Unraveling Secrets

Unraveling Secrets

685,966 20,580 25

"But... How can I be your mate?" She whispered, lowering her head. "I'm a human. Humans and werewolves can't be mates."Slowly, he reached for her face and tipped her chin up, forcing their eyes to meet. Though his expression was inscrutable, there was a perceptible fondness in his eyes whenever he looked at her."Who said I was a werewolf?"➳Highest rankings: - #3 in Wolf- #5 in Mate- #5 in Innocent- #4 in Protective- #11 in RomanceStories…

See you on a Rainy Night

See you on a Rainy Night

254 25 6

Falling in love is a complete disaster. You lose your enjoyment of the small things in life and start chasing a bigger ideal. An ideal that can only be fulfilled by another person. You relinquish your happiness and sanity in exchange for somebody else's approval and affection, knowing they could leave you at any point in time.No matter how you look at it, it's chaos.But when you find yourself in the arms of that person while they whisper loving words against your skin, and you gaze into their eyes that, to you, hold the beauty of a thousand galaxies, you start to think... maybe chaos isn't so bad.…