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Well well well, yall probably wanna shoot me for being so slow with updating chapters, especially since were still in introduction arc (what's wrong wit meh) So I wanna make sure you all have a great easter and hopefully I'll return with lit (and shorter) chapters! Hopefully, we'll get deeper in the plot and history of Gaia and sht~ just be patient with me (if summer was here i would be on chap 30+ lol) so as a friendly return, I'd decided "Hey why not show my lovely readers some artwork?" So here it is fam~ i was planning to wait and use it on chapters but it's better to see what these characters are really made of (and no I'm not putting all, and make sure to support Gallibo! She drew these~)

And my ultimate fav 

Thanks to all who've read this story, really appreciate it!

Here's a sneak peak for their wands~

Character Profile's will come soon

Chapter will prob come soon (This month is report cards for school, so gotta study study study)

Dm me any questions~ i'm all ears for your opinion, and If yall like, i can post more art from the true creator if this awesome series (I just writing fanfic of it, don't get twisted lol (she never really made a story, just the art and characters, make sure you support her tho ; Pivix;Galibo )

And so... Have a good easter and see you next time 

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