8: Prom

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Today is the day. The day of the ball or the prom. My partner is Kyogo. Kyogo said that he will pick me up at home. I wait infront of the house."Why is that slowpoke is taking so long?" After I say that, a car came in."Hey! Come Hikari-chan,"

Without talking, I walk to his car. I came and take a sit beside him."Ready? Let's go," he drive slowly. Well not really slow. The atmosphere in the car is really quiet. No one talk. I just listening to music. Kyogo just driving.

We arrive at the prom. It's super noisy. Kyogo wanted to go to the toilet."I'll be right back," my phone ring. It's from Ryuto.


Ryuto: Well well well who's lucky to go out with your crush

Hikari: Stop it πŸ˜’

Ryuto: Well see ya in the ball

Hikari: Who are you exactly?

Ryuto: Hehehe

Ryuto: Just going to suprised you hehe

Hikari: Travic jam -_-

Ryuto: Pfttt πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hikari: Not funny (γƒΌγƒΌ;)

Ryuto: Pft sorry

"Who are you texting to?" Ask Kyogo.

"Some old friend,"


"Like Takiya,"

"Oh.... ok" he contiuned to texting some one. I don't know who it is but it look like he's having fun. Im sad :(

"HIKARI-CHAN! OVER HERE!" Why does I have the noisyes friend?"Wait Tastsuko-chan. Come one Kyogo," I grab his arm and pull him to everyone. We had a great time at the prom. Well Kanta and Satoshi is getting theirself drunk everywhere. Yoshinori-senpai spend the time with Yukina alone so she didn't join us. Kyogo just look happy to see his friend gathering with my friend.

*the prom's over*

"It was a beautyfull night, isn't it?" Ask Kyogo while I search for Ryuto. I seriously don't know where is he."Do you know anyone with Ryuto name?" Kyogo say no."Who is Ryuto?" As him slowly.

"Well we are stranger. But he really hide his real name to me. He say that he like me. Well I really don't know who he is but when we talk, it's feel like talking to your boyfriend. Like Im falling in love again with that guy. I don't know how to explain but a little bit like that,"

Kyogo just quiet. Well for me, I waiting for Ryuto to text back. It's like I don't know who to chose between Ryuto or Kyogo."Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. Just say it--"

"Im Ryuto,"

By B l a i s h e

Tuesday, July 17 2018

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