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Drama: kill me heal me
Actor: park seo joon
Character: oh ri on

Last but not the least park seo joon....that man that got me in kdramas.
I still remember when I first watched what's wrong with secretary Kim? And I was totally head over heels for him....what power he holds....his acting his visual.... everything is on point...and that's what we love about him.

In kill me heal me....at starting episodes I was like how can they make him her brother... remember what I said earlier...too hawwwwwt to be brother... exactly 🔥 and he's a fucking volcano.

When the story unfolded itself....we realized how much he loved oh ri Jin...the so called sister.

It was heartbreaking to him like that but he was still looking hot....sooo much that I couldn't take my eyes off.

His "aura" is never going to be dull....😂💜💜💜💜

This was my favourite moments of all time....this kiss was Hella funny and their reactions had me laughing for good 10-15 minutes.
It might be a drama on a serious disorder but it wasn't serious at all...lol

Such a cutie 💜


pure daddy material 🖤


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