Ziqitza -  4th world cancer day

Ziqitza - 4th world cancer day

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Cancer, it appears, impacts all of us sooner or later. That's why February 4th is World Cancer Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day events, which began in 2008 with the Union for International Cancer Control, aim to drastically reduce cancer-related illness and mortality by 2020.…

Ziqitza - World Leprosy Day

Ziqitza - World Leprosy Day

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Every year on the final Sunday of January, World Leprosy Day is marked around the world to promote awareness about leprosy and to let people know that the disease is now easily cured. Unfortunately, many individuals around the world continue to be affected by this condition due to a lack of basic medical care and the disease's stigma.…

Ziqitza - World Thalassemia Day

Ziqitza - World Thalassemia Day

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World Thalassemia Day is celebrated every year on the 8th of May to commemorate the Thalassemia victims and to encourage all those around the world who struggle to live their lives with the disease.Ziqitza Healthcare explains that Thalassemias are blood disorders that are largely inherited and are characterised by decreased production of haemoglobin and lesser amount of normal blood cells. People who suffer from thalassemia have at least one parent as the carrier of the disease.…

Ziqitza - World Environment Day

Ziqitza - World Environment Day

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The environment plays a crucial role in our survival on this planet. It is the most important thing that makes life sustainable. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, World Environment Day is held every year on 5th June. The day was celebrated for the first time in the year 1973, and is the largest global platform, where millions of people from around the world work commonly towards environment public outreach.…

Ziqitza - Skin care during Monsoons

Ziqitza - Skin care during Monsoons

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There is no iota of doubt that the monsoons bring in the much required respite from the scorching and hellish heat of the summer. While comparatively monsoons are better than summers or winters (some might argue otherwise for the winters), monsoons tend to cause a lot of kin related issues. The rising humidity during the monsoons strips the face of its glow, and makes it look dull. Ziqitza Healthcare ltd says that the best way to have good and healthy skin during monsoons is to follow a good monsoon skincare routine. A healthy skincare routine keeps the excess sebum production at bay, and roves beneficial for acne-prone and oily skin.…

Ziqitza - 4 healthy reasons to take a daily walk

Ziqitza - 4 healthy reasons to take a daily walk

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No matter your age, walking is one of the most efficient ways to maintain a healthy weight, keep your joints strong, and live longer, according to Ziqitza Healthcare, one of the best healthcare service providers in India. Experts agree that by incorporating walking into your daily routine, you may considerably improve both your physical and emotional well-being. Walking has a wealth of health benefits.…



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Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd, a renowned emergency medical services provider in India. Sweta Mangal has played a significant role in the growth and development of Ziqitza Healthcare, leading the organization's efforts to provide quality emergency medical services to communities across India, and she understands AI-powered virtual assistants have transformed patient engagement and support in healthcare.…



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A person's mental health is important for their overall well-being, but it also significantly affects how well they perform at work. When an employee is suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression, it affects their judgement, creativity, and productivity. Untreated mental health problems can result in absenteeism, higher turnover rates, and a generally hostile work environment.…

Ziqitza - ASHA: The changing face of Malaria control

Ziqitza - ASHA: The changing face of Malaria control

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ZHL Rajasthan, points out that MEDP was successful in eliminating malaria from 1233 villages of the Mandela district in Madhya Pradesh because the programme engaged ASHAs in their response strategies and effectively used them in malaria control measures, which included activities like awareness camps, diagnosis and treatment as well.…

Ziqitza - Top Wellness Webinars and Ideas for the Workplace

Ziqitza - Top Wellness Webinars and Ideas for the Workplace

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Employee wellness initiatives are now standard practice in many businesses as a means of luring top talent, retaining them, and increasing productivity. Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd, one of India's top emergency healthcare service providers states that 80% of workers at organisations with strong workplace health and wellness programmes feel appreciated and engaged by their employers.…

Ziqitza - Ambulance Making Patients ride safest.

Ziqitza - Ambulance Making Patients ride safest.

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Ambulances, as a vital component of emergency medical services, are largely responsible for whether or not a patient receives proper medical care as soon as possible. However, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) services given by Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances are not always sufficient, and patients must be transported to the nearest hospital as soon as possible to obtain proper medical treatment. As a result, there are a few key qualities that all ambulances must have in order to make the patient's travel more comfortable with safety and increase his chances of survival.…

Ziqitza - Interesting CPR-related facts you may not be aware of

Ziqitza - Interesting CPR-related facts you may not be aware of

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CPR may be helpful for cardiac arrest victims, but many witnesses of cardiac arrest do not administer it. Learn CPR so that you can be ready.…



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Ziqitza - The monsoon season is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, but it can also have an impact on mental well-being. The increased rainfall and decreased sunlight can lead to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other mood changes.…

Ziqitza - Holiday Travel Safety: Tips for a Healthy Journey

Ziqitza - Holiday Travel Safety: Tips for a Healthy Journey

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weta Mangal, the­ founder of Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd, believes in being proactive­ about healthcare. You can schedule­ a consultation with the experts at Ziqitza to le­arn how to strengthen your immune syste­m before traveling. The­y can give you personalized advice­ on supplements, vaccinations, and lifestyle­ changes to ensure your immune­ system is strong and ready for the journe­y.…

Ziqitza - Sugar: a tasty treat or a preventable health risk?

Ziqitza - Sugar: a tasty treat or a preventable health risk?

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Most of us, as modern consumers, make an effort to learn more about good nutrition. We are attempting to regain control of what we put in our bodies, from table salt to the amount of sugar we consume. However, the vast ocean of confusing and contradictory information available to us makes this difficult. According to Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd., 80% of consumers face conflicting nutritional information, and 59% have doubts about their dietary choices. However, the majority of people agree on the importance of making healthier dietary and nutrition choices.…

Ziqitza - The Challenges of Rural Ambulance Services in India

Ziqitza - The Challenges of Rural Ambulance Services in India

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Providing ambulance services in rural India comes with numerous challenges, one of which is limited infrastructure­. However, organizations like Ziqitza He­althcare, have shown that these obstacles can be overcome through innovation, dedication, and strategic partne­rships.…

Ziqitza - Managing Stress and Mental Health During Navratri

Ziqitza - Managing Stress and Mental Health During Navratri

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Navratri is a special occasion that combine­s celebration and self-re­flection. It's a time to honor the divine­ feminine ene­rgy and embrace spiritual growth. Howeve­r, the fast-paced nature of Navratri can some­times lead to increase­d stress levels. To e­ffectively manage stre­ss during this time, it's important to incorporate meditation and re­laxation techniques into your daily routine, find a he­althy balance betwee­n work, family, and social commitments, and practice yoga and mindfulness.…

Ziqitza - Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Innovations

Ziqitza - Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Innovations

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Ziqitza limited telemedicine solutions have transformed this scenario. Emergency medical personnel now can connect with remote physicians in real time, enabling swift and informed decision-making. Through secure video consultations, paramedics can receive guidance on critical interventions, and medication administration, and even make crucial decisions about whether a patient needs to be transported to a hospital.…



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For many business travelers, maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road can be a challenge. But you can easily face this challenge with Ziqitza Healthcare ltd. Long flights, hotel stays, and busy schedules often lead to neglecting fitness routines and indulging in unhealthy food options.…

Ziqitza - Transforming Emergency Medical Services in India

Ziqitza - Transforming Emergency Medical Services in India

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In India, the need for efficient emergency medical services has always been a pressing issue. With a population of over 1.3 billion people and limited resources, providing timely and quality emergency care has always been a challenge. However, with the advent of Ziqitza Healthcare Limited, India's emergency medical services have undergone a transformational change.…