Blazing Hearts (A Sexy Headphones Story)

Blazing Hearts (A Sexy Headphones Story)

237 10 3

"Get out of my way, loser." Those words stung in Michael's head, they rang in his head as his panic attack got worse and worse. He was just wishing that this was a nightmare and he could wake up from it but he wasn't dreaming, this was real as real can be. Then...the fire started Michael "tried" to get out...but he couldn't escape. Three people were seriously hurt that night, two were left in intensive of them was Michael.Brooke has been depressed lately, Chloe tried sleeping with Jeremy, Rich was in the Hosptial, Jake was hurt and just everything was upsetting, even after whatever Jeremy tricked them all into taking was gone, she still felt alone. So a teacher recommended to her to maybe volunteer at the hosptial, he told her when he did it when he was depressed seeing peoples happy faces when a volunteer just spends time with them helps so much. So she agreed and started to volunteer in the Hosptial, mostly hanging out with Rich and other teen patients making them feel better was so good, then one day...she passed Michael's room. He had been hooked up to oxygen for weeks, barely trying to move or do anything. He needed help the most.So what happens when Brooke and Michael start spending more time together...and possibly develop feelings for one another?…



8 0 1

mi vida fue como la de cualquiera, al principio. Despues tomé decisiones que me fueron cambiando y hoy mi vida es una aventura día a día.La aventura del día a día es que cada uno sea diferente , que me deje sorprender y que todo lo que pasa a mi alrededor ,pueda capitalizarlo en una experiencia positiva y transformadora.que es un riesgo, sí, lo esque es incierto, sí, lo esque nadie lo garantiza, así espero siempre es mejor que no hacer, que no intentar y que quedarnos con la duda.tomar decisiones puede ser dificil, pero no hacerlo es ya haber perdido.por eso creo que atreverse es una gran valentía.atreverse quiere decir transgredirnos a nosotros mismos, nosotros somos el gran desafío a vencer y superar.atreverse es cruzar barreras , querer ser nosotros mismos.pero requiere de valentía, la valanetía de dar el primer paso hacia ello, de saberque las dificultades no serán menores, que las certezas no existen y que atras quedarán muchas cosas que pasarán a formar parte del pasado.pero el solo pensar que no quiero una vida que no tenga emociones que recordar, que no tenga momentos divertidos que quiera evocar siempre con una sonrisa, que quiero una vida que me de solo satisfacciones por haberla diseñado con la intención de ser feliz y de hacer felices a quienes me rodean, discipa todos los temores.qué podría pasar si no hiciera los cambios necesarios?, solo sería más de lo mismo que estuvo siendoqué pasaría si no tuviera el valor de aventurarme?, perdería la oportunidad de descubrir un mundo nuevo.creo que hay muchos motivos que avalan la decisión-el último día de mi vida no quiero arrepentirme por no haberme atrevido a sentir el vértigo de la verdadera libertad es esta, es atreverse haciéndome cargo de los resultados y del futuro que provocan.Si esto no es adrenalina, díganme qué lo es?!!!!!…

Liden: A Guerra das Raças

Liden: A Guerra das Raças

10 0 5

Em um mundo repleto de intrigas e rivalidades, "A Sombra dos Bandidos: O Destino de Dois Reinos" mergulha os leitores em Liden, onde humanos e elfos se encontram em meio a uma guerra devastadora. O Rei Alaric, determinado a expandir seu reino e proteger seu povo, enfrenta a sábia Rainha Elyndra, que luta para preservar as tradições de seu povo enquanto a sombra de um conflito iminente se aproxima.Enquanto isso, bandidos, goblins e orcs conspiram nas sombras, cada um com seus próprios objetivos e desejos. A busca por poder e sobrevivência leva a alianças inesperadas e traições dolorosas, enquanto a guerra consome tudo em seu caminho. Em um cenário onde a confiança é um luxo e a sobrevivência é primordial, cada personagem deve decidir de que lado realmente está.À medida que as tensões aumentam e as batalhas se intensificam, o destino de Liden pende na balança. Conseguirão os povos unirem forças contra uma ameaça comum, ou as rivalidades históricas os levarão à destruição total?…

WONDERMEN: Siguiente Generación [Pausado]

WONDERMEN: Siguiente Generación [Pausado]

40 3 2

Después de los acontecimientos de WONDERMEN: El Nacimiento De Una Nueva Fuerza, Los Extraordinarios siguieron siendo héroes por todos los años y fueron la inspiración de muchos otros sobrehumanos alrededor del mundo para que éstos también se convirtieran en superhéroes.Dieciocho años después, la raza sobrehumana se incrementó bastante hasta el punto de que en el mundo haya héroes y villanos por igual. Sin embargo, muchos jóvenes sobrehumanos en el mundo tuvieron la afición de convertirse en superhéroes algún día cuando sean mayores de edad. Los gobiernos del mundo lograron cumplir esto construyendo academias y/o preparatorias exclusivas para sobrehumanos que prepararán a los jóvenes para convertirse en héroes profesionales después de graduarse.Cada miembro de Los Extraordinarios tienen hoy en día sus vidas de héroes, pero también tuvieron sus vidas personales y privadas. Además, como el grupo de superhéroes residen de Estados Unidos, dentro del país se construyó una de las mejores preparatorias para convertir a jóvenes sobrehumanos en héroes, llamada "Preparatoria W.M.", la cual sería supervisada por los mismos Extraordinarios. Denny Johnson, también apodado como DJ por las siglas de su nombre, y quién también es hijo del héroe Extraordinario Fireguy y de la heroína Extraordinaria Icewoman y tiene quince años, fue introducido a esta preparatoria, donde su padre cree que está seguro que podrá convertirse en un gran héroe como él estudiando allí. Al ingresar a la academia, DJ no sabrá cómo actuar al principio, pero pronto se irá acostumbrando al ambiente de la preparatoria junto a sus amigos y su hermana Jamie Johnson. Podrán encontrarse con grandes dificultades, pero eso no les impedirá seguir adelante cueste lo que cueste cumpliendo su objetivo.…

Aimed At the Heart

Aimed At the Heart

5 0 1

Calanthe is a passionate gardener living on the outskirts of Willow Creek. He's a cheerful young boy with a gentle spirit, deeply connected to the beauty of nature. Drawn to the enchanting woodlands nearby, he often longs to explore and discover their secrets. However, his responsible yet taller younger brother prefers to keep him grounded, assigning him tasks related to the village, gardening, or foraging for food. Calanthe feels it's unjust that he's denied the freedom to connect with the natural world, a place that fills him with wonder and joy. Despite the doubts swirling in his mind, an unyielding fire burns within him. He feels an undeniable pull towards the heart of his destined home: Oakhaven. No matter the challenges that lie ahead, he is resolute in his quest to leave the familiar outskirts of his village behind and embark on an extraordinary adventure into the enchanting realm of Oakhaven.Ivo, a solemn archer with furrowed brows and a heavy heart, resides in the shadowy confines of Oakhaven, a village encircled by towering stone walls and thick, whispering woods. Each day, he feels the weight of his confinement, both physical and emotional. His younger brother, adorned with the insignia of a higher rank and imbued with an audacious arrogance, insists that Ivo venture into the wilderness to ensnare unwitting outsiders for the cruel entertainment of the king. This grim task, one that twists the very core of Ivo's being, fills him with a deep sense of loathing, as he grapples with the demands of loyalty and the haunting call of his conscience. Ivo felt hopeless, but despite his despair, a faint spark of determination flickered through. He had a plan. The night would be his cloak, and when the kingdom would least expect it, he'd be gone.…

"Voces y Ecos: La Resonancia del Storytelling en la Marca Personal"

1 0 1

Elena, una joven emprendedora, descubre el poder del storytelling en el desarrollo de su marca personal. A lo largo de la novela, Elena utiliza el storytelling para diferenciarse en el competitivo mundo de los negocios. A través de su viaje, aprende cómo las historias pueden simplificar temas complejos, hacerlos más accesibles y conectar emocionalmente con diversas audiencias.Enfrentando retos y utilizando su habilidad para narrar, Elena transforma su pequeño negocio en una marca reconocida. La historia ilustra cómo la integración de experiencias personales y profesionales en una narrativa cohesiva puede atraer y retener la atención de clientes y socios. Además, muestra cómo enfrentar los desafíos de mantener la autenticidad mientras se construye una narrativa atractiva.El clímax llega cuando Elena debe presentar su marca ante potenciales inversores. Ella decide contar la historia de su viaje, no solo hablando de sus logros, sino también de sus fracasos y lo que aprendió de ellos. Esta presentación sincera y llena de pasión resulta en una ovación de pie y asegura el financiamiento que necesita. A través de su historia, Elena no solo consigue apoyo financiero, sino que también fortalece su conexión con su comunidad, demostrando que una buena historia realmente puede hacer que una marca personal destaque.…

One Door Away

One Door Away

1,406 155 21

Peter, who's currently in his second year in College, encounters countless dilemmas along with his journey of connecting truly to others. Faced with trauma throughout the years, a lurking pain continues to haunt his supposed to be joyous college life along with Jenna, who shoulders Peter's worries, and Owen, who lives a blissful life, influencing Peter to do the same. The three were co-dependent to each other and cannot live without the other.After summer break, the trio continues to thrive in the academe and society, however they did not expect an addition to their group, Henry. His entrance was nevertheless beguiling to the three, even though someone never admitted it. The foundation of their group started shaking as feelings started to surface within the group. Henry and Peter share one common thing, a tragedy which they never thought they sunk to. As the days pass in Peter's life, the livid scenes endured in his mind despite being surrounded by optimists. Henry and Peter's connection were something that brought them closer together, but at what cost? What will happen to the four when things became shaky?New chapters every week!Word count per chapter: 2000Art done by my friend, Lian. Hit her ig uo for commissions: craftedby.lian…

"Caught In The Grey"

25 0 2

Jinxx breaks everything she touches... including high-tech security systems guarding valuable items that can potentially be sold on the black market ;)What she once thought was a dreaded curse has since become an undeniable asset in the shadows of a super-human society. So much in fact, the League of Villains wanted to recruit her into their ranks.There, she finds more than she bargains for, including a shadow of doubt that has her questioning her entire identity: Is she really the villain the world forced her to be? And Is her soul beyond saving? **********Author's Notes: Hi guys! I've been planning this fic for a while now, and I think it's high time we get the ball rolling on this one. Yes, this is a romance/love-triangle ordeal (with $MVT potential), but her relationship with Hawks and Dabi is really just a big allegory for her battle with her morality and identity. I'm pretty excited about this one, and even made a playlist to go along with it :) feel free to listen, and read along! Each chapter is likely to have at least one song from the playlist specifically associated with the chapter's content and will likewise be notated. This fic will temporarily have the mature rating off, but that may change as the story progresses. The MC is a young adult (about 20 years old), so please be advised there may be some sensitive adult content that might not qualify it as "mature" but will likely be less suitable for the teenage demographic the original work was intended for.**********Disclaimer: My Hero Academia and its affiliated characters are the sole property of Horikoshi. I do not own My Hero Academia or its characters. I do own this story and all other characters such as Jinxx. Please do not use without permission. All song rights belong to their respective artists.…

Servicios Inmobiliarios: Desbloqueando Oportunidades en Castellón

Servicios Inmobiliarios: Desbloqueando Oportunidades en Castellón

2 0 1

Cuando se trata de navegar por el mundo de los bienes raíces, contar con el apoyo adecuado marca la diferencia. Los servicios inmobiliarios en Castellón están diseñados para ayudar a particulares y empresas a encontrar la propiedad ideal que satisfaga sus necesidades. Ya sea que estés comprando, vendiendo o alquilando, una profesional agencia inmobiliaria en Castellón garantiza una experiencia sin complicaciones.¿Por Qué Elegir Servicios Inmobiliarios en Castellón?El mercado inmobiliario en Castellón ofrece una amplia gama de oportunidades, desde encantadoras casas costeras hasta modernos apartamentos en el centro de la ciudad. Asociarte con una reputada agencia inmobiliaria en Castellón te brinda acceso a:Conocimiento experto del mercado local de propiedades.Una red de compradores, vendedores y propietarios confiables.Servicios personalizados que ahorran tiempo y esfuerzo.Ya sea que seas nuevo en la zona o un residente de largo tiempo, la guía profesional asegura que tomes decisiones informadas.El Papel de una Agencia Inmobiliaria en CastellónUna confiable agencia inmobiliaria en Castellón actúa como tu socio durante todo el proceso inmobiliario. Te ayudan con:Búsqueda de Propiedades: Descubre propiedades que se ajusten a tus criterios, ya sea un hogar familiar, una oportunidad de inversión o un alquiler vacacional.Análisis del Mercado: Obtén una comprensión profunda de las tendencias inmobiliarias en Castellón para tomar decisiones estratégicas.Apoyo Legal: Navegar las complejidades de las transacciones inmobiliarias con facilidad, asegurando que se cumplan todas las legalidades.Elegir la agencia adecuada es crucial para una experiencia fluida y exitosa en bienes raíces.Beneficios de Invertir en Bienes Raíces en CastellónLa región cuenta con un mercado inmobiliario en auge. Aquí tienes algunas razones por las que…

Random Stuff and Things

Random Stuff and Things

4,437 404 104

Stuff and things go here!…

Marsolec: The Voyager

Marsolec: The Voyager

0 0 13

"Marsolec the Voyager" conta a fascinante jornada de Lesdrac Marsolec, um jovem prodígio nascido em Viena, Áustria, no final do século XIX. Com um QI extraordinário de 174, Lesdrac é abençoado com uma inteligência excepcional. A história acompanha sua vida desde os primeiros anos na Viena High School até suas conquistas como um brilhante físico e químico.Através das páginas de seu diário, somos levados a um mundo onde a curiosidade de Lesdrac sobre as partículas subatômicas e as leis fundamentais da natureza o conduzem por um caminho de descobertas e realizações notáveis. Ele é apelidado de "Marsolec the Voyager" por sua busca constante por conhecimento e exploração, refletindo sua dedicação incansável em desvendar os mistérios do universo.A história o leva através de sua educação na renomada faculdade de física, Westphalen, em Viena, onde ele mergulha na complexidade das teorias quânticas e estudos das partículas subatômicas. Enquanto isso, o cenário cultural vibrante de Viena no início do século XX proporciona um pano de fundo único para suas explorações intelectuais.À medida que ele avança em sua carreira, a história acompanha suas contribuições para o campo científico, suas interações com figuras históricas da época e suas conquistas que mudam o curso da ciência. Lesdrac Marsolec se torna uma figura notável na comunidade científica, uma mente brilhante que continua a desvendar os segredos do microcosmo e do macrocosmo."Marsolec the Voyager" é uma exploração emocionante da mente humana em busca do conhecimento e do entendimento do universo. Combinando o diário pessoal de Lesdrac e a narrativa da sua vida, a história oferece uma visão íntima e inspiradora de um indivíduo cujo intelecto e paixão por explorar as fronteiras do conhecimento o levam a se tornar uma das maiores mentes da sua época.…

Despicably Yours

Despicably Yours

9,374 1,052 29

When a doctor with the pseudonym of Jackson Kross gets abducted upon visit to the Wattpad HQ, he didn't know what his name meant for the magicians and knights living in oppression under the evil rule of Queen Donella Tramples- a were-orangutan witch who ruled the underworld castle of Witchpad. Every year, Donella selects a few of the scribes she had enslaved in her dungeons for the supreme event in Witchpad- the Wattys. In Witchpad Wattys- you get awarded with Freedom, or you die. The doctor soon finds himself in league with the Resistance- a team of Ambassador Knights sworn to overthrow the evil witch and give the throne back to the rightful King Allyn Lovedragon. With the help of the Orange Knight, Sir Gawain Williamson, and the swordmage, Captain Paulie Shook, the inexperienced doctor participates in the Wattys to gain a chance to escape the dungeons.But there was one problem: all he had was a teenage witch's story of survival, a type of Snow White retelling which was based on a real incident in a magical world. Will the story of Shelly, the teenage witch, be enough to let him get past the death sentence? Will it remind the slaves of the mighty Sir Jackson Kross and instill a rebellion to free Witchpad from the clutches of the evil witch? Or will it be a tremendous flop, thereby endangering the entire Witchpad into oblivion? Will the hopes of Sir Gawain and prayers of Princess Alexandra turn into ashes? Only time will tell.Ready or not, grab your sharpest sword or choose your best story... THE WATTYS HAS BEGUN!…

Random shtoof

Random shtoof

12,700 588 235

Just random ass things…

Besarte en Florencia ; hardzello-mazzardy fic.

Besarte en Florencia ; hardzello-mazzardy fic.

110 21 2

Las personas se enamoran de distintas maneras, algunas se enamoramos de personas que conocieron en su infancia, algunos de personas que conocieron por internet en alguna tonta aplicación, y otras tal vez de las personas que conocieron en su trabajo.Benjamin Jones pertenecía al último grupo de personas.¿El problema? Ben no tenía un trabajo normal.Graduado de las mejores academias y universidad de Londres, con el coeficiente intelectual más alto de su generación, el señor Jones era el mejor ex detective de la ciudad, quizás, del país. Dado un par de acontecimientos que lo atormentan aún en el presente, Ben decidió dejar su profesión de lado, pero cuando su ex jefe le ofrece una misión por una paga exageradamente alta... no pudo decir que no. Teniéndose que mudar a la maravillosa ciudad de Florencia, Benjamín conoce a Joe Mazzello: un poeta romántico empedernido que además es el primer sospechoso en una larga lista de vendedores de drogas.¿Podrá el destino unir a estas dos personas que se encuentran un poco rotas por causas de la vida? ¿Qué tan difícil será para Ben olvidar que Joe encabeza una de las listas de sospechosos más importantes de toda Italia?.--------------------------------------------------------------------------•ChicoxChico - BenHardyxJoeMazzello.•Inicio: 16 de febrero del 2019.…



39 6 2

Um homem de meia idade sentado no lado esquerdo do beer devorava seu lanche sem preocupação alguma, a mostarda escorregando entre os dedos, com seu agasalho de grife não escondia o tique, hora esfregava o nariz, hora percorria as mãos pela virilha, na calça a mancha nítida do condimento. Percorri os olhos a procura do garçom, precisava de outra bebida antes de prosseguir, um jovem rapaz extremamente magro e de postura curva, com a camiseta encardida provavelmente utilizada ao decorrer da semana inteira, atendia a mesa ao lado, sua face expressa dor de um fim de noite frenético, acredito que os três degraus que separam a cozinha do salão, para ele neste momento eram uma tortura. Aguardei alguns segundos para que o garçom notasse a minha existência, do lado direito estavam um casal monossilábico, ela com um semblante opaco, lábios finos e olhar distante, ele um homem de baixa estatura, percebi pelas pernas que não ultrapassavam o limite da mesa, ambos apos um longe período de silencio esboçavam um sorriso amarelo. Sentava próxima a janela voltei dessa abdução quando ouvi o som estridente de uma buzina, tentei entender o que ocorria, o transito não fluía em frente ao beer, dois veículos disputavam a estreita alameda. Em alto tom disparei um comentário:- Putz!Alguma anta estacionou bem na esquina Os prédios baixos da alameda me possibilitavam visualizar a lua que estava enorme no céu, esse inverno calhou com o fenômeno da superlua, dizem que esse fenômeno altera as marés, assim como todo comportamento humano. Se estivéssemos em um filme a cena a seguir seria, uma linda colina, logo após uma clareira impecável, um rio no final do vale de águas tranquilas. Eu estaria sentada com um sorriso de propaganda de margarida, enquanto um vento lateral incompreensível da sua origem moveria meus cabelos, ângulo da câmera subiria rumo um horizonte sem fim. A cena real era uma alameda suja e escura, repleta de bares, onde…

Rebirth: A Second Chance

Rebirth: A Second Chance

655 31 1

Eleanora "Nora" Florence Potter dies to save the Wizarding World from Voldemort. What she doesn't know is that only the Horcrux inside her died. She is given three choices:1. stay dead and be with her loved ones, allowing others to deal with the consequences of the War.2. return to defeat Voldemort and deal with the consequences of the War, herself.or 3. return to the past and potentially stop Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort.She is given some heart breaking information about those she considered friends and decides to go back in time and try to stop Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort. She comes across some difficulties though; the first is that she is the first female Potter to be born in many generations and her "new family" are all overprotective of her, keeping her from the Wizarding World until she is thirteen. Secondly, she has to hide her intelligence and her past from everyone around her. Which is difficult as her private tutors had labeled her a "genius" for how quickly she went through her development stages and her unusual knowledge and understanding of the subjects she is taught.Come along with me as I tell you the story of Eleanora Potter and her second chance at life. Will she be able to stop Tom from becoming Voldemort? And along the way who will be the one to steal her heart? Will it be Tom Riddle, her former enemy? Orion Black, the once father to Sirius? or will some other wizard steal her heart? Find out in "Rebirth: A Second Chance".-SLOW UPDATES-WILL NOT BE POSTED ELSEWHERE UNTIL I HAVE AT LEAST 5 CHAPTERS DONE AND UPLOADED HERE!…

Devil Rose

Devil Rose

40 1 1

Bienvenidos lectores a mi primera historia: Devil Rose. Dicha historia es un fanfic creado en base al mundo de Sonic The Hedgehog, pero con inspiraciones de otras obras como lo es principalmente el relato de "La Bella & La Bestia", y otras obras de videojuegos o anime incluso. Las ilustraciones que se lleguen a ver dentro de ésta historia son de mi personaje Fan Character de Sonic y los demás correspondientes a su historia y mundo. (Gracias a los artistas como "El dibujante encapuchado" y "JCMX")Ésta es una historia ubicada en el reino de Divel, un reino inspirado en los castillos y alrededores del Reino Unido, pero que también posee una civilización que comparte la misma arquitectura que podremos encontrar en Inglaterra. Nos pondremos en la piel de Dante The Hedgehog, un joven erizo arrogante que se pelea por nada y por mucho, un joven príncipe que lo tenía todo gracias a la riqueza y estatus social de su familia pero que a pesar de tenerlo todo nada lo llenaba, más que un sentimiento negativo de atacar al prójimo es lo más cercano para él a sentir un poco de felicidad, hasta que un desastroso día llegaría un desconocido personaje con túnica y capucha que cubría la mitad de su rostro, entregándole una rosa roja resplandeciente con espinas marcaría el inicio de una maldición demoníaca que consumiría su alma lentamente, hasta que cada uno de los pétalos termine de caer entonces Dante también morirá, por lo que deberá encontrar la manera de salvarse a si mismo de tan aterradora maldición. Dentro de ésta historia el mundo que lo rodea está lleno de energía positiva manifestada en las 7 esmeraldas del caos al igual que la gran esmeralda madre, pero también existe energía negativa manifestada de diferente manera, es un mundo que no posee Dioses pero si leyendas de seres que pudieron utilizar la energía de las esmeraldas para bien como para el mal.…



62 0 3

Community college student Gioia McCauley has always stuck out. She's into obscure music and nostalgia, has autism, dresses straight out of the twentieth-century (a different decade depending on how she feels at that moment), and speaks proper. She's also very down-to-Earth, inquisitive, and is staying pure until marriage, alongside putting other morals first. She'd lose friends after thinking they cared, endure toxic relationships with hypersexual bipolar guys, and be ignored. Plus, her family was strict and babying despite her overwhelming inquisitiveness. As results, Gioia became convinced that not everyone was meant to live and questioned if she was in the right for being as different as she was. A virgin Psychology major with a practically completely nonexistent social life, Gioia also made up for a lifelong dream of making the Madrigal choir group! There, she sang her favorite chants, performed at events, and even scored a solo! She also met Anuschka, a spiritual empath who came from a kind family. However, that wasn't when Gioia really lucked out with her other half. Moreover, the one that got away... Since the fall, she'd notice a goofy-looking orchestra kid, Quincy Whistleater; a tall drink of water with a heavy dosage of U.K. blood and a loud style. They saw each other at every concert and oddly reacted; Gioia rolling her eyes and giggling crazily, and Quincy going weak and excessively sweating from his blush's heat. He was madly in-love... As college came closer to an end, they unexpectedly met and melted into one glowing spirit, possessing similarities, gentleness, and an understanding of each other's eccentricities. From their love of Max Fleischer-cartoons to their vintage adornment, lifelong emptiness, and family feuds, they became best friends and a heavenly match! But soon after their bond's incense permeated, time tested their faith all thanks to their critical, brawling families.…

Glackma: Heroes en el fin del mundo

Glackma: Heroes en el fin del mundo

4 0 1

En los crudos, inmensos y antiguos glaciares podria encontrarse el desconocido secreto para salvar nuestro mundo...gracias a que mediante el abdominable calentamiento global, a cada minuto que pasa se derriten mas rapido, aumentando los niveles de los oceanos, inundando nuestras ciudades, destruyendo aquel clima que fue establecido hace millones o miles de años atras en nuestro hogar, pero hay un gran proyecto llamado GLACKMA que mide el proceso en el que los glaciares se derriten dejando a su paso una gran fuente de agua y vida, perdiendo las grandes estatuas, antiguas como el Cosmos e inmensas como la ignorancia del hombre, al analizar este proceso GLACKMA analiza glaciares en los 2 hemisferios.Miden la evolucion del calentamiento global, para ello el parametro que usan es la descarga glacial. Es decir, el antiguo y "apreciado" hielo que se ha perdido y/o se esta perdiendo en forma de agua. Lo hacen en varios glaciares seleccionados alrededor de nuestro mundo globalizado, estos los llaman las estaciones de GLACKMA. Ahora bien, esta historia se trata sobre un Proyecto en el que un joven llamado William junto con algunos amig@s suyos, van hacia haya, van conociendo la verdad poco a poco, se enteran de lo que el humano es capaz de hacerle a la naturaleza, ademas de que ocurren conflictos, contingencias en el fin del mundo, cosas que uno nunca se imaginaria, pero siempre buscaran la forma de estar unidos, uniendo fuerzas para afrontar los acontecimientos que se les presenten, parece que nada les ocurrira?En esta historia sera contada por diferentes, magnificos y diversos puntos de vista en los que se sabra mas la verdad de lo que ocurre en los glaciares ubicados en el fin del mundo.…

The Narcissist: A Dark journey

The Narcissist: A Dark journey

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The Narcissist: A Dark JourneyIn this novel, there is an underlying theme that the reader is unaware of. The reader may completely disagree with it, however by the end of the reading journey she/he will embrace it. "The Narcissist-A Dark Journey" is a psychological trip through the psyche of one Charlotte Prentice.She is breathtakingly beautiful, extremely intelligent, and dangerous. She will do whatever it takes to receive the adoration and success that sustains her ever demanding personality.Who is this woman whose beauty is only over shadowed by her intellect? Charlotte herself is unaware.Outwardly she is a woman who fights discrimination and poverty; an advocate of education and freedom. To the on-looker she is perfection. But inside, there is something darker lurking, something that pushes her single-minded plans forward without empathy.Her life is filled with tragedies that she cleverly planned and executed, while maintaining a safe distance from them. Her life is also filled with romances, again that she cleverly planned to nurture her successes, even in the shadow of her sexual dilemma that she must keep secret, or in her psyche, lose everything.She and her ilk are the scourge of our society, driven to success to satisfy their needs at any cost. They are the business leaders and politicians who woo us with deceit and shallow promises. Sometimes we are amused by them. Other times we are stricken by them. But make no mistake: they are not amusing; they are calculating and dangerous.Is she guilty of her crimes and horrific acts? In The Narcissist-A Dark Journey", the reader is both judge and jury, and finding the truth can be very complex. Learn about and understand this disorder. You will be living with it for the next four years.For the month of February the E book is $0.99 Purchase Links…