Been caught

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Namjoon pov
Next day after dinner hoseok hyung called me and taehyung in their room " so what's up?" I said " we have to tell you guys something amazing " said hobi " what tell us tell us " said tae " okay okay but let's wisper " we nodded " well yoongi hyung and jin hyung are together but they keep it a secret!" Said hoseok I burst out laughing " what a funny joke!" I said " it's real I even placed a secret camera in their room !" Said jungkook " woah really let's watch it" said jimin . We started the video and "jinnie please i am trying to write lyrics" yoongi hyung looked at jin hyung " why .... fine I will go ugh" i pused the video " their is nothing between them they are normal" i said "wait and see " smirked jungkook . Yoongi hyung finshed writing " ugh I'm going to take a shower come with me " Said yoongi hyung to jin hyung " no because someone might come and will hear us from the bathroom talking!" Said jin hyung " yeah you're right popo ?" Said yoongi hyung jin shook his head looking at his phone " please pretty please " yoongi hyung did an agio " ugh fine come here little kid !" Said jin hyung putting his phone away and brought yoongi hyung to his lap and kissed him while yoongi hyung giggled and went in the shower . The video at night was dark we cannot see anything except hearing sound of smochs and love you's and goodnight. " woww they are cute "

Jin pov
Yoongi and i were in the room lieing on each other " yoongi ?" I Said cutely "yeah is their something wrong " Said yoongi " well I want to tell our members about us i feel uncomfortable with keeping it secret!" I said in one breath " what about tomorrow we tell them but !" Said yoongi " but what?" "How?" Said yoongi curios " i have an idea " I wispered it to yoongi's ears and then he nodded with a smile I kissed him goodnight kiss and fell asleep.

Next morning
Hope you liked it i love you 😘

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