Beautiful night

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Jungkook pov
I was sitting on the couch watching yoongi hyung and jin hyung arguing about stupid stuff "fine do everything alone i will never help you " Said yoongi hyung he was about to go to their room but jin hyung grabbed his wrist " what?" Said yoongi hyung " stay with me I didn't mean don't help me but you are dissterbing me and I cannot constrat on what i am doing " said jin hyung and pulled yoongi hyung to him his cest on yoongi's . Yoongi hyung blushed jin hyung pinched his cheeks yoongi hyung wanted to kiss jin hyung but he can't because jin hyung is taller than him . Jin hyung laughed at yoongi hyung and yoongi hyung pouted that made jin hyung cary him and kiss his pouting lips " i love youย  yoongi " "i love you to jin hyung " " ahhhhh stop that's enough for me my heart " i said dramatically .

At dinner~โ€ข

"So guys why did bang pd took you to the office?" Asked hoseok hyung "because we are together and it's not allowed!" Said jin hyung I felt bad "so will you break up ?" Asked taehyung "don't you know that I don't do what ever they want and no we told him and he said okay but we need to tell army next week in the concert" said jin hyung quickly " you mean tomorrow?" I said and looked at them they were shooked " w-what!" Asked yoongi hyung.

Yoongi pov
The concert is tomorrow i took out my phone and yes jungkook was right tomorrow " omg yeah tomorrow I will go sleep okay so I will wake up " i said and of the cair " wait!" Said jin hyung I turned around and he pulled me i in a soft kiss I smiled and kissed back "goodnight love" i said and went in the room and brushed my teeth and slept quickly like always.

Jin pov
We finished dinner they went to their rooms I washed the dishes and went to the room . I saw yoongi sleeping like a baby I went closer to him and planted a kiss on his forehead. Then slept next to him hugging him "i love you " i wispered then slept.

Hope you liked it the next story will be much longer l love you guys๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

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