Crossing Lines

Crossing Lines

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Prior to the grouping protocol, many of the city's residents lived with their families, with their friends, with their loved ones. That was, until, twenty-three years ago. The government finally decided that people with different abilities were no longer allowed to interact past a certain age, because of infighting and civil wars. The city was divided into eight sectors, and the government enforced the segregation of these with the punishment of having your abilities neutralized, and being placed outside the city walls. A might-as-well-be death sentence.Any children may stay with their families as long as they wish, as long as they have the same abilities as their parents. The divergent children and teenagers are forbidden to use their powers until transferred to the sector they belong in, at the age of 18. These children are usually bullied, outcast, or completely and outright ignored by peers and instructors in school or most other social interactions. The higher powers that be don’t do anything about this, because frankly, they don’t care.At the end of every year, one the first Saturday in December, the 18 year old divergent adolescents are moved from their birthplace to their new homes in the sector in which they belong. They are normally small, barely decorated dorms in the universities in the inner ring of the city. After finishing school at 21, or dropping out, the students are able to leave the inner ring and find more permanent work, and make a living, or a name, for themselves.This is how the system works. And, it’s kept the peace. But, with the rebel groups forming inside the sectors and over the deep web, it can’t won’t last forever.…

Delhi HC directs authorities to act against buildings

Delhi HC directs authorities to act against buildings

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Delhi HC directs authorities to act against buildings that lack fire safety measuresDelhi/NCR Delhi High Court has coordinated the state government, its local group of fire-fighters and community specialists to make a move against structures, including fixing them, for lacking fire wellbeing measures. A seat of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice C Hari Shankar gave the bearing while at the same time discarding a PIL looking for fixing of two structures in the Azadpur business complex for claimed rebelliousness of the fire security standards. The High Court discarded the appeal after North Delhi Municipal Corporation documented an affirmation expressing that both the structures were given fire wellbeing endorsements on June 14 As the request had likewise looked for fixing of every single other structure in the city which were not conforming to fire security standards, the seat noticed that "as and when any structure is inadequate in fire wellbeing measures, activity will be started by the respondents (experts) as per law, principles, guidelines and government strategies material to the realities of the case as ahead of schedule as could reasonably be expected and practicable". It further said that if any of the fire wellbeing measures were not introduced in such structures, they were at freedom to seal the premises or to make other move as per law.For such more blogs visit website…

Guiados pela Provisão: Histórias de Fé e Milagres

Guiados pela Provisão: Histórias de Fé e Milagres

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Guiados pela Provisão: Histórias de Fé e MilagresEm "Guiados pela Provisão", o Professor Claudemir Policarpo de Azevedo nos conduz por uma jornada comovente através de relatos reais de provisão divina. Esta coletânea traz histórias impactantes de pessoas que, em meio a desafios cotidianos, encontraram a intervenção divina transformando suas vidas.Das lutas de uma mãe solteira aos renascimentos espirituais de profissionais de sucesso, cada narrativa revela milagres e revelações que desafiam o comum. O autor ilustra como fé e persistência podem trazer soluções surpreendentes e transformadoras.Este livro é um poderoso testemunho de fé e resiliência humana, convidando os leitores a refletirem sobre suas jornadas espirituais e a perceberem a presença divina em suas vidas. Prepare-se para uma leitura inspiradora que renovará sua fé e mostrará como a provisão divina pode iluminar caminhos em tempos de incerteza.…

El vendedor de libros~ {YoonMin}

El vendedor de libros~ {YoonMin}

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Todos tienen sus demonios y YoonGi no se queda atrás ¿JiMin podrá salvar a YoonGi? -[el amor lo puede todo]- o eso es lo que piensa el chico Park JiMin, tal vez YoonGi pueda ablandar su corazón y darle una oportunidad a JiMin.Park JiMin un chico "normal" al cual le gusta mucho disfrutar de un buen libro cuando tiene el tiempo necesario de apreciar la historia que el libro le tenga que contar, el encantador chico peli-rosa trabaja en una oficina como licenciado en informatica 5 horas al día gana muy bien y vive uno de los departamentos que son considerados mas lujosos es seúl el lograria tener todo lo que desee al alcance de sus manos sin necesidad de trabajar ya que su padre un millonario señor es una de las personas que mas importan en la economía de seúl; JiMin va cada viernes a una tienda de libros a unas pocas cuadras de su departamento en busca de una nueva historia y un mundo el cual siempre ansia en explorar.Min YoonGi un chico que desde la muerte de su padre se hizo cargo de la tienda de libros que su padre mantuvo en pie hasta su ultimo día, YoonGi no es nada mas que un Malhumorado y triste chico -lo que aparenta ese chico es una caja de sorpresas- tras la perdida de su padre el chico peli-azul cayo en depresión y estar en esa libreria no lo dejaba seguir adelante, el chico si no fuera por su madre la cual debe mantener hubiera ido en busca de otro trabajo o simplemente cumplir su sueño.Park JiMin el chico enamorado de Min YoonGi.~NO se aceptan copias y/o adaptaciones~~derechos de autor reservados~…