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Reality smacked me really, really hard a short bit ago. I was doing a meme on Tumblr, right? The ship questionnaire one.

Well, someone sent in one on my writing blog--the one that hadn't updated in about a year, with only twelve followers.

The sent ship was Puppyshipping, a ship I do not like.

So, I filled it out really fast, really lazily, and pretty much over-night

on my no-presence writing blog

it got over thirty notes

and now it's settled down to about 50 notes, which is more notes than ANY post I've made on my Art Blog or writing blog.

Which is sad.

I was so lazy filling out that questionnaire, I hated that ship, and I had spent a lot of effort into my Thief- and Death answers (which have less than ten notes). It makes me realise, if my quality of art/writing stays the same, but I just move to more popular ships or shows, will people care more about my stuff? Just because it's more popular?

Now, I'm too self-assured to do something like that, but it really makes me think about things. Kind of sad. :/

Rest assured, though, I'm not ever going to stop doing Thiefshipping or Deathshipping. I enjoy those ships too much to let people's favourites get in my way!

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