Star Wars rebels oneshots

Star Wars rebels oneshots

563,536 13,278 200

Kanan EzraZebKallusMaulThrawnRex…

Star Wars oneshots 2

Star Wars oneshots 2

954,033 21,854 200

Part 2 to Star Wars Rebel oneshots…

Sherry Raymond

Sherry Raymond

206 10 8

Sejak lahir Sherry Raymond selalu diikuti bahaya yang luar biasa. Sehingga memunculkan kutukan yang dinamakan "Balas Dendam"Selain itu Sherry sendiri memiliki misteri dalam kehidupanya yang "Tidak normal". Misteri apakah itu?Warning!!!~Seluruh gambar karakter adalah karya original dari author bukan ambil dari pinterest~cerita karangan sendiri bukan copy-paste~Setiap episode pendek, jadi mohon bersabar…

Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)

Marks Of A Vampire | Namjin | ( Book One Of The Blood And Absinthe series)

11,813 627 15

First Book of the trilogySeokjin is a Fae. His village was attacked by vampires and he and his two friends escaped through the help of their aunt. But there was a glitch. In the process, Seokjin was marked by a vampire and now, he has to seek help from the very creatures he despises.Namjoon is a true blood vampire. He runs the biggest club in Seoul and tries to fit in to the modern world. When a beautiful Fae with the most beautiful eyes appears on his doorstep with his two friends in tow, seeking his help, who is he to refuse?The name of the series was inspired by Chloe Hart's original Blood and Absinthe series.…

Obey me~ one shots

Obey me~ one shots

255,912 5,411 28

The title says it all. So please enjoy your time with those handsome demons ;)…

Jezebel's Story (Ouran High School Host Club) COMPLETE

Jezebel's Story (Ouran High School Host Club) COMPLETE

922,646 32,987 39

Jezebel a sweet and shy girl who didn't like change, and youngest triplet of the Hitachiin's. She was the girly girl of the family and always looked up to her older brothers but there was one problem... They hate her. Pushed around, teased, anything they could do to make her life a living hell. Their mother always told her that they're just messing around. But Jezebel knew she was wrong. She felt like an outcast. But when a divorce between the parents occurs, Jezebel chose to go to France with her father. With her gone, the twins eventually forgot that they had a sister. But a few years later Jezebel is coming home. No-one changes, but the sweet innocent Jezebel... is gone.…

Shall We Date? (Obey Me! X Female Reader)

Shall We Date? (Obey Me! X Female Reader)

746,723 22,397 73

COMPLETEDA bunch of oneshots (X Female Reader) featuring Obey Me Characters.…

cacoëthes // larry stylinson

cacoëthes // larry stylinson

32,840 5,335 27

"- Będę tu jutro na ciebie czekał. O szesnastej. Przedstawię cię moim przyjaciołom, jeśli chcesz - zaproponował i uśmiechnął się do mnie zachęcająco. - Jestem piekarzem, wiesz, Louis? Przyniosę ci swoje najlepsze ciastka. Maślane - dodał, a ja miałem wrażenie, że naprawdę stara się jak może. Nie wiedziałem tylko, czemu tak bardzo mu zależy. - W każdym razie, poczekam tu na ciebie. "Beatrix wprowadza się ze swoim mężem, Liamem, do domu, który otrzymała w spadku po ciotce. Nie spodziewa się, że znajdzie na strychu pamiętnik chłopaka z czasów drugiej wojny światowej. Czuje się trochę źle grzebiąc w czyichś wspomnieniach, ale kiedy odkrywa przepiękną i smutną historię Louisa i Harry'ego, naprawdę nie może się powstrzymać. lubHarry i Louis byli w sobie zakochani na zabój. Urodzili się po prostu w złych czasach i złym miejscu. Jednak to nie przeszkodziło im w zbudowaniu domu o fundamentach z ich splecionych dłoni i nadziei na lepszą przyszłość. I nawet jeśli nie mieli gdzie mieszkać i bali się śmierci każdego kolejnego dnia, mieli siebie i nic innego się nie liczyło.okładka od @fergusc :)…

You Are Driving Me Nuts | Larina

You Are Driving Me Nuts | Larina

34,208 1,371 33

Elizebeth Grant, coffee shop owner and manager, was living her best life. Operating a coffee shop with her best friend Florence, and having fun while doing it. Then one day, this beautiful, brown eyed Marina Diamandis makes her presence known one day. She can't deny how much that rocked her world. She jumps at the chance to get to know this amazing women better. But is she who she says she is? Or is there something she doesn't want anyone to know?WARNINGSLanguage and sexual themes are scattered throughout Hope you consider this a worthy read!-R…

Digital Art Collection

Digital Art Collection

68 0 6

Nesta obra eu apresento a vocês uma coletânea de minhas artes digitais feitas a dedo, com a utilização das ferramentas de edição do Instagram no aparelho celular. Descobri que aquelas ferramentas poderiam me ajudar a expressar a minha arte através da pintura digital. Sempre considerei que a arte é promovedora de transformações e expressões de novas ideias.Descobri que a arte nos entusiasma e nos impulsiona, porque ela é portadora de uma força que promove uma elasticidade em nossa mente, expandindo-a e fazendo com que os melhores pensamentos se fortaleçam e promovam uma mudança positiva em nossas estruturas.Qualquer forma de arte consegue fazer uma transformação harmoniosa e construtiva no ser humano.A arte é medicina que transforma e cura as dores da alma, trazendo serenidade.Um mergulho nas profundezas da arte é uma experiência que mexe com a estrutura da mente humana.Quando estamos envolvidos com a arte, nos esquecemos dos nossos conflitos existenciais e passamos a construir caminhos e possibilidades.A arte também é uma viagem dentro de um mundo próprio onde tudo é possível. Neste mundo pode haver dois sóis e isso não será nem um pouco estranho, porque a finalidade da arte é criar mundos próprios e únicos.Rozilda Euzebio Costa…

Start  Again

Start Again

17,724 337 52

Bo na tym polega MIŁOŚĆ - Na kłóceniu się i godzeniu, na wytykaniu sobie błędów i przebaczeniu, na milczeniu i rozmowie na słuchaniu i mówieniu na pewności, zwątpieniu i zazdrości, na byciu razem i byciu daleko od siebie ~Yuki i jej mąż Chris zastali wystawieni na ciężka próbę, jednak miłość nie zna granic więc powinni dać sobie radę, lecz kłody rzucane pod ich nogi czasem mogą być większe niż ich miłość do siebie. Jest to druga część książki "Start Over"…



91,191 2,497 91

Requests: CLOSEDI don't write smut or extremely bad angst. Reader is female (til you request otherwise)(This book has been discontinued.)…

Tremor (third book) H.S✅

Tremor (third book) H.S✅

134,255 9,786 27

Czy chciałbym zbyt wiele żeby nie być sam? Czarne i białe to nie tylko ja.Idę po swoje, bo to nie wstyd gonić marzenia przebijając głową nieba błękit.Zaraz przyjdzie noc po nas.Zaraz upłynie czas, takie same masz sny ty i ja - nie chcę wiele, choć wszystko chcę brać.Trzecia część Adrenaliny, jeśli nie przeczytałeś poprzednich, nie zaczynaj Tremor.(c) H-yuna 2015…

Śmieszne teksty mojej klasy/nauczycieli

Śmieszne teksty mojej klasy/nauczycieli

2,916 50 41

Tu opis jest nie potrzebny XDD , nazwa mówi sama za siebie .…

Love Cake (tłumaczenie pl)

Love Cake (tłumaczenie pl)

31,345 2,276 23

Harry Styles jest bardzo znanym gangsterem w podziemnym świecie w największym gangu w Anglii. Jak w przypadku każdego innego gangu potrzebna mu jest przykrywka. Jest nią piekarnia Styles, piekarnia, która od lat zatrudnia kogokolwiek. Pewnego dnia Louis znajduje ogłoszenie o pracę i oczywiście ją przyjmuje. Harry myśli, że Louis jest zbyt słodki, by się go pozbyć.…

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story)

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story)

3,812,106 112,210 45

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Theora Botsaris and Nicholas Markopoulos. The marriage marks the union of two elite Greek American families. It meets all the necessary requirements according to tradition. Greek, check. Rich, check. Status check. Love? Eh not so much. So please come to see how two strangers forced together by their respective families deal with each other...…

Dlaczego ruchanie jest lepsze niż kochanie?

Dlaczego ruchanie jest lepsze niż kochanie?

9,678 128 15

Opowiastka o tym jak licealista imieniem Paweł "zamierza" poznać świat ruchania, a później nie może z niego uciec.…

Vel Marous Emrys

Vel Marous Emrys

71,546 2,893 33

reborn after the truth of thing came out. Having the favor of death life and magic what will Harry do? will he stay in his fixed position or do something new?…

Hungry || Twisted Wonderland x Obey Me || Various x Beelzebub!NB!reader

Hungry || Twisted Wonderland x Obey Me || Various x Beelzebub!NB!reader

38,992 1,986 26

The avatar of Gluttony finds themself if in a Twisted Wonderland.What events will they find themselves tangled up in?Will they see their brothers again?*Non binary/Gender neutral reader*Read to find out.…

Rebel Family (one-shots)

Rebel Family (one-shots)

223,977 4,894 100

A bunch of different family one-shots of the Ghost crew. Of how the crew bonds through tough or sad moments in there life.I do not own Star Wars Rebels!!!!…