Farrah was walking past Ramona and her room, about to go look for Jackson, when she heard whispering coming through the door.
Being as nosy as she was, Farrah moved closer and quietly put her ear to the door
Lola's voice was the first thing Farrah heard, "I've been kinda avoiding Jackson lately. He's just too nice."
"Oh, no." The blonde sighed, worried about the direction of the conversation.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone in the room's phone ringing
"See? This is what I'm talking about. Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?"
"He's just being thoughtful." Farrah heard Ramona argue, before she was interrupted by another ring, "Is Lola hot? Is Lola cold? Is Lola Hungry? Is Lola Thirsty?"
"I have to break up with him. But he's so sweet and I don't want to hurt his feelings. Can I practice on you?" Lola asked
"Oh my god." Farrah whispered to herself, "She's gonna break my best friend's heart."
The Hill girl backed up from the door, trying to process all that she heard. Making her way to continue looking for Jackson, Farrah decided she wouldn't interfere with the situation.
Lola is the only person who should tell Jackson how she feels, even if it temporarily breaks his heart
"Jackson...and Danny? What's going on?" Farrah asked, finding the two boys and noticing their odd outfits
"About to go serenade my lady. Come watch." Jackson insisted, leading the way back to where the two girls were gossiping
"Are you sure this is the best idea?" Farrah asked
Jackson ignored her question and got out his phone to text Lola that he was coming in, "I'm here! Lola, I'm about to blow your mind. Grandpa!"
Danny came in, with his guitar in hand, "You guys ready to rock?"
"Oh, no." Farrah groaned, reluctantly taking a spot on the floor
"Lola Esther Wong. This song makes me think of you. You're about to find out why." Jackson smiled, pulling out maracas
They began to sing Copacabana. Farrah tried to hide her smile as Jackson and Danny danced, but it was too good.
Lola and Ramona awkwardly got up from the bed and started clapping, as they made their way out of the room
"Wait, we weren't finished." Jackson called
"Don't worry. The audience doesn't matter. It's the music that counts." Danny said
They started singing and dancing again, and Farrah got up from her spot and joined them, hoping to cheer Jackson up
Later, everyone was in the backyard dressed in ponchos for an impromptu pie-eating contest.
"Ok, I'd like to welcome you all to Danny Tanner's Worlds Cleanest Pie Eating Contest. Because shoving pie into your mouth as fast as you can does not have to be messy." Danny announced
"Hot dang! Ain't nothin more American than pie!" Fernando cheered in an American accent.
"Please stop that." Kimmy begged
"I happen to have here the clipboard of fun. Yes, the very same one. And we are gonna review the rules." Danny said
Farrah tuned out the rules, because it's just eating pie. Also, it was a team thing and seeing that Lola is paired with Jackson, the blonde was paired with Cosmo. She wasn't complaining, because that dog can eat.
"In three, two, stay clean!" Danny called, beginning the competition
Cosmo and Farrah were eating their pies, while everyone else began throwing pie at each other.
"This is a mess, huh?" Farrah said allowed, as her and Cosmo just watched
"Stop! Stop!" Danny said, "You're all disqualified! I don't know what's going on here, but this is not how we deal with family problems. We talk it out, we work it out, and we hug it out."
Danny went to talk with Dj and Matt, so Farrah walked over to where the kids were.
He continued to make his way around the backyard, solving each couple's individual problems
"Oh god." Farrah whispered, "how many problems do these people have?"
"What about you two?" Danny asked, referring to Lola and Jackson
"Ah, we're doing great." Jackson said
"Uh... look, Jackson. We've got to talk." Lola interrupted
"Oh my god. Don't tell me you're breaking up with me. I can change. I can change everything about me. You're the best thing in my entire life. Why, Lola?" Jackson exclaimed, crying
Jackson got up and ran inside, Dj rushing after him.
Everyone else looked around at each other, silently thinking about the fact that the couple was certainly going to break up
Everyone had taken turns going inside and talking to Jackson. Lola was the last to go in and say something, hoping to let him down easy
Once she came back out, Farrah decided she should probably go check on him, instead of letting the break up be the last thing he was left with.
"Are you okay?" Farrah asked, walking into the living room and taking the spot beside him
"Yeah. For my first breakup, I handled it well." Jackson insisted, "And now I'm ready for my first rebound."
"And now you're disgusting." Farrah groaned, walking to the backyard
"Wait!" He said, following her the same way
Alright now that Lola's out of the way we're getting closeee!! Also I hope this long chapter makes up for the short one yesterday. Thank you guys for reading my book. Feel free to comment what you think.
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