Unlocking Our True Magic Part 2

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Another day of activating magic begins. The girls gathered back at Momiji's large backyard after school. Hanabi felt like a winner since she won the race to activation. She sits on the sidelines watching her friends practice by themselves. The guardians watched the girls practice from Momiji's large window in her room. Uji keeps the rings in his hands for safekeeping.

Nene slept on Momiji's bed like a baby. She had no reason to watch the other girls, only Hanabi. Hanabi finished her duty, so there was nothing left for Nene to do. Mochi observed Mei closely. She kept a face of desperation and worry during Mei's unsuccessful training.

Momiji waves her hands around in circles. She takes deep breaths and runs around the large plot of grass, but nothing happened. No magic and no wind. Mei had a very hard time. Nothing was working. She tries hugging the trees, kissing the grass, eating the grass, and drinking green tea. She was out of options.

"Maybe sleeping on the grass would work..." Mei whispers to herself.

Momiji stands still and takes another deep breath. Inhale... Exhale...

FREEZE! The long strands of grass froze from Yukino's gentle touch. A small smile forms on her still lips. Uji applauds loudly, dropping the rings onto the ground.

"Be careful!" Mochi roars.

"Yikes, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Uji mumbles while collecting the rings.

"How did you do that?" Momiji pants.

"I just thought of the cold weather... I think?" Yukino scratches her head awkwardly.

In fact, Yukino did know how she activated her powers. She's known for her cold persona and took advantage of her title. She could've summoned her powers before Hanabi but didn't want to seem like a showoff.

Two down, two to go. Mei and Momiji were struggling the most. Their power comes from a more complex side. Life and death. Unlike Yukino and Hanabi, they must understand their powers.

Mei is unknown with the concept of how important life is. She barely understands pregnancy. Momiji never experienced a death in her family. She is unaware of the feeling of losing someone. These two are in a complicated situation. But they are the same as Earthlight and Dark Nature when they were born.

Earthlight was unknown to her surroundings and her identity. She soon learned the concept of life through rough adventures around her messy creations and dinosaurs. Dark was also unknown to everything. She had to learn the truth the hard way.

Momiji marches to her colorful metal water bottle that was seated beside Hanabi. Hanabi watches Momiji chug down her water angrily.

"Maybe Yukino and I's power are temperature based?" Hanabi shrugs.

"That makes sense, so Momo and I are Life-based?" Mei sighs.

"In fall, everything dies, and the animals prepare for winter, it's pretty easy to understand that concept" Momiji wipes her sweaty forehead with her bare forearm.

"In spring, the animals come out of hibernation and plants grow again. That isn't hard to understand," Mei sighs again, this time more annoyed.

"Spring vs fall is like life vs death, so maybe you two needs understand that concept," Yukino suggests.

"So, I need someone to die to understand death," Momiji jokes.

Everyone looks at Momiji concerned.

"That's dark man," Hanabi cringes.

"I'M JOKING!" Momiji shouts.

The girls' giggles at Momiji's reply. Momo felt flustered but eased herself by laughing with them.

"How am I going to understand death?"

"How am I going to understand life?"

"Honestly, just watch some documentaries," Hanabi yawns.

"I know that life is precious. Look at different examples of life and listen to stories," Yukino tries to help Mei.

"Let's meet back here tomorrow, same time, and maybe we'll move on to the next step," Momiji says.

The girls agreed.

The girls and guardians said their farewells and headed back home. Yukino went back inside Momiji's home with Uji in her arms. Momiji sits down on the flat grass, staring at the bright moon arising. Her face was hypnotized by its stunning beauty. She often looks at the moon whenever she was worried. Wherever she was, the moon remains the same.

Akito stops by Momiji's house, hoping to sneak in for some comfort. Behind the black metal, he notices a figure sitting on the grass as the wind blew her hair from the side. He awes at Momiji's beautiful short hair shimmering from the moon's glare. He wants to stare at her longer but didn't want to seem like a creep. Her gorgeous presence made Akito feel a little better.

"Momo!" He shouts with his arms waving in the air.

Momiji slightly turns her hair and smiles at Akito.

"Why are you sitting in this weather all alone?" Akito approaches the gate.

"I just wanted to be alone and just relax," Momiji falls on her back, the grass slightly stabbing her shirt. Luckily the grass didn't bite her back.

Akito unlocks the gate and marches over to her. He sits down with his legs crossed. Momiji stares at his odd dark attire. It's unusual for Akito to wear a suit. His tie was undone, and his blazer was wrinkled. Although his shoes sparkled due to the reflection of the moon.

"Why are you so fancy tonight?" Momiji runs her fingers down his back, touching the blazer's nice material.

"I visited my grandma's tomb," Akito spoke in a soft tone. He bit his lip trying to remain cool.

"Oh... you never told me you were going today, I could've assisted you," Momiji brings her head up, as small pieces of grass dangle from the ends of her hair.

Akito shakes his head.

"I didn't want to bring you down on a Friday, and you were having fun with your friends," Akito sighs.

"You're my best friend, I would've canceled and joined you instead!" Momiji's tone grew.

"It's fine, I got to talk to her about some private things and give her nice flowers,"

"You never showed me where her tomb is, and again I missed my chance to see her..." Momiji annoyingly sighs and drops back down on the grass.

"Momo since when are you so interested in my grandma?"

"It's the one thing you never talk to me about. Every time she comes up, you either shut me down or change the subject. I don't understand the concept of death. And yet it's the only way to fully understand Autumn,"

The wind grew heavier, pushing Akito's black fedora off his head. He stares at Momiji. She stares at him. The moon stares at them both.

"How is death connected to autumn?"

"Everything dies in autumn, but how am I supposed to understand that? How am I supposed to understand you if I don't know how your feeling about your grandma!" Momiji stomps her feet.

"It was hard at first, realizing she was gone. Grandma Aki was the only one that listened to me. She was sick but never told me. She kept a smile whenever I was near. She was in a lot of pain but refused to let me see her suffer," Akito's hands' quiver. Momiji watches him try his hardest not to cry. He places his hands on the grass and grips tightly.

"I watched her die, but I thought she went to sleep," Akito stutters. Momiji clicks on the word sleep. She brings herself up on her knees and notices Akito avoiding eye contact.

"She was the only one, the only one that understands me!" A small tear escapes his grasp. Momiji watches the tear drop onto his dress pants.

"I... I!" Akito hesitates.

Momiji pulls Akito into a hug. He froze in Momiji's arms. Her gentle touch caught him off guard. She slightly pushes his head down on her shoulder and rubs his back.

"I should've known she was in pain. I failed to protect her!" Akito bursts into tears. Momiji kept a strong face and listens to his cry.

Akito held a deep connection to his grandma. His parents barely cherished her as he did. They always played to together. Grandma Aki was never annoyed. Her mission was to keep him happy. Aki witnessed all Akito's hardships but Akito never saw hers. He loved his grandma very much. Her death struck him like a bullet. He tries to not think of her to prevent the temptation of sadness. He wants to be stronger than his granny but inside he's still a little boy who misses his grandma.

He never told anybody how he was feeling about her death. Momiji was the first and maybe the last.

"Your grandma loved you, that's what matters most," Momiji pushes Akito back and stares at him directly. Her eyes didn't follow the tears, only in his eyes. Tears drenched his pink cheeks and ran down to his neck.

"Your smile is what kept her going, and she lived a very long life. Your memories of her will keep her alive in your heart. She's resting peacefully. She didn't leave you depressed," Momiji removes his glasses and caresses his wet cheeks.

"She left you happy,"

"Momo..." Akito hiccups. Momiji chuckles.

"It's time to move on and let her rest. Just like in autumn, all of nature sleeps. They need a break from everything. Your grandma shall remain alive in your heart and your memories. Just like how we remember the beautiful plants that died but lives on in our memories," Momiji smiles.

"Now let's head inside and grab something to eat! Sebastian's food will make you happy again," Momiji stands by with her hand extended at Akito.

"Let's go,"

Akito nods.

At first it's hard to move but eventually, he will finally let her rest.

Autumn isn't just about death, and I'm an idiot for thinking that. It's a time of change, protection and letting go. A time to rest. I finally understand my season.

Momiji and Akito held hands. He kept his glasses off since it was all fogged up. They both headed towards the dining room where they met Yukino and Sebastian talking to each other at the table. The fresh aroma of roast ham fills the room. Sebastian's chef attire was awfully dirty. He still earned his title of the classiest chef with his large glass of wine.

"It smells so good in here," Momiji felt the air slap her in the face.

"Woah what's up with your eyes dude?" Sebastian stares in awe.

"Oh, shut up Seb," Akito glares.

Momiji nudges Akito's shoulder. Akito sighs and sits beside Yukino.

"Let's just feast then!" He grabs the fork and knife.

"Wait what about my parents?" Momiji snatches the fork from Akito.

"What parents?" Sebastian arches his brow.

Momiji giggles but Yukino was lost.

Mei's walking pace was slow and her head watches the pavement. Mochi rested inside her backpack. Mei didn't know what to do anymore. She tried everything she could think of. Some that were normal and others that were weird. The weirdest is that she ate grass. Who eats grass? Isn't that defeating the purpose of being the guardian of nature?

All Mei wanted was her mom. Maybe some comfort was all she needed.

Mei enters her home, with some hope of her mother being inside. Instead, the house reeked of perfume. Satsuki in her ugly polka-dotted blue pajamas was testing new perfume bottles she bought. Mei gags at the unwanted smell of banana and lemon combined. What kind of company makes banana perfume? Mei plugs her nose and marches over to the living room. Satsuki sits on the couch facing a messy pile of different kinds of perfume bottles on the coffee table. She picks up a bright purple bottle labeled LAVENDER.

"Satsuki what's with all this perfume?!" Mei coughs.

"I'm trying to look my best for my date tomorrow," Satsuki sprays more perfume on her arm, the smell of lavender with a hint of apple took over the banana-lemon smell. Mei gags even more at the terrible smell.

"I'm just going to be outside," She hurries out of the living room.

Mei charges out the door and breathes all the fresh air she can get. She rests her head in her sweaty palms and sighs. Satsuki peeks her head out from the door and watches Mei sulk on the wooden porch steps.

"Hey!" Satsuki launches herself onto Mei's back. Mei groans, and pushes her off.

"Wow, you're really in a bad mood," Satsuki lands beside Mei.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Mei mumbles.

"Nothing my butt, you're upset,"

"I'm not upset! It's just that—" Mei stutters.


"Uh, h-how—"


"HOW ARE BABIES MADE?" Mei blurts out.

Satsuki takes a moment to process what Mei just said. Mei's face turns red. Satsuki's mouth slowly forms into a giant O. Her eyes widen and her nose flares.

"BABIES?" Satsuki bursts into laughter.

Mei remains silent.

"Why do you want to know about pregnancy?" Satsuki pretends to wipe a tear from her face.

"Because, it's the only way I'll understand how great life is," Mei pouts.

"Knowing how a man and a woman make a child is the key to understanding life?"


"Mei, did the perfume get to your brain?"

"Stop it!" Mei covers her forehead.

"Sure, you can say pregnancy is a way of understanding life more, but it's not the only way,"

"Tell me another way!" Mei begs.

"How about you tell me why you want to understand life so suddenly?" Satsuki arches her brow.

Mei tries to come up with a believable reason quick.

"For s-school! I have to write the true meaning of spring!" Mei hesitates but finished off nicely.

"Other than life, how do you see spring?"

"A time of restarting maybe? Or growing?" Satsuki rubs her chin.

"I'd say Spring is refreshing. A time where you just get up from a long nap and live your life," Satsuki says as she stares up at the sky.

"Refreshing... That's smart. In fact, that's the most intelligent thing you ever said in a long time!" Mei jumps to her feet.

"Really? Aha, maybe I should've been the guardian of spring..." Satsuki mumbles.

"What?" Mei glares at Satsuki.

"Nothing," Satsuki giggles.

"Was it really that easy to figure out Springs true meaning?" Mei pouts.

"Well, I just thought of all the things I've done in Spring. Just figure out your own meaning that you can understand," Satsuki shrugs.

"Well uh... In spring, all the plants grow, and the leaves grow like they're waking up from a long nap. Animals wake up from hibernation. The birds return to wake all of us up in the morning. I'd say that..." Mei rubs her chin.

"Spring is a time for waking up," Mei felt a strange feeling in her heart. A lively feeling. She held her chest and smiles at Satsuki.

"Waking up!"

"That was easier than expected..." Satsuki snickered.



"Stop," Mei whines.

"You know it was spring when you were born? May 4th. That's the main reason why your called Mei," Satsuki laughs.

"It was like early in the morning, and I heard the sound of a baby crying. I was so confused. I was the only child, so why would there be a random baby? But then Mom said this baby was unexpected. I was thinking bizarre things like 'she stole the baby?!' mainly because I didn't understand pregnancy yet. When you woke up, you changed this family Mei. Just that single cry woke up everyone. The first thing I think about in Spring is you. The most unexpected addition to our family," Satsuki stands from the uncomfortable wooden steps and headed inside. Mei watches her leave.

"I'm proud!" Mei shouts while running inside the house.

"I'm proud to be your sister! This family is a gift from God. I would never ask for anything else. I'm still hardly honest with you, but that doesn't tear our relationship apart! I'm thankful for that! I'm thankful for having a great sister that loves me!" Mei yells but soon coughs from the awful smell.

"Even if we're not biological?" Satsuki peeks her head from the top of the stairs, staring down at Mei.

"Yea! Even if we're— bio—" Mei gasps.

"Good Night," Satsuki giggles and waltzes back to her room.

The next day finally arrived after a quiet night. The suns rays scattered around the yard as the chilly morning wind danced. Everyone was curious about how much progress Mei and Momiji made. They gathered at Momiji's backyard again and sat on the dry grass. The guardians debated whether they should watch from up close or above. Uji held the rings with pride and waited for the girls to begin. Nene slept in Momiji's bed. She didn't care if they did it or not. Living with Hanabi was already stressful. Hanabi isn't the nicest sleeper.

Purin and Mochi stayed by their partner's side. Mochi kept procrastinating. Purin remained calm but was worried on the inside.

Momiji and Mei stand beside each other but kept a good distance between them.

"Okay ladies, its been a long week of trying to activate these powers. Now let's see what you got!" Hanabi yells like a boxing announcer which confused everybody.

"Why are you speaking like that?" Yukino asks.

"Let me do ma thang girl," Hanabi glares at Yukino.

"As I was saying, Momiji and Mei show us what you got!"

"Who's going first?" Hanabi tries to raise the intensity.

"I'll go first," Momiji felt confident.

Momiji took a couple of deep breaths before starting. Her breathing became calm. A tiny sensation forms within her palms. Small gusts of wind gather around her. Her arms ascend making the wind gather faster. The wind follows every command she made. Once her hands' wave around, the wind blew against the trees and the audience. Leaves rustle loudly like they were singing. Momiji listens to the leaves as a small grin form. She twirls around and jumps. The wind supports her, keeping her above the grass. Everyone gasps.

"Momiji actually did it!" Hanabi happily cheers.

The wind calms down and gently places Momiji back on the grass.

"I actually did it!" Momiji stares at her hands in awe.

"Okay Mei your turn!" Hanabi yells.

Mei hated being last, but it didn't stop her from showing off.

She closes her eyes and gently places her palms on the spiky grass. Her breathing went calm and her eyes closed. An image forms in her head. Flowers start to bloom beside Mei's hands. A large variety of flowers.


More flowers bloomed across the yard. Momiji's yard became very colorful. Mei positions her hands up to the sky. The flower's petals followed her movements and gather above her. The naked flowers descend back inside the grass. Mei claps her hands and the petals scatter. It peacefully falls like raindrops. Very gentle and beautiful raindrops. Mei finally opens her eyes waiting for a reaction.

"YES! THAT'S MY MEI, WOOOOOOO!" Mochi screams and runs across the yard like a maniac.

"Good Job Momiji," Purin hugs Momiji.

"Great, so we're done now right?" Nene yawns as she jumps out of the window.

"NENE THAT'S DANGEROUS!" Hanabi runs over to catch her.

"Just being beside you is dangerous," Nene dodges Hanabi and lands on the patio table.

"My sleeping isn't that bad..." Hanabi pouts.

"Stop lying to yourself."

"Okay girls, its time to go save Earthlight," Uji interrupts.

"We will depart soon, for the meantime rest well and practice. I'll be keeping the rings in the meantime." Uji drops the rings inside his hat and returns it onto his head.


Mochi: So, this is it, we'll finally save Earthlight...

Hanabi: How will we know where to find her?

Uji: You'll know.

Yukino: I hope she's nice...


Mei: I wonder if she's prettier in person...


Hanabi: I wonder if she has a boyfriend...


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