in the forest near the falls.

"It's too quiet." I whisper as we surveyed the entrance.

"They might be waiting for us inside." Hiccup told me.

"If you're going in then this time we'll join you. You're not saying no to backup again." I whispered towards Hiccup.

"Of course Milady." Hiccup answered with a cheeky grin. "Toothless will also be coming. The rest of the dragons aren't as silent as he."

I give Hiccup a nod and we both turn to Soren. Before we could say anything Soren spoke. "I know, I know. Stay hidden outside with the dragons and Chicken."

"The kid's a quick learner." Snotlout whispered with a wink to Astrid and Hiccup.

Before we enter I see Hiccup give Soren a small white disc. I raise my eyebrow at Hiccup who simply said. "A precaution."

I made a last minute decision and grabbed Hiccup by his coat and proceeded to give him a passionate kiss. "Be careful." I whispered as I saw a blush cover Hiccup's face.

We silently entered the cavern and when we got close to the grotto we could hear voices. I took a quick peek around the cave wall and duck again as someone passed by.

"That's Simmons and his men." I whisper to the others.

It was clear once more and this time Hiccup took a look. "The man who hired me to track you down is also with them." Hiccup stated. "That's got to be Eret. Drago's right hand man."

"They have Furious tied down with heavy dragon proof nets on the far side of the grotto." Hiccup whispered to us while pulling out the smokescreen discs and handing us each a pair of sunglasses.

"So you plan to fill the area with smoke and then we take the whole lot by surprise?" Ruffnut asked to which Hiccup nodded. "Those glasses let you see the infrared spectrum."

"Oh think of the chaos sister dear." Tuffnut said with a smirk while rubbing his hands together gleefully.

"Ah, sweet sweet chaos." Ruffnut added dreamily.

We then got in position and Hiccup proceeded to throw several discs into the grotto. The discs flew like mini Frisbees and soon the whole area was covered in smoke.

Slipping on the glasses we proceeded to knock down the men, who were shouting in disarray. As the smoke cleared all of Simmons's men and Eret were down. Toothless took great pleasure in roaring in their faces and scaring the crap out of them.

Just as Hiccup was walking towards Furious to cut him out of the nets several bolas where launched from the tunnel where we come from, taking us by surprise.

From the tunnel stepped Viggo and Ryker, who had escaped the continent of Bog, along with several men holding portable bola launchers.

Then I heard a voice that I thought I would never hear again. "My my. Such a pitiful sight." Out of the shadows stepped a woman with wavy blond hair, dressed in a black combat suit.

"ALEXI!!!" I shout.

"Hello dear sister." Alexi stated while coming to stand in front of Viggo and Ryker.

I was speechless, as were the others.

"Oh, you're probably wondering how I'm alive." Alexi commented offhandedly. Some of the men behind her began to snicker.

"I saw you die!!" I shout from where I lay on the ground, bound by the bola. Hiccup who had just managed to avoid the bola had aimed his gun at the newcomers.

"Don't even try it." Alexi said while motioning for one of the men to step forward.

The man, who was covered in scratches, brought out a bound Soren and Chicken.

"What happened to you?" Viggo asked as he took in the man's appearance.

The man gestured to the boy and Chicken. "These two are menaces." Was all he said.

Alexi then spoke with a smirk. "If you want the boy to live you'll drop the gun."

"The Alexi I know would never hurt a fly." I shouted.

Alexi then simply took out a handgun and shot Eret in the shoulder. "Guess you don't know me that well." Was all she stated as Eret yelled in pain.

Hiccup reluctantly put down his gun and held his hands up.

"That's more like it." Alexi said. "I do believe my darling sister asked how I survived. To be frank you never saw me die. You just saw me get shot, which was also staged."

"So you've been working for Drago all along?" Hiccup asked glaring at the woman. "I'm guessing Astrid escaping was also part of your plan."

"Of course I'm working for Drago. The original plan was to let Astrid go after she'd see me die. Knowing my sister would then lead us to some of the other artifacts just to screw over Drago. I never expected that you all would gather so many."

"But that doesn't explain how you found us. And how could you shoot your own comrade!!" I yelled back to Alexi who simply flicked her hair.

"Remember that necklace I gave you for your birthday Astrid. It has a handy GPS tracker build in." Alexi said with a smirk. "As for Eret, he has disappointed Drago one too many times. My men are professional trappers so your dragons are already subdued."

"Aye, and they'll fetch a pretty penny on the market." Viggo chuckled.

"Eret here was to capture you, and if he failed he would be taken care of." Alexi said and I watched Eret freeze in fear.

"We'll be taking that Night Fury of yours as well." Alexi stated as some men dragged a squirming Toothless away while Viggo and Ryker went to relieve Hiccup of the key and ruby. "He is a way smaller fang-free dragon to carry around then the giant one over there."

"Toothless is one of the King's lost things?" I asked shocked.

"Night Furies in general." Alexi simply said. I then saw her bend down and reach into Eret's pocket. "At least you managed to get the arrow." Alexi stated while holding up a small arrow no longer than her finger.

Alexi had her men and Simmons' lead us out. Eret had to be dragged out. He looked catatonic from discovering that Drago ordered his death. I also overheard Viggo and Ryker say that they'd be coming back with a transport for the dragons.

We were led to a cliff overlooking the ocean. "Now it's time to tie up some loose ends." Alexi stated as the men brought Eret to the edge of the cliff.

"I know I'm forgetting something. Oh yes." Alexi said as she had the men drag Hiccup to the edge as well.

"Hiccup!!" We all shouted worried.

"Don't worry dear sis. You lot will get to see the rise of a new King." Alexi stated and pointed her gun at the two near the edge. "I just have to get rid of these thorns in Drago's side." With that she fired two bullets sending Hiccup and Eret over the edge.

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