Chapter 19

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Picture is of Helen.

Alexis POV

I walked with Helen around the back of the grounds listening to her ramble on. I was certain her sudden desire to talk was only to stay out of the cell longer, but I didn't mind. In fact, I rather enjoyed it. Ruth didn't say much and the few other vampires we encountered on the ground did well in ignoring us. Perhaps Roxy had talked them into joining her on not speaking to me. Now there's a conversation I would've liked to of overheard.

"...not that I care. I mean, I'm sure I'm fired at this point. At least I won't have to listen to Caleb going on about his neighbor. Keep your dog in your yard and maybe they wouldn't have nothing to complain about. Geez, it's not rocket science!" She said sarcastically with a small kick to the grass.

I nodded and gave her a small grin in agreement even though I hadn't been paying attention to much of what she said. She had been going on for about an hour and since she was in such a talkative mood and nobody is around, perhaps she'd be willing to talk about Roxy. I really knew almost nothing about her. "Sooo... how well do you know Roxy?"

She stopped suddenly appearing scared. She probably thinks I'm planning to harm her. "I'm not going to hurt her. We..." I let out a sigh. Shit! This was a bad idea. I didn't know how much i should tell her. I want her to trust me and this might be a good way to do that. "She says I'm her mate." I blurted out quickly but making sure I didn't say it very loud.

Helen's Head turned quickly to me as her mouth fell open. You didn't see that coming did ya?

"Yeah, I had almost the same reaction." I laughed at her. She finally had stopped talking as she just stood there with her mouth hanging.

"You don't believe me? Well I suppose I wouldn't either in your position. But don't worry! I'm not sure I believe it myself. I just thought that maybe you could tell me about her and I could try and figure it out. I'm not even wanting to know anything important just... I don't know." I let out another sigh a ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "What kind of music she likes, TV shows, that sort of thing. I mean she's probably crazy or something since she's a werewolf and I'm a vampire. That just doesn't happen but I know nothing about this mate stuff so...I don't know what to say." I threw up my arms. I hadn't realized just how much this had been affecting me. Helen was still just looking at me. She probably thinks I'm the one that's crazy.
"You know what? Never mind! Just forget I said anything." I said in anger. I don't know why I even bothered to ask her. I grabbed her arm to return to the house.

"Roxy helped put me here? She was behind that stuff that happened to Rick?" She asked in a broken voice.

"What? No!" Shit! I'm fucking this all up. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her lightly till she looked at me. "She's doing everything she can to get you back. If she thought for one second you wouldn't be hurt, she would of busted in by now to get you. I convinced her it would only get you both killed and me too. I know you think I'm some evil vampire and I'm not going to even try to convince you otherwise but I am trying to help you and so is Roxy. If I didn't go after you someone else would of and they probably wouldn't of brought you back. Please believe that." She nodded and her body loosened as it relaxed. I let her go and lit up another cigarette.

"It's not crazy. Do you know the story of Massimo and Athanasia?

I shook my head "No. Who are they?"

"The first werewolf and vampire. Or so the story goes anyways. Massimo was the greatest warrior the world has ever seen. One day he met a beautiful woman named Athanasia. He fell in love with her but as it turned out, she was promised to a prince. He went to him and begged the prince to let him marry her instead. The prince agreed but only if Massimo could defeat thirty of his best men unarmed in the gladiator games. Massimo accepted the challenge and after a large battle he stood victorious. Instead of letting Massimo have his prize however the prince became enraged and killed her. This treachery angered the gods. Aries decided to reward Massimo by turning him into a werewolf and the goddess, Morta bestowed upon Athanasia power over death. Massimo went on a killing spree and killed all who stood in his way including the prince. Afterwards as he held Athanasia's body in his arms his blood fell into her and her wounds healed. They ended up getting married and finding others to turn.

"Did they live happily ever after?"

"I like to think so. I studied lots of stories after Rick told me about him knowing I would want him to turn me. Werewolves and vampires were not always at odds. Many of the stories have werewolves as guardians of vampires. I'm sure most are just myths but most myths usually contain some truth."

I thought about this for a few. It was a interesting story but vampires can't drink from werewolves. "Werewolf blood is highly poisonous to us. That probably explains why even a scratch burns like an inferno."

She kicked the grass again. "Rick said vampires couldn't heal very fast from it.

"Damn Muts! There Not natural! Roxy's the only one who didn't do that."

"Hey! There more natural than you! At least they still breath.... wait! What's that about Roxy?" She stared at me with her eyes wide.

I shrugged at her and started walking again. "Nothing. She cut me pretty good one night not long after we met. it didn't burn like other werewolves and healed quickly is all."

"Oh. My. GOD! You really are her mate!"

I turned back to her to see her mouth hanging open again. Her eyes was even wider now but blinking rapidly.

How the hell did she figure this? "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you see? It didn't burn because as her mate, you're immune to her."

"That's cra-"

"shhh!" She interrupted. I saw her tense up and turned around to see Josh walking towards us with two vampires. This is all I needed. Thankfully we should be far enough that they didn't hear us...I hope.

"What's she doing out of the cell?" His eyebrows were scrunched together as he appeared ready to kill Helen. I stepped in front of her "Keeping me company. Leave it alone, Josh."

He flashed that smile of his that i hated so much. I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face. "No can do, darling. The Council was here earlier so we're moving her."

I could hear the grass giveaway as Helen moved towards the fence. The smell of her blood was strong telling me she was scared. "If she's going anywhere it will be with me. Why haven't I heard anything?"

"You didn't need to know about it." One of the vampires tried to get around me only to find my hand around his throat. He seemed to weigh nothing as I tossed him into Ritiker knocking him to the ground.

The other vampire started towards me "I'll drain you dry..." he looked like he was about to shit his pants. These fools were clearly new vampires from some fool and not made by a vampire of any real age or power.

"Mr. Ritiker, I-I don't think Tiffany is going to want this. I-I say we just let her take the human and we get back. I don't want her mad at me."

Josh stood up brushing himself off. His brows were practically together and his fingers were spread just slightly as if he was about to shift. " Fine! Bring the girl in the Dodge, Alexis!" He turned to the vampire "you follow her to make sure she doesn't take a wrong turn!"

I didn't like this idea. I tried once again to get ahold of Roxy but she still wasn't answering. "Fuck!" Who knows where we're going.

"You can't do this. Please!" Helen pleaded as I put her into the Charger. "If The Council knows they will have no choice but to kill me."

I shut the passenger door without answering her. What could I say to her anyways, she was right. FUCK! I walked around to the drivers side when I noticed some headlights on me. Someone knocked me out of the way as it slammed into the Charger. I pushed the vampire off me.

"C'MON YOU FUCKS!" Josh yelled as he shifted and confronted three of them. I watched as a woman ran towards me who looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place. My fangs came out as I prepared for her attack but someone stopped her.

"No, she's mine! That was the deal." Who the fuck was this dude? "Tiffany's her maker, Markus! Don't fuck with her!" She shifted and made her way towards one of the vampires with us.

I turned to see Helen slumped over unconscious in the seat with blood coming from her head. My fangs came out as rage filled me. She needed help and if killing this bastard was needed to get her that, then so be it!

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