Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Plan set... and canceled

 They finally did it, the plan was being put into place a week after the world meeting. The children were chilling and talking in the meeting room a few doors down from the world meeting.

Quintana Roo, Baja California Sur, Baja California, Nunavut, and Newfoundland, Hawaii, and both Alaskas sat together. They also had the little group nickname of "The Smalls."

They chatted idly giggling at things and animals that walked by.

The meeting hall was close to a forest so they watched different animals pass by. Until they spotted something staring at them. Soon they were all staring at it, memorized and frozen in fear. It smiled and that was all it took for the 5 and 7 year olds to run screaming for their dads.

"Daddy!" Aaron cried practically slamming the state's waiting room door down. The states in a stunned silence before it clicked for Miguel.

"Alejandria! Rosa Maria! Get back here!" Mexico City shouted going after the youngest three. Ottawa snapped out of it and grabbed DC running after the other capital. Miguel sprinted after them but they had already rounded a few corners before he even got out the door.

The youngest where in a panic and wanted nothing but to be safe with their dad.

Aaron in typical American fashion forgot that he did in fact have super strength and slammed down the world conference doors. America shot up upon seeing the crying toddlers and rushed to console his youngest 3.

Mexico looking like he was ready to kill who ever upset his little girls went over to them to calm their tears.

Canada rushed to his boys trying to calm them down to get an explanation from them.

"Monster monster monster!" Anastasia repeated hiding in America's jacket.

Aaron was just sobbing into America's shoulder as he sat on the floor. Makanui huddled with Anastasia in America's jacket.

"Calm down calm down, I'm the Hero. I'll protect you nobody will hurt you I can promise you that." Alfred soothed trying to calm down his children holding them close.

"Hija calm down, what's wrong?" Mexico asked them in spainish trying to calm them as they huddled close to him.

"There was a scary thing in the forest, it was staring at us! Then it smiled and, and we got really scared! I'm sorry"

Canada was rocking back and forth with both his boy humming trying to sooth them, he knew talking over their tears wouldn't prove to do anything but scare them.

Miguel, Angel and Dominic came in a few seconds later.

Dc sat next to his dad taking Aaron so Alfred could focus on the two girls currently taking up his jacket.

Miguel pulled a few lollipops from his jacket giving them to the still crying girls but they where calming down.

Angel followed her dad offering maple syrup to her younger brothers.

After a few minutes the children were calmed down enough to follow their dad's to their chairs.

Canada sat with Jack and Benjamin in his lap and Angel was standing next to him, America had his four to be in his seat and was holding Anastasia bouncing her to calm her down. Mexico was holding his youngest, Maria while Miguel sat in his chair with Rosa and Alejandria.

"Care to explain?" Germany asked snapping a pen witch made a few of the children jump.

Unknowing to everyone Sealand, Molossia, Seborga and Wy slipped out of the meeting to go and warn the others.

"Not really but I have the feeling you're going to force an explanation out of us" America sighed rubbing his temples. Getting giggles from his kids who he gave a warm smile.

"Mon cher, who are these... children" France asked picking his words carefully, directed at Matthew.

"They're my sons, Newfoundland and Nunvut and my daughter Ottawa" Canada explained pulling his sons close.

"East Alaska, West Alaska, Hawaii and DC, My children. They are small but have super strength just like me. Just a warning" America said running his fingers threw DC's hair.

"Baja California, Quintana Roo, Baja California Sur and Mexico City, my daughters and son" Mexico concluded sighing, not happy about the current situation.

There was a stunned silence.

"America, you really shouldn't be allowed children. I don't even want to-" England was cut off.

"EX-FUCKING-SUCE ME" A teenage girl yelled. It was Delaware, well one of them.

She stormed across the room silencing any chatter that had begun.

"What do you mean by THAT England?" She demanded turning his chair with ease to face her.

Dark blue eyes that held the depths of the ocean looked like a fire had engulfed the ocean whole.

England looked at the enraged teen with fear, he hadn't expected that from anyone really. He was about to speak when Alfred did instead.

"Delaware" America growled in a warning tone, "Stand down" He hissed.
Southern Delaware gave England a glare that meant they weren't done but walked over to her father with her heels clicking against the hardwood floors and her long blonde hair fluttering. Her head held high and confidence radiated off of her as well as an aura of anger.

Belarus has a small smile, she was proud of the girl but no one needed to know that now did they.

Mexico state and Quebec followed. Each went to their dads with a sense of anger and confusion.

"Padre, the others are growing anxious," Alma whispered picking up Rosa.

Diego nodded uneasy trying to find an out.

"Papa, can we go home now" Rosa whispered pulling at Diego's sleeve.

He nodded before Germany spoke to the American representative.

"Alfred, why did you not tell anyone?" Germany asked, well it was more of a subtle demand to know.

Diego tapped his foot catching Canada's attention and Canada shot Alfred a look that said 'we need to go'

"None of your business! Now if you excuse me MY siblings and cousins and I must be going. Good day." Adela concluded grabbing DC's arm pulling him along. Aaron grabbed onto Adela's hand and Makanui was safe in Dominic's arms.

"Dad, Ari is going to start and get pissy" Delaware said going back to grab her father's sleeve.

"Right, sorry I zoned out" Alfred laughed quietly.

"We should get going as well, I'll be in contact later. Good day" Canada said calmly walking out behind America. Mexico followed without a word.

"Thank goodness your back, Tio Bell is about to blow a fuse" Luis sighed in relief.

"Well there goes our plan" Northern Delaware muttered.

"Home now" Diego said in a flat tone. That began everyone grabbing their stuff.

"The house in the country near Colorado and Utah or another one?" Mississippi asked rubbing her eyes no doubt that she had just gotten up.

"Texas and Coahuila, near the border" Mexico said shortly. They nodded and they all grabbed their groups.

They loaded up their cars which already had their bags in it, already heading out and back to their own lands after the North American meeting. Witch was mostly just a playdate and a few screaming about stupid politicians, mainly Texas taking song requests and playing on his guitar.

But now with a change of plans they were heading to the plantation.

It's not a plantation anymore it was just that when America first bought it. It eventually turned into two massive homes. One for bedrooms, small kitchen and storage another for activities and food. There was a lot of farming on the land but that was mostly maintained by the states and groundskeepers that come when the states aren't there. Just to keep the plants alive and well.

America placed a call to Tony to have the different pets dropped off there. He agreed on the basis that he could crash there for a few days which America accepted.

Texas started his car, Florida in the passenger seat and Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico in the backseat of his pickup.

"Hey Aussie?" Oklahoma asked bucking himself up.

"Yeah Leo?" The Texan asked pulling out of the parking lot.

"Can you tell us another story about Mr Spain?" The boy asked.

They always wanted to know about the different nations, Spain especially.

Spain had been good to Texas, at the time his name was Silvio.

"Well, oh! I know one. When I was very little, maybe 4ish. Tio Espana would always take me back to Spain when Padre needed a break. So he took me to his tomato garden and carded me around in this woven basket" Austin continued the story until all his siblings had fallen asleep.

He smiled and continued to drive, grabbing whataburger for them all. He was Texas after all. Well the republic of Texas, he still had his land claim.

That basically meant he had his borders like when he was a republic. So that included a bit of Oklahoma, Kansas,Colorado, Wyoming and about of New Mexico. And well, all of Texas.

That of course gave him some messed up body temperatures from time to time but he didn't mind.

He sat in the whataburger parking lot eating his burger, well one of them. He had to hit his calorie minum for the day. Thanks to very high metabolism and some weird state stuff, the states and by extension Alfred and their uncles. Had to eat a lot to keep up and stay healthy.

After he was back on the road drinking is Phd Pepper Northern Delaware called.

Texas head his phone to his ear.

"Austin S. Jones" He said out of habit.

"Hey Aussie, big problem" Daniel sighed.

"¿Gran problema? ¿Qué? ¿dónde? ¿Quien?" The Texan asked rapidly, he was never told a problem via call unless it was borderline life and death.

"Woah, woah. Calm down Austin. I don't know what you're saying" Daneil soothed, "The nation's bosses are involved, a couple are coming down and over to our Coahuila y Tejas home"

"Fuck" Was all Austin said.

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