Legend of Water Lily Thousand Years

Legend of Water Lily Thousand Years

31 0 25

Sugar Flower is the flower goddess and the leader of the Demon Flower Sect. Aster is one of the two co-chiefs. It is time for Sugar Flower's rebirth as a normal mortal. This isn't unusual. As a goddess, she has faced many hardships in her past rebirths. However, it is predicted by an anonymous person that this rebirth will be extra hard. Sugar Flower is reborn into the Yin Mansion as the first miss, Zinnia Yin. During her rebirth, she meets four people who change her life. The first one is a boy from an official's family and is Zinnia's only childhood friend that brought her the little happiness she had as a child. When they grew up, they got crushes on each other but because of certain circumstances, they were not able to be together. This broke Zinnia's heart and she didn't want to fall in love for a long time. The second one is the crown prince. Unlike most crown princes, he isn't the child of the emperor, instead, he is the younger brother of the emperor since the emperor doesn't have a child yet. He helps Zinnia walk out of being hurt by her childhood crush. However, his feelings for Zinnia aren't the same as hers for him. The third is a girl who she met unexpectedly and they went through the risks of their lives. After these breathtaking events, this girl becomes Zinnia's best friend and one of the few people that Zinnia can trust everything with. Finally, Zinnia meets Aster who becomes the love of her life...…

Mortal Ice [On Hold]

Mortal Ice [On Hold]

379 52 9

~Mortal Ice is currently undergoing some editing, sorry for any inconvenience! As always I really do appreciate you commenting feedback, so please continue to do so!~In a parallel world, love is forbidden.Long ago, Fey lived a different way. They embraced love, and lived in a perfect harmony.But peace doesn't last. One day, everything changed. A Fire Fey who called himself 'The Unifier' invaded the other Elements (Earth, Ice and Storm) with his supporters, and used their love against them. It wasn't long before he controlled Faery as a whole.The war for love went on for a century before the gods of Faery, the Elementals Intervened. They created a new type of Fey, learls. Half Fey, half Elemental, and deadly to both. The first learl saved Faery. But no gratitude was given. The Fey were too afraid of him. They killed him, and put an end to learls. But they couldn't go back to living the way they had. They vowed not to fight anymore, and never again would they let love be their weakness. Love was banned, and they formed The Circle, a ruling committee on which a representative from each Element was chosen. They world has stayed this way since.Kestrel has always obeyed the rules. Falling in love has never been an option, and she has never considered it.One day, she is sent to kill a learl. Instead, she finds a boy with a gentle soul. Touched, she begins to question what her beliefs were made up of.When the time comes, will she follow her head, or her heart?~This story is told from two POVs~…

Welcome To Tallin S7M4B3-OX1: Ergo The Planet Of Purple Rocks and Blue Sand

Welcome To Tallin S7M4B3-OX1: Ergo The Planet Of Purple Rocks and Blue Sand

28 4 6

"I'm only kidding you, Mit." I lightly tapped his shoulder and didn't bother holding back my laugh at his shocked face. "You know, for being THE GUY of the planet who excels at everything, you're pretty gullible." I chuckled and looked up at the moons, noticing how they were perpetually aligned against each other. Two moons were definitely beautiful together, especially with all the light they casted.I nearly jumped out of my skin when Mit took my hand. I looked at him, eyes wide and surprised as he took my other hand and held the knuckles to his chest. With his height, he looked down on me. Eyes oozing with sincerity, he took a deep breath.Mit was softly smiling down at me. I found myself doing the same. "Nyx, we have been through a lot these past nights. I have many duties that I need to fulfill for my people. You have given me the adventure of a light year, and, as an enormous act of appreciation, I will grant you your wish."He paused for a dramatic effect. With the amount of odd things we've been through the past few 'days', it didn't surprise me that even aliens had a knack for dramatizing things."I accept your proposal to bear my children, Nyx."I nearly had a spaz attack."WHAT THE HECK!" I drew my hands back, giving me an appalled look. "Are you on drugs? What do you mean 'bear' your 'children'?" I had a freak-out session right then and there. He frowned completely confused. "But, I thought the aforementioned, 'kid' means offspring. You said you were 'kidding' me. Is that not what it means?""What the hell are you-oh, God," I clutched my face. "I'm going to remind myself to watch what I say to you now.""But I thought speaking is an act of vocal release? How would you 'watch' what you 'say'?"I gave him a tired look. "Please stop talking.""Okay-as the humans would say."…

Immortal She.

Immortal She.

1 0 1

This is my first ever story, I'm trying to improve my writing. Criticism welcome (most wanted from experienced writers). The story is about an immortal girl named Alana, Alana Reoultin Tetzsu. Who has been living on her home world longer than those who protect her. She watched the people of her homeland grow into the fine warriors they are now. Her powers have grown incredibly over the 700 years of her existence. She's known for being immortal but also helping protect her home from the terrible beings of her world who were exiled. The hostile beings of her world were exiled 500 years ago and their descendants grew up to the lies of their ancestors. They grew to believe that the ones who exiled them, were evil and they wanted the power for themselves. In reality, they were exiled because they formed a pact, a secret pact that they kept from the powerful ones. They knew that Alana was immortal and they wanted to rip her chest open and take her heart out, as they believed it held a deep power. Alana had amazing abilities, battles she was involved in did not last very long. Her powers consisted of : > Future visions < Her visions are spotty and consist of 3 short clips from a day or 2 in the future.> Flight < She has 2 beautiful ice white wings.> Hand charges < Both hands can make a large green ball of powerful energy, when combined the power is truly amazing. > Super strength < Her strength is 5x as much when angry, even then she is still extremely strong when in a less dangerous mood. > Fantasia

A BoOk oF RaNdOm (SeQuEl tO

A BoOk oF RaNdOm (SeQuEl tO "ThE RaNdOmNeSs iS ReAl")

3,192 458 146

Hello welcome to randomness!! This is where I pour my life and soul. And no this is not Tom Riddle's diary.Fandoms:PokemonHarry PotterPercy JacksonAphmauYou might find a little Warriors.Well, what is a book for!? Read the dam book!Go on! Read!♡~…