Chapter 17

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y/n : "YOU! "

?? : " Of course it will be me, then who else gonna help you? You know that you can't stay at others man place didn't you? "

y/n : " heol youu sound like my mother. But how? How did you know that I was there? I mean didn't you say that you have urgent matter to do?

taehyung : "  I-i.. Ahh that, I walk pass that alley and then i heard something noisy so i went there, i saw a girl was beaten to death and i help her. When i checked the girl, it was youu. So i carried you home and bandaged your bruise. "

y/n : " Oh hm okay "

 its sound logic but at the same time it  like unlogic i mean how? how can he know me there? and why he used that alley too? well his house was not at that area. Something missing about him that i didn't haven't but what? didn't my mission  are almost accomplished? I just need to know what his family company run for. Looks like i have another thing to do ... 

taehyung : " Y/n-ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Where did you go? London? Paris? Hawaii? Heol i can you many time tho."

y/n : " eh sorry .. my mind was somewhere earlier. "

taehyung : " ah nevermind. Let's go eat pizza together, i ordered it just now. "

y/n :  " Wahhh Pizzaaaaaaaa"

taehyung : " There's another things for you too. "

y/n : " What is it ? "

taehyung : " I got........... Chicken TOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! "

y/n : " WAH! Taehyung-ah you're the best!!...UM wait something missing here.."

taehyung : " Oh ya.. What drink we must  have when we eat chicken and pizza??  1...2....3

y/n&tae : "  Cokeeeeeeee!"

y/n : " fuh we have same taste "

taehyung : " Yes we do. Let's eat! "

We eat together and chatting about random stuff. We laugh over stupid things and playing around . I feel like i known him for long time. But what can i do? This things won't be long , I approach into his life just for the mission . What will happen to me when he know my real identity ? Does he gonna hate me and kick me from his life or accept me whoever am i ? I'm sure  that he will really hate me . hm . Taehyung-ah I don't know why I being like this but I'm sorry for everything. I know you couldn't hear this but i am sincere to be your friend .  Thank you Taehyung ah....

taehyung : " Y/n-ah stay here tonight.. Eh no , stay here until you're completely recover ."

y/n : " What ? "

taehyung : " I know it's weird but please, I don't want your family see you in this state. So stay here till you fully recovered."

Lol Taehyung . I lived alone tho . Just stay at his place doesn't make everything ruined right? Problem solve. I'll stay here .

y/n : " fine. "

taehyung : " yayy thank you! Now bed time... Then goodnight y/n.. Call me if you need anything . My room are at the opposite of yours . "

y/n : Night!"

Next Morning 

I wake up with light from the sun that spark on my face. I get off from my bed and headed to kitchen . I can see that Taehyung didn't wake up yet ..

y/n : Can i use his kitchen? Ah nevermind I'll just use it first and make a breakfast for him as my repay. " umm what should i make ? " I went to his fridge and find something that i can cook with it. Flour? Eggs? Fresh milk ? Butter? and whipped cream. Heol what does he eat when he chillin' at home dude.. Ahh i guess pancake would be good.

I went to his cabinet to get a bowl and mixer to make the pancake . After done cooking , i serve the food on the dining table . When I was about to call him, I feel something are wrapped around my waist . I was about to turn around and the grip become more stronger  . Well it obviously was Taehyung . He held me so tight in his embrace  .

y/n : " Oh-hh Taehyung-ah, I make breakfast for you . Let's ea-.."

taehyung : " Stay like this for a few minutes please.. "

I couldn't do anyting so I just stay still . His hot breath hit my neck and send me a shivers . Why I feel safe around him ? Why I feel so comfortable  when I was with him ? Did I... Hell no y/n ! You just here only for the mission and everything will over soon . ONLY MISSION ..yea.. mission.. I back to the reality..

taehyung : " y/n-ah.. yah.. are you okay? "

y/n : " Ahh-h ne.. I'm okay "

taehyung : " Are you sure ? I called you about 10 times but you didn't give any response . "

y/n : " yup very very sure Ignore what happened ealier. Anyway let's eat.."

Both of us went eat the breakfast together


I was at Tae's living room and wandered around his house . After that , I sit on sofa while playing games in my phone . I was a big fan games so I have a tons of game in my phone but I barely play it because of the mission . I play the games while waiting for Taehyung . He went to his room after we done breakfast . I don't what was he doing . After a few minutes , Taehyung came to the living room and say..

taehyung : " Y/n-ah . Follow me . "

y/n : " where ? "

taehyung : " Just follow me.. "

He grabbed my hand and we went to his car , luckily I already got my bag before he could pull me . Taehyung start the car and  drive with full of speed .

y/n : " yah! where we're going ? "

Taehyung : " .........."

y/n : " Okay fine, you don't need to tell me but atleast drive slowly jebal(please)"

taehyung : "......." drive even faster

After 20 minutes , we arrived. He hold my hand and we go inside a building .. Wait.. Why the heck he take me here ? This is hella weird .. H-he just bring me to the .....ARCADE STATION!! ( lol sorry i don't even know the name :P )

taehyung : " Let' s have some fun y/n-ah !! "

Y/n : " Let's goooo! .." When its come to the arcade or gaming, sorry i can't resist MUAHAHHAAHAH.. 

Firstly, we went to the car's game, we must complete 8 laps to finish the race and decide the winner . Taehyung and I were competing each other .. andd guess what ... Of couse I win the race. Well top one spies of course good at racing . I already did that on real life tho while do the mission . LOL . Then we countinue at basketball scores game . Who scored the most , will be the winner. And yea.. Taehyung win.. it obviously cause he was tall af like a street lamp heol..We done so many activities at here and it was fun.. No doubt about it . Both of us stop playing around and went back to the car. It already evening . We have so much fun and did not  even realise what time already HAHAHAA . We went to the mall cause Taehyung said that he want to buy some stuff . We went to the Gucci Store . Damn this boi are really rich . He got some clothes for him and a dress for a girl ? Wow does this boy have a girlfriend already? Did I miss something ? Heol. That's not even important y/n-ah. Back to yourself please . After shopping some stuff,  we went to fancy restaurant to eat dinner . Both of us were hungry af . We choose our food and wait for them.

taehyung : " So y/n-ah, did you enjoyed your days today ? "

y/n : " very-very much , Thankyou Taehyung ah . Today was fun . I barely have time to enjoy this kind of thing since I was super busy with missio- .. school ! yup school .haha  "

taehyung : " ahh good then btw this for you " he handed me a bag

y/n : " what is this and for what ? "

taehyung : " ahh that.. it's my thankyou for spendtime with me today and agree to stay at my place."

y/n : " ahh you don't need to buy thing for me , I hate put burden on someone . em by the way thanks "

taehyung : " my pleasure . "

The waiter came and serve the food. We eat and it was a long silence . I don't know why we being so awkward after short conversation . I just keep eating and suddenly my phone pop up some message and it was Jackson .

In message :

Jackson : y/n .. 

Me : ssup bro! miss me already ? 

Jackson : We have some problem here y/n-ah .

Me : What ?

Jackson : There is someone kill our agent . Please y/n , I know you are busy with the mission that already given but the number of killed agent has increase . I hope you can understand .

Me : Let's meet after 1 hour 

Jackson : Okay

End of conversation

y/n : " Taehyung , can you drop me at my house ? "

Taehyung : " Why? Didn't you stay at my place ? "

y/n : " yes I do but right now my mom are not at home so i can take a few of my clothes. "

taehyung : " then I'll wait for you till you done .. "

y/n : " ahh no need, just wait for me at home, can you ? "

taehyung : " nee .. i got that "

We finished our dinner and Taehyung drove to my house . I didn't talk at all with Taehyung in car cause I wondering who behind this ..Kill my agent and kidnapped them . After a few minutes, we'll arrive and taehyung went back to his place .When Taehyung's car leave my sight , I went to see Jackson . We discuss about the thing and I was told to find the killer, well two task in once . I guess I can handle it . Well it's not like my first time having many mission in once tho . But who the hell dare to touch my kids? Imma beat their ass if i found out later . 

To be countinue ~ 

* I know that I'm lazy butthead, Sorry for not updating the new chapter . I was busy af  with exam and tournament so I couldn't updated on time . I'll try my best on this story ..*

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