The Epic Showdown

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"Finally! Land!" Hanabi plops down on the sand and takes a deep breath.

She lifts her broken arm up and stares in awe.

How did I manage to swim with one arm?

She sighs in relief and carefully places her arm on her chest.

The marvelous sun began to set. Its reflection shimmered the water and gave it a dazzling effect. Hanabi sits up and observes the beautiful shallows gathering close to her feet then retreating.

If only all the beaches could be this pretty.

"HANABI?!" Mei yells from a distance while running with her hands waving in the air.

Hanabi turns to see Mei accompanied by Momiji and Yukino who slept on Momo's back.

Hanabi gasps and hurriedly gets up. She runs with both her arms out and opens for a hug.

Hanabi and Mei clash together and fall.

Momiji laughs while the two struggle to get back on their feet.

"What happened to your arm?" Mei asks.

"The chick I was fighting broke it but I'm not feeling any pain," Hanabi forces a smile.

"Bullshit, your face is screaming with pain," Yukino peeks an eye open.

Hanabi tries to hold it in but the attention on her creates a breakdown.

She covers her eyes before the tears could fall out.

"Is Hanabi crying?" Mei gasps.

"N-No!" She sniffs.

Mei removes her hand away from Hana's face.

"Are you in pain?" Mei asks with a gentle motherly tone.

Hanabi hesitantly nods as another tear drops.

Mei pulls her into a gentle hug and pats Hanabi's head.

"Don't be shy to show your feelings in front of us, Hana,"

"You don't always have to show us your fine, you can be open, and we will never judge you," Mei reassures.

"I don't cry in front of my friends because I don't want them to think I'm weak," Hanabi confesses.

"You control fire for God's sake! You're stronger than all of us!" Mei confronts.

"We'll never see you as a weak person," Momiji says.

"Don't be afraid to tell us if you're upset, we would never judge you,"

"Momiji..." Hanabi grows teary again.

"We've been crying too much, let's hurry and end this and return to our families!" Yukino tries to sound enthusiastic but fails.

They chuckle at Yukino.

"All that's left to do is summon Earthlight," Yukino hops off Momo's back.

"How?" Hanabi wipes her wet cheeks.

"With the wands I assume—" Mei notices Hanabi's hair.

"Hana, did you cut your hair?"

"It burned off during the fight,"

"My hair grows fast so don't worry,"

Mei ruffles Hana's hair and brushes it with her fingers.

"I like it," Mei giggles.

Hana blushes and fiddles her fingers through her hair.

"Let's hold hands and place our wands in the middle, just like Uji instructed," Yukino demands.

Mei helps Hanabi stand up.

They all summon their marvelous wands and place them on top of each other. They hold hands and look up at the dim sky.

Momiji gently holds Hana's broken hand.

"Sorry," Momo whispers.

Hana reassures Momiji with a grin.

"Blooming flowers marking the season of spring," Mei starts.

Her wand floats and hovers before her.

"Blazing Sun, marking the season of Summer!" Hanabi follows and her wand joins with Mei's.

"Amber leaves, marking the season of Autumn!' Momiji continues.

"Glistening snow, marking the season of Winter!" Yukino concludes.

The wands dance around the quad and create a small shimmering barrier around them. As the barrier grew, it runs past their bodies and transforms them into their Precure attire.

The barrier shrinks back, and the wands combine.

"Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, We guardians have defeated our inner evil to summon your holy presence," Maple hesitates.

"Oh Earthlight, mother of nature, ruler of Gaia, Savior of Earth, and creator of nature, we fought our way here and wish for your presence!" Snow's tone was calm and reassured hesitant Maple.

A bright yellow light shimmers from the combined wands. The light began to suck everything around it. The air grew thin and the ocean joined the light. The Sun's light vanishes, and everything went dark.

"What happened to the beach?!" Flare exclaims.

Flare emits a giant fire in front of them.

"Did we fail?" Flare says.

"What happened to the sun?"

The area felt ominous.

A spark crackle between them. A giant glow of light forms into a body. Long flowy green hair drops down its knees and a flowy white dress drops down to its ankles. The fire dies out once her toes meet it.

She lands on her toes and a giant barrier of light protects them. She opens her eyes. The girls watch her carefully in awe.

"I have been summoned," Earthlight says in a gentle tone.

The girls hesitate to find the proper words to greet her.

Earthlight's dazzling glow dims. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. Not a shine was found on her eyes.

"You finally found me," Her expression lacked emotion.

"We have so many questions, but first we have to get you back to Earth!" Daisy finally speaks up.

"Questions? Do you think I know everything?" Earthlight sighs.

"Well you lived for a long time and you created Earth..." Flare muttered.

Earthlight lightly smacks both her cheeks.

"Forgive me, this is supposed to be a special moment and I'm acting miserable," She forces a smile.

"You've been hurting, there's no need to pretend your happy," Snow tries to reassure her.

Earthlight nods and her smile instantly dies.

"Let's leave, shall we? It's been a while..." Earthlight snaps her fingers and a giant golden portal forms above her.

She spreads her arms, making the portal bigger.

Earthlight takes a deep breath and crosses her arms.

The portal closes.

"It appears we have a visitor," Earthlight growls.

A puddle of black mud sprouts from the rough sand and grabs onto the Precures.

"It's been 15 years!" A long muddy hand grabs Earthlight's foot.

Earthlight kicks the hand away.

"That's not an appropriate way to say hello,"

The mud rises and forms Dark's body. She wore her usual black long sleeveless dress.

"Precures, you go play with my toys while I have a conversation with this witch,"

"What makes you think that we would just leave?" Flare shouts.

Dark taps her foot and commands the sand to sink the girls down. They try to jump up, but the sand's grip was too thick.

Snow slams her hands on the surface and freezes the sand around her. She grips onto the hard sand and pulls herself out. Dark stands before her with a grin.

She aims her toe directly at Snow's head.

"I asked nicely, but you don't listen," She sends her foot forward.

Earthlight pushes Dark back outside the barrier.

"Girls go back without me," Earthlight suggests.

"We are not..." Daisy commands a vine to pull her out of the sand.


Daisy gives Flare the signaling gaze.

Flare smirks and jumps out the sand. She runs out of the barrier and shoots dozens of fireballs, lighting up the area.

"We all knew this battle would come," Maple commands the wind to pull her out. She gently lands on her heels.

"Is it the real Dark we're fighting?" Snow asks.

"No, it's one of her clones, but..." Earthlight takes a deep breath.

"The real one is coming," Earthlight summons her long golden scepter with golden leaves sprouting from the top.

"The time has come..." The real dark Nature opens her eyes. Sitting on her throne of dead tree trunks and thorns, after years of waiting, she finally leaves her throne. She steps down the hidden steps, covered with dead leaves. The waltz to her giant window and looks at the dim sky. A smile reveals itself. Her body vanishes, leaving no trace of her absence. Only an empty throne is yet unnoticeable due to the darkness.

The mansion begins to rumble. The Meteors awaken from their deep slumber and hurriedly meet up in the hallway. Hail covered herself with her comforter, due to her terrible habit of sleeping nude. Thunder only wore his boxers, but the siblings were used to his lack of clothing in the night. Ash didn't change into his pajamas. He wore the same thing as he does every day; joggings and his plain white wrinkly blouse.

They look at each other horrified.

"Why is the house shaking?!" Thunder stands against the wall.

"It's the middle of the night, earthquakes aren't supposed to happen here!" Hail holds onto Thunder's arm.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Ash also holds onto Thunder's arm.

The house stops abruptly. The siblings fall on top of each other.

"You guys go to the portal to Earth, I'm going to make sure Dark is okay," Thunder gets up and sprints down the hallway.

Thunder reaches the grand room where Dark laid. He peeks open the door and notices her throne was empty.

"Where did she go?" Thunder looks around.

He enters the room and runs his hand upon the dead tree roots that reached to the top of the throne.

Ash enters the room with a flashlight. He aims the light at Thunder.

"Why didn't you leave?"

"We can't just ditch you," Hail peeks her head inside.

"Man, this room needs some light," Hail snatches Ash's flashlight.

"Dark always kept this room locked, it feels nostalgic being in here," Thunder climbs onto the throne.

"Why would she suddenly open it?" Hail strokes her chin.

"You guys really don't listen to my instruction," Thunder shakes his head in disappointment.

Hail looks out the giant window and stares at her reflection.

Silence builds between them.

"Do you guys ever question why were evil?" Hail runs her hands through her hair.

Ash and Thunder look at Hail concerned.

"What kind of question is that?" Ash nudges Hail.

"No, I'm being serious," Hail nudges him back.

"Why are we serving a chick that has sinister intentions? Shouldn't we live a life of our own on Earth?"

Thunder hops off the throne and marches towards Hail.

"Dark chose us for a reason, and she promised us anything we want once this is all over," Thunder pats her head.

"Can we even trust her?" Hail asks.

"Of course, we can,"

"I guess after that day where I felt like I forgot something important, I've been feeling doubt ever since," Hail sulks.

"We're alive thanks to Dark, and we have powers, I know it feels wrong, but maybe doing wrong is the right thing," Thunder tries to reassure.

"Maybe they see our actions as wrong, but know this, we are doing the right thing,"

"How about we go to Earth for a whole day, and see from another perspective how this planet is," Ash suggests.

Thunder winks at Ash.

"You're brilliant Ash!" Thunder fist pumps Ash.

"How about we go now?" Hail grabs onto them.

"Let's think of it as a day off!"

They skip out of the room and head off to the portal.

Dozens of dark's clones rise from the sand and stand in a large circle, idly waiting for their leader's command.

The Precures set up a formation. They stood in a diamond, each facing a specific direction. Daisy faced west, Flare faced south, Maple faced east, and Snow faced North.

Earthlight stood in the middle and waited for any kind of movement.

"Why aren't they moving?" Flare grows impatient.

"They're waiting..." Earthlight whispers.

"For who?"

Dark Nature is here.

The giant army of Dark's clones begins to chant and scream.

They raise their hands in the air and wave it around. They created a rhythm that revolved around stomping, clapping, and screaming. This rhythm resembled the sound of precious life being massacred.

The girls cover their ears.

"It's so loud! I can't hear myself think!" Daisy said.

Earthlight didn't cover her ears.

The violent sounds echoed through her ears. Earthlight's body starts to shiver.

The sounds transformed into a cry for help. Only Earthlight could hear the desperate cries.

"Stop it!" Earthlight mutters.

Her body grows into an aggressive shake.

The cries grow louder.

Daisy notices Earthlight's hesitant stance.

"Earthlight what's wrong?" Daisy tries calling out to her.

It was useless. The cries were too grand.

"You left us,"

The rhythm stops.

"You never came back,"

The girls remove their hands from their ears.

A single raindrop falls before Earthlight.

"She's here,"




Dark has arrived before Earthlight.

Pointy strings of hair poke out her shiny bald head. Giant stained red eyes with smudged black mud hid under her eyelids. Ripped ragged cloths covered her chest and waist. Her skin was grey with scars all over.

"Seeing you fragile and vulnerable, such a delight,"

She snaps.

A giant wave of smoke pushes the girls back. The clones hold hands and jump in a circle.

"I lost count the last time we met," She strokes her chin.

Earthlight uses her scepter to help her up.

"Who said you're allowed to stand?" Dark grabs onto the scepter and throws it away from her. She Dark lifts her almost blackened foot and slams it onto Earthlight's head. Earthlight falls onto the ground.

"I want to beat you up but what's the point if you can't feel it?!"

Dark kneels and grips Earthlight's hair tightly and pulls her face up close. Earthlight grabs onto Dark's arm.

"I can feel pain..." Earthlight stutters.


"HUAAAAAAAH!" Flare descending from the air aims her foot down at Dark.

Dark releases Earthlight's hair and grabs onto Flare's foot before it reaches her. She slams Flare onto the ground.


Vines rise from the sand and latch onto Dark's feet. Ice builds around her feet and rises to her waist. The vines grab onto her wrist and pull her down.

A swift of wind pushes Earthlight up. Maple catches her and stays in the air.

Dark watches the girls try their best to hurt her in any way.

The girls lacked in energy, and it started to become noticeable.

Flare grabs Dark by the neck and sends a massive punch across her cheek.

Flare gets carried away and attacks her with more brutal punches.

Dark remains unfazed but her face starts to swell up. Her eyes hang back and a devious smile forms.

"Are you finished?"

Dark pulls her arm from the vine's grip and sends a cruel blow against Flare's cheek. She sends Flare flying.

"HANA!" Daisy yells.

Flare lays unresponsive.

"Should I end you all one by one?"

The ice evaporates and the vines melt off her arms and legs.

"Daisy, right?" Dark cracks her neck, hands, and back.

Daisy prepares her fists.

"You're the weakest right?" Dark yawns.

"I am not the weakest!"

"Precure! Thorn spiral!" A swarm of thorns charges at Dark.

Dark catches all the thorns and throw them back at her.

Daisy tries dodging them but some of them rip her dress.

Dark taps her foot, waiting for the next attack.

Daisy takes a deep breath.

She sprints at Dark, and right before she gets close, she slams her hands on the floor and summons a giant boulder. The boulder falls on top of Dark. Dark holds her fist up and the boulder breaks into tiny pieces. Daisy claps her hands and the boulder's pieces charge at Dark.

Dark blows the boulder pieces away.

Maple blows them back with more force.

Dark sighs and lets the boulder hit her.

"I don't want to waste energy on fighting your minions,"

Dark sighs and calls for some of her clones to break formation.

The clones step forward, but a slash comes across their necks. They crumble into dust.

More clones step forward, but their heads fall off once they step.

"Who's doing that?"

Snow with her long-frozen sword slashes more clones. She soon charges for Dark.

Dark creates one of her own swords made from her dead hair.

Snow slashes Dark's wrist off. Dark looks down surprised.

"Good hit,"

Snow turns her heel and charges again for Dark.

Dark's sliced hand crawls up her leg and reattaches itself. Dark points her sword at Snow and throws it with a strong force. The sword zooms past Snow by an inch away from her face. Snow transforms her sword into a bow and arrow and aims multiple arrows at Dark.

Dark opens her arms waiting for the attack.

Snow releases the arrows.

Dark slices the arrows in half with her sharp nails.

"Okay either you guys are weak or you're dragging this on..." Dark yawns.

Dark looks up at Maple.

"My favorite season, why don't you give me Earthlight and call it a night?" Dark stretches her arms out like she's waiting for a hug.

Maple floats further away from Dark.

"I asked politely..."

"Since when do I obey you?" Maple scoffs.

Dark clicks her tongue and teleports behind Maple. Before Maple could turn around, Dark jabs her neck. Dark grabs ahold of Earthlight and lets Maple fall.

Daisy runs under Maple and catches her. She gently places Maple onto the sand.

Earthlight pushes Dark away from her and lets herself fall.

"Why are you running away?" Dark grabs ahold of Earthlight's hair.

"Are you ashamed of us?"

Earthlight kicks Dark away from her.

"This isn't a good time for battle," Earthlight lands.

"Why not?" Dark cracks her knuckles.

"Let's set a proper date,"

Dark lands with her arms crossed.

"You want me to wait even longer to destroy you?" Dark scoffs.

"Prove to me that I should wait longer,"

"The battle won't be as fun if only half of me is here," Earthlight confesses.


"Bullshit, that's a lie," Dark summons a black orb above her palm. It grows bigger by the second.

"Our battle should take place where all of this started, Gaia is just your hiding place,"

Dark throws the orb in the air.

"Ill give you approximately 1..."

"We'll come to you when we're ready!" Daisy interrupts.

"Just for the battle to be fair..." She stutters.

"Since when do you know what is considered fair?" Dark chuckles.

The ground starts to rumble.

"How about I destroy the one place that you hold dear?"

"Earth?" Earthlight gasps.

"Earth?!" Dark laughs.

"You don't care about that awful planet! You're selfish! You'd think that someone like you wouldn't be selfish,"

"Of course, I care!" Earthlight grows hesitant.

"You abandoned your own creation! Earth needed you and you left it all because you didn't want to feel pain!"

Earthlight looks down at her feet, as she is unable to find the right words to say.

"Is that true?" Daisy gasps.

"What does she mean by pain?" Snow asks.

"Girls return to Earth without me," Earthlight commands.

"What do you mean leave?!" Daisy shouts.

"We came here to bring you back; you know damn well we are not leaving!"

"Listen to me carefully, Dark is not going to leave this chance on killing me, I have no idea how long this battle will last, but you girls are my only hope. Master the wands, they will teach you everything, all your questions will be answered. I will return to Earth on my own,"

"What the hell was the point of coming here then?!" Snow confronts.

"You got what you needed,"


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