party hookups

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In this story we're gonna pretend that Sean and Kaycee are A LOT more famous than they actually are. Like maybe not Kardashian famous but at least Charli D'amelio or like James Charles. You might not understand now, but I'll be making a part two which is why their fame makes sense and is important in the story.

Kaycee hated being dragged to parties. Bailey had made her come since she wasn't doing anything anyways. Half way through the party Bailey got drunk and Ken, her boyfriend, took care of her.

Welp, there goes my only escape for the night. She started walking up stairs hoping to find an empty bedroom for her to take a breather in.

Kaycee wasn't used to being at social events like these and especially  not without anyone there by her side. She found two bedrooms in that hallway.

Noises that she definitely didn't want to be confronted with we're coming out of one of them. Bedroom 2 it is. She didn't bother knocking, the music coming from downstairs was way too loud for her to hear a possible response anyways. 

She stepped into the room and immediately locked the door, not wanting some drunk guy to come in and possibly rape her. She sat down on the bed and started taking deep breaths with her hands on her knees.

Suddenly a certain someone came out of the connected bathroom. "Oh i'm sorry- I didn't know anyone was in here." Kaycee explained immediately standing up. "I can just leave."

"Nah you're good. Just came in here for a social break." Sean sighed. They didn't know each other very well. Of course she's heard of him just like he has heard of her.

The cool, conceited, great dancer. "Well i'll be damned. The Sean Lew, needs a social break? Never would've thought." Sean chuckled lightly to that comment.

"Yeah well I can't be perfect 24/7. It wouldn't be fair." Sean winked making Kaycee cringe. Sure he was attractive, but it was so easily ruined by his jerkish personality at times.

"Ugh. I can't believe how easy it is for you to get girls. You're an ass!" Kaycee said before she could stop herself from letting it slip out. "Oh yeah?" Sean answered with a sly smirk and flirty eyes.

"See? That! That right there!" Kaycee yelled. "Oh yeah?" She mocked in a deep voice like his. "What about me bothers you so much?" He asked.

"Well for starters, how girls will go nuts over you." Kaycee complained. "I mean yeah, you have cute dimples and your hair isn't so bad. Oh and you're jawline is super sharp but you're definitely no Harry Styles." Sean's smile had grown wider.

"Well you aren't exactly someone who should be talking. Ms. Rice." Sean said. "Guys pretty much drool over you in class."

Did they get closer?

"Ok you have a pretty sparkle in your eyes. Oh and the curls are okay." Kaycee had taken notice of how Sean's demeanor had completely changed. He was being a bit more genuine. "That it?" Kaycee asked suddenly becoming the more bold one.

"And your lips." Sean added throwing Kaycee's stomach for a spin. "My what?" Kaycee stepped forward. "I'm sorry that kinda slipped out." Sean apologized.

"Wow Sean  apologizing to a girl? Something I never thought I'd live to see. Don't worry about it. I've thought of parts of you way worse than just your lips." Kaycee shrugged.

Sean's face completely dropped his mouth on the floor. "Oh my god. Did I say that last part out loud?" Kaycee panicked.

At this point they were so close they could almost feel the heat radiating off the other. Has is gotten hot in her or is it just me?" Kaycee asked tugging at the neck of her shirt.

"You aren't the only one." Sean let out. Kaycee nodded before realizing she had said two things. "Wait about which part?" Kaycee asked.

Sean then took his lips into her, capturing her in a trance. Finally after letting go, he winked and shrugged his shoulders as he turned around to walk away.

"I don't know, that's for you to decide." Sean called still facing the opposite direction. Kaycee knew she wanted more. The kiss was way more enjoyable than she would have ever thought.

She tugged his arm pulling him back in. They kept at it as he slammed her against the wall making out with her. He kissed down to he jaw making  his way to her neck. "Wait not here. Can we go to my apartment?" Kaycee asked after snapping out of the moment.

Sean nodded and dragged her down the stairs, past her friends who she gave a quick wave to, and out the door. He drove there in his car since Bailey had driven her and Ken to the party. Once finally getting there they didn't waste any time. She could barely lock the door before she dragged Sean into her room.

They continued what they started at the party. Sean pushed Kaycee against the wall as they made out for minutes. Both of their hands lingering, Kaycee's had made their way to Sean's hair.

That must have flipped a switch because he took Kaycee by the hips and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she pushed into his hips. He found the hard and flopped down on it leaving Kaycee on top of him kiss still connected.

They had both started taking each other's  shirts off. He reached for her bra strap to take it off. She took the hint and helped him pull it the rest of the way.

She reached for his pants he had on. Black Jeans with a Gucci belt. She undid the belt and Sean pulled down his pants, pulling down hers and her lace panties afterwards.

She couldn't help but let out a moan from the way a finger grazed her wet spot as he took off her underwear. She reached for his little friend stroking it.

Sean couldn't help the moans either as he started kissing down her neck. He finally lined up at her entranced and pushed in causing her to scream his name.

They kept going, Sean going faster and faster, causing the moans to get louder. They turned and flipped each other into different positions going at it.

A thin layer of sweat even started to cover their bodies but they kept going. And going. Andddd going, until they finished. "Sean I'm so close." Kaycee whined.

They both started thrusting harder into each other. As their movements became more sloppieruntil Kaycee collapsed onto him out of breath. "Jesus Christ." She sighed.

Her face was right on Sean's chest and she was laying on top of him Their nude bodies touching closer than what felt possible.

"What?" Sean asked. "That was probably the best sex I've had in my entire life." She admitted, "Yeah you were alright." Sean teased. Yup, moment ruined.

That made her sit up and death stare him for a second before removing herself from him to lay beside him.

"Relaaaaxx Rice, I was just playing. You were definitely the best I've had." He said. "Up for round two?" Sean offered.

"No way. I'm way too tired. if you haven't noticed I'm not really a party kind of girl, and to hook up with someone right after? I'm completely drained of my energy." Sean nodded along as he saw her start to nod off, closing her eyes and sinking her head deeper into her pillow.

"I get that. I mean everyone believes me to be this popular asshole that only parties and gets into trouble outside of dancing, but its actually exhausting, Sometimes I wish I could be like you, quiet and chill, but its not my reputation. Even on days I would like to stay in my house and make tea for myself and watch Netflix, my manager calls me to tell me about a party he's heard about and needs me to be there to keep up my look. I mean, I guess he's right. It does kind of pay my bills but I wish it didn't have to be this way all the time." Sean explained.

He was so lost in his words. He's always thought he felt this way but never actually said it out loud before. Especially not to some girl he just hooked up with. he looked over to Kaycee, only to find her sleeping.

Welp, that was a waist. It's for the best right? At least she couldn't snitch to anyone that she heard him admit this. He decided it would be best to just leave her to sleep.

He got up gently making sure not to wake her up and put his clothes on. He pulled up his pants and buttoned up his shirt before silently slipping out of the room and out her door.

Kaycee's Pov

The next day waking up was not enjoyable for me. I had a headache and my whole body was sore. Why do I even have a headache? I didn't drink anything.

I sat up rubbing my head trying to process any thought. Why is it so cold in here? My question was answered when I looked down to see my uncovered upper half.

"Oh shit." I replayed the whole night and yep, sure enough. I did sleep with someone. And that someone, was Sean Lew.

I reached for my phone that read 12:04. But there was also a notification from Instagram. Well that's normal. I put the phone up to my face to reveal that one little Instagram notification was actually 25,000.

"25,000 PEOPLE TAGGED ME IN A VIDEO?" I yelled into the open space of my room. I had to see right away what they caught. I mean, I knew what it might possibly be, but I hoped it wasn't.

"Please don't be, Please don't be, please don't be." I repeated to myself as the app loaded. Sure enough, it was a video of me and Sean running out of the house and into his car hand in hand. "I'm so fucking stupid." I sighed.

I didn't even know what to do. Check the comments maybe? I tap on the comment icon to see everyone going crazy.

Kayceelove: Omg are you guys thinking what I'm thinking? ;)                                                                                lewserfan: definitely. Do you guys think they're dating?

Seayceehope: started a ship account!
seayceeroses: Same!

There's ship account? I needed to text Sean. So that I did. I slid into his dm's and ranted.

                                                                          Kaycee Rice
Sean! Have you seen this? Everyone is onto us!

Sean Lew
Yeah, so what?

Kaycee Rice
What do you mean so what?! Reputations.  Not just  me. If you're seen with me everyone will think you've gone soft. And if I'm seen with you  everyone will think I've lost my innocence.

Sean Lew
You have lost your innocence.

Kaycee Rice
Not the point! They can't know that.

Sean Lew
Oh come on. I'm sure they already know. It's not like you've never had a boyfriend before. You dated Gabe for like two years. No way you didn't lose it to him. And who knows what you've done after the breakup. You're 19 now it's pretty obvious you aren't a little girl anymore, you have to grow up at some point. Oh and btw I left me belt at your place, can I swing by and get it.

Kaycee Rice
Fine. Come now tho, I might have people over and they CAN NOT see you. And you're being real bold for someone who left a Gucci belt at my house. You'd be lucky if I don't burn it.

Sean Lew                                                                                                                                                                                  Go Ahead. That's the plus about being rich. I can just buy another one. ;)

I cringed at that last text. It's so annoying how douchey he can be. I decided then to group facetime  Bailey and Tahani, my best friends.

Before doing  so I remember that I'm naked. I swing my legs around sliding off my unusually high bed. Or maybe I'm just short. I walk over to pull a sports bra over me head and some underwear and shorts.

I set my phone on my vanity as it starts to ring, and sit down on the stool it came with. They both finally answer after two rings and we all greet each other. "So why are you calling?" Bailey asks after saying hi.

"Okay so I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come over, maybe bake and watch a movie. And you can sleepover if you want." I offer.

"Uh HELL YES!" Tahani exclaimed. "I'd love that! But I can't come yet, My sister and I are about to workout, and you know how i like to take super long showers after working out. I'll be there by three."

I nod my head and laugh at her ridiculous showers comment. "Tahani?" I ask. "Oh yeah I'll be there by three too." She agreed. "Great so it sounds like a plan." I say and everyone hangs up after saying our goodbyes.

I hop in the shower listening to Sza and Ariana Grande. After my shower I wrapped my self in a towel with my were hair dripping on the floor.

That's when my doorbell rang. Nobody's supposed to be here ye- "Damn it. It's Sean" I whisper to myself. I walk out of my bathroom after turning off the light and check through the peephole to make sure it's him. And sure enough in the other side of that door, I see a cute- erm, I mean assface boy named Sean Lew.

Even though I'm only in a towel, I open the door. He's seen me with less on anyways, was my conclusion.

"Hey." Sean smirked after looking me up and down. I roll my eyes at his actions. "Hello." I reply with a straight face. "I don't know where your belt is but you can check my room if you want." I say locking the door after he steps in.

"Well well well. Ms. Kaycee Rice. I never knew you were like this.". Sean laughs. What is he talking about?

I raise an eyebrow at him to show I have no clue what he's getting at. "Well don't act so innocent." He made sure to really pronounce every letter in that word to bother me.

"Was this your plan all along. Did you see me leaving my belt as the perfect chance to get me again? So you wet your hair, and put a towel on, and tell me to go to your room to check for myself. Was this all a plan?" 

He's absolutely insane. "Yea you wish Lew. I have never, and will never try that hard just to get some dick. In your dreams. Plus I'm not even turned on." I explain to him.

Sean looks offended by that last sentence. He takes a step closer to me. "Oh yeah how bout now?" He asks lowering his voice to a whisper. "I'm not that easy Sean." He rolls his head back slightly in defeat.

He starts to walk away before quickly turning around and grabbing me by the waist. He takes me and puts me against the wall. "And how about now?" He asks again.

I shake my head no, "Mh Mnm." He then takes his face and lowers it onto my level and leans in. He was so close to me I caught my breath and didn't let it go.

"And Now?" He's so close I feel his lips slightly touch mine while he speaks. I didn't answer with words, I just slowly nod my head a yes while looking at him.

He get's even closer which I didn't think was possible but our lips still didn't touch. It felt so warming and comfortable. As if our lips with magnets waiting to be pushed together. And right when our lips were about to touch... he pulls away.

"Nah I'm not that easy Rice. Good to know how to turn you in though." He winked as he walked into my bedroom. I couldn't help my self once we got to my room.

Yes, he was an asshole that I could just punch right in the gut any other time. But he had this one way of doing things that was so attractive, I couldn't help myself.

I grab his hand and turn him around, smashing our lips together. He continued the kiss. We made out passionately grabbing each other's hair.

Finally I tugged stop my towel letting it drop which made him go over board. He  grabbed me and flung us onto my bed. I reach to take off his shirt and pull it over his head.

He kisses down my neck leaving hickeys, and down to my stomach but I pull him back up, wanting his lips against mine even longer. We were getting so into it, his pants came off along with his underwear.

Things got heated as he teased me with his dick as he rubbed around my wet spot. But before he could push in, my door came flinging open, revealing my best friends Tahani and Bailey. Oh shit.

Thank goodness we were covered up in our bottom half by my comforter, or they would've seen an unpleasant sight. "What. the. fuck." Bailey drops her phone.

They both hurry out of the room and I look back up at Sean with a shocked face. "Uhm. You might wanna." "Uh yeah. I'm just gonna leave." "Yeah I think that would be best."

We rush out words trying to pull clothes on ourselves. "Uhm, well 'I'll see you soon." Sean says before running out the door and out of the apartment.

"Shit." I say to myself. I slowly open my door and walk to my living room to where I see my best friends squealing and jumping up and down.

I rub my forehead feeling my headache coming back. "Okay okay, enough. Why are you guys here so early anyways? You were supposed to be here in two hours." I ask trying to pretend nothing just happened.

"Oh hell no! You aren't gonna just go past that like nothing happened." Tahani shouts. Shoot. "Yeah, you're fucking Lew?"

Oh boy. This is gonna be a long day.

Thank you guys so much for reading this. I never would have thought I would get so many viewers. Anyways thank you sm for reading and if you made it this far make sure to vote for this and comment your favorite part or story suggestions you would like me to write about.

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