Let's get high baby

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Yoongi pov
When we got into the room i was pushed to the bed door was locked and jin hyung and i were shirtless. He came up to me and started kissing me roughly I kissed back he took this as sign to unbuckle my pants he slid them off me with my boxers at ones. "You look tasty" he said and he opened my legs and started getting in between them and started to suck on my dick I took a two handfuls of his hair "ahhh j-jin h-hyung ohhh" and then he stopped and looked at me "wanna go too deep baby?" I nodded he intered one finger inside me "ahhh" then shoved the thread and fourth hard "ahhh hyung yeahhh ahhh" he then pulled out and started intering his dick inside of me "ahhhhhh h-h-hyung" he started trusting into me "h-hyung f-faster " he started trusting quicker into me then he flipped me on top of him i gave him a questioning look "ride me baby" he said in a sexy voice I started bouncing on his dick "ohh your ass feels amazing baby" i held on to his board shoulder "ahh offf hyung I'm going to cum" i said "me too ahhhhh" said jin hyung "cum inside me daddy " and then He finally came inside of me and i was about to pull out but jin hyung got me into him again I stopped doing everything and just look at jin hyung "hyung my ass hurts" "okay just a little bit more!" I singh and bounced on his dick several times then got off "did you have fun?" I nodded i scooted closer to him cuddled with him he wrapped us with a blanket "i love you yoongi!" "I love you too hyung" he pecked my lips then we slept.
I woke up at 6:34 am I turned around and saw jin hyung naked he looked sexy so I went on top of him and started getting his dick inside of me i was bouncing on it while being a moaning mess "ahhh" I moaned loudly "uhhh yoongi what are you doing?" I stopped and looked at him I blushed and covered my face he took my hand away "it's okay keep going your stretched hole feels amazing" he said and keep bouncing on his dick i hold his shoulders tightly I stopped for a bit to relax but hyungs dick got in much deeper the his cant be seen " ahhhhh ooooffff" I moaned then bounced again for a couple of more minutes then got off him and sat up straight he came closer to me and hugged me I hugged back then my phone rang I answered "hello?" "HYUNG WE ARE ALREADY IN THE PRACTICE ROOM!" My eyes widened I hung up and we wore out clothes and ran to the practice room "we are here" said jin hyung out of breath "next time don't have sex in the morning" said namjoon I chuckled and we got in our place i saw our manager giving me a dead stair i just ignore him and started practicing. When we finished I went up to jin hyung "hyung the manger keeps looking at me im scared!" I wispered in his ears he just nodded "dont worry I won't let him do something to you" I nodded he hugged me I hugged back then gave me several kisses on my lip I giggled.

Jin pov
We were about to go back to the dorm but the manager pushed me into a room "what do you want?" I said "i want you to stay away from yoongi he doesn't love you he only loves me i even tasted his dick before anyone else ha" i got mad not at yoongi but at him "why do you hate me so much i have never done something to you!" I yelled "you stole my yoongi" "he doesn't love you !" I yelled back i was mad he was even more mad "yes he do bitch!" He yelled and the door opened reveling yoongi, the members, bang pd , and the body gards "yoongi oh i was talking with him about the new song!" He said "no you weren't I heard everything!" Said yoongi "get him out of here!" Said bang pd to the body gards they got him the body gards and bang pd picked him up and i ran to jin hyung and hug him "you love me alot right?" I said jin hyung just nodded he pulled the hug and kissed me deeply I kissed back I pulled away looking at his eyes deeply "i will take good care of you from now on" said jin hyung he rested his forehead on mine......

Hope you liked this crapy story i love you guys

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