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This is the sequel of my first book Wolfwalker Guardian PART I, you want to understand it? You have to read the first part before you read this book. Basically 60 years has passed since the events of PART I. Thneedville grew and lives inside a perfect life bubble with no nature thanks to their mayor O'Hare. Ted, a 13 year old boy wants to give her best friend and crush, Audrey, something she always wanted, a real tree. He asks his mom and grandma and she tells him that once there was a forest that mysteriously disappeared and they say that place was full of wolves so it became a danger for the village. Ted tells Audrey and decided to go on an adventure to find that forest, but they will not expect that having left the city and arrived at a mysterious rock wall, first, the mayor would notice and that the two friends would befriend a little girl named Lily, who reveals to them that she is a Wolfwalker and that her parents, leaving their sleeping human bodies, disappeared as wolves. So with the help of Ted and Audrey, they will try to solve that mystery and bring back the Wolfwalker guardians with their beloved daughter.…