

414 21 6

Arcturus had long been hidden from the dealings of the Blacks, leaving the handlings with his eldest son Orion and his wife. He hid himself away in the mansion of the Patriarch, only to get a missive from his daughter-in-law's sibling popped up out of the blue and informed him that both Sirius and Regulus had defected from the family! He realized something major must have happened, and decided to investigate-Sirius left first. Regulus left after their cousin, Narcissa, insisted he had to leave with a feverish look in her eyes, and he rushed-just in time it would seem, to Sirius...Sirius? He was ecstatic.…

Oh, Shit

Oh, Shit

7,655 485 39

Draco panicked. He did not know where he was, only that he was nowhere close to home. Just one night he goes to sleep uneasily in the Malfoy Manor dreading the next day as he was scheduled to take the Dark Mark, the next he wakes up sopping wet in a small frontal garden in a time that, seeing the horridly outdated architecture, is not his, and unable to say anything when asked where is parents are except 'gone'. He doesn't know how he got to some older time and he doesn't really want to know. Maybe it is Fate fucking with him again. Would be typical. Last thing he knew his Father was at the Ministry and his Mother was locked in her room, both likely to die when Father came who knew?It is the 1940s, as he soon learns, and dread creeps in. Stuck going to Hogwarts for his sixth year, with nothing more than his name and trying to fend off the curious looks and stares as a Malfoy seems to pop up out of nowhere, Draco does not know what he is going to do.Luckily he has Tom by his side...sort of...He just doesn't know what to make of him.…

Why B Baker Street Mother?

Why B Baker Street Mother?

1,455 123 16

During fifth year, Narcissa takes matters in her own hand. She does not go to Severus, that would be damning her precious boy to a life of hell. Instead, she decides for the first time ever, to defy Lucius. She takes Draco from school before he has a chance to return home, telling her husband she is going to be visiting relatives in France, and instead tells her precious baby he must take refuge in muggle london. She states that she had set everything up, shoved papers into her baby's hands, and told him under no circumstances to use magic, as Lucius would easily find him then. This was necessary, she said. She may be breaking every code and rule she had held for herself, could be branded a traitor, tortured, and killed if anyone found out-but her baby boy would not be damned to be a death eater simply because her husband to was too desperate for the approval of a madman.…



757 59 7

They had the tesseract, but had a slight issue. Thor had no idea how to open the portal. Selvig barely remembered anything that happened whilst he was under the scepter's influence, and they can't rely on Thor's all powerful dad because it appears that all powerful people also have limits too. The Rainbow Bridge collapsed, and so now their best option is to Interrogate Loki until something is figured out, and hopefully figure out how he opened the portal in the first place.The interrogation takes place, the Avengers all watching, but it would seem as though there are certain details that Thor really negleclted to mention. Everything comes to a head when, on a simple mission turns almost disasterous as Thor looses his memory, and the Avengers are privy to just how much Loki has truly dealt with in the last thousand years...and they almost feel a sort of sympathy.…



4,158 281 13

Draco did not like this at all...he had somehow managed to get with some band of brash...idiots who decided to try and storm what seems to be some mythical landscape belonging to ancient elves. Or at least, that was what they called themselves. From what Draco could tell they seemed rather similar to Veela, but considering he was sort of at their mercy at the moment...they could call themselves whatever they wanted, he sure as hell was not going to correct them. Not with his mind not really...processing the fancy magic, and magic blades, and obvious rivalry that puts the one between Gryffindor and Slytherin to shame. Furthermore he just...isn't up to it. Now if he could just get a band of morons to stop trying to recruit him on a death mission that would be great. He had already been given one of those far failed. He did not need another one.…

The Ghosts of Me

The Ghosts of Me

243 7 5

He had just wanted to get a good rest, now that he had solved their issue with the Dopant, but questions wondering why it was that Shoutarou would hit him continued to plague his mind.Chief had insisted that he go and help Shoutarou, whether the other wanted it or not. Philip knew that was true, but he also was not sure he was in quite the right frame of mind to see him, which of course did not matter, considering he was shoved into the stupid Ghostmobile anyways. But...whatever happened it was not Shoutarou who was staring up at him after he had fainted, aiding Shoutarou despite his wishes. It was someone different. He had no idea who this person was, and upon realizing that they themselves were made up of a similar material to the Gia memories, Philip was not sure what to was obvious that this was not the same world, but...he could still access the library, yet, all the books and shelves were different now, filled with different knowledge and different lore. How was he supposed to get back...and did he really even want to? Especially since his Fang subsitute seemed to have and even worse situation than Shoutarou. Even if Shoutarou could not save himself, perhaps he could help his substitute.…

The Hateful Fates

The Hateful Fates

11,542 531 22

"You've got to be kidding me," Draco muttered under his breath, staring at the door of his room, his fingers were trembling, his body shaking, and his eyes were blown wide. A hand covered his hip, as tears clung to his eyes. Voldermort wanted him to kill Albus Dumbledore, and to find a way into Hogwarts. That was not what freaked him out so much, today, however, it was what he had seen as he had been dragged to a hunting session earlier. The robes had parted just enough and Draco saw...IT. How could the Fates have been so cruel as to pair him up with such a cruel being. He knew that should Voldermort find out...Draoc shuddered, swallowing hesitantly. His father was in Azkaban, there was nothing he could do."You're right." Draco started, staring up at the figure that seem to have just...shimmered in his room. "The fates are cruel. So how about this...I can give you one chance. However, you won't be able to return. Take it, if you wish." He had not even needed to think about it. Why not? What else did he have to love? His life? His pride? His dignity? All of those were already as good as gone anyways. "Very well." He muttered the words and found himself yelping as his body hit cobblestone.…

The Grooming of One Severus Snape, by Lucius Malfoy

The Grooming of One Severus Snape, by Lucius Malfoy

4,694 161 17

Lucius had not ever really taken the interest in his other housemates. Had not particularly cared about the few stragglers or the first years, or second, or third really. They held no interest or curiosity to him. In fact, outside of his arranged marriage to Narcissa, and therefore the necessary attention that he gave the sixth year girl, he did not pay attention to anyone really. That changed once he saw Severus Snape. A boy that was, previously, did not exist in Lucius' gaze. He was far too concerned about other things. Being Head Boy, readying to take over the Malfoy name, The Dark Lord's agenda. And, reluctantly, his arrangement with the Blacks.<br />However...there was some promise in the young forth year. He had to give them that. Rather pretty, well, as far as a boy went, and Lucius was sure that they would clean up much better...needless to say, his last year, which he thought was going to be rather drall, just became rather interesting.…

Passed Around Dark Lords

Passed Around Dark Lords

25,029 1,313 69

Draco thought that he would have some time to think, but he didn't think he would be given several decades worth. It was just his luck to be caught in the middle of yet another fight between a Dark Lord and his little obsession. He had no idea what to even do, but when they started attacking him...well he attacked back. However, four on one to a fifteen year old that is sleep deprived, magically exhausted from however it was that he was jerked backwards in time, and still slightly traumatized from meeting the Dark Lord was definitely not good odds for him. Now he is once again caught up in Dark Lords...and why is it that they all seem to have some sort of affinity towards him for whatever reason, and also Dumbledore...what is the reason for that? First Voldermort, and now Grindelwald. Also, why is it that they all seem to think he would be a good spy? Either way, Draco is not given many choices, it is either infiltrate Hogwards to spy on that idiot Dumbledore or torture, and Draco would very much prefer not to be tortured. Not to mention, he hates Dumbledore anyways. It is not as though he minds the is quite tedious really.…

Forced Love

Forced Love

3,168 161 16

Seonghwa had known that he was not supposed to leave, but that did not really stop him. He knew his father was bound to be livid, but his father had also kept him locked up in that stuffy old room for ages. He sort of deserved the time away from the Palace and his tutors breathing down his neck, and the terrifying meetings with his father and whatever new noble official he had decided to contract that day. Lucky for him, he was able to easily find a way out, thanks to some muttering from the kitchen staff when they thought that he was not paying attention. So he slipped out in the night, really only intended to stay out for a few hours, maybe, and be back in the Palace before his father realized something was wrong. That plan sort of goes awry when he naively gets practically thrown into the arms of a Pirate, which he was not aware was a Pirate at first.Really...Seonghwa should have known better.…



4,516 265 21

Finding out that your entire life, down to who you saw as family, were lies brought on by a King you used to care for all because of some...some...something...Seonghwa did not know why the King had built his life of lies, or what purpose that it had, and he doubted he would ever know now, considering that the infamously cruel Captain had taken him hostage. He knew that this was just some political ploy, but couldn't they have chosen the other Prince? The one who actually had known they were a Prince and was clearly the better option? Instead the Captain had chosen to kidnap him, of all people, and now he had to try and navigate his way around a place he knew nothing about, praying for the mercy of a man who delighted a little too much in using that whip of his.…

Middle-Earth Meets Loki

Middle-Earth Meets Loki

262,694 11,153 51

Loki is 15 years old, well, 15 midgardian years old, when he falls. He gets plunged into the void, darkness. The place that none have managed to escape, and all who enter, are never seen again. The truth was, he was so...distraught, and so, simply done with life and all it had to offer, tired of the constant torment from his brother, and his brother's friends, as well as the other Asgardians, he just had to leave, so he did. However, things take a rather drastic turn when, instead of dying as he had thought, he ends up in a new world, a world between worlds, a world none knows about, and then also caught up in their version of war, and another dark artifact, with a dark sorcerer. Can he help, but more than that, is he willing to?…

Darker Then Your Wildest Dreams

Darker Then Your Wildest Dreams

600 50 7

They had to admit, they were not all that stoked to leave the Isle, but then again they were not all that sad about it either. Their parents...they had grown somewhat naïve, underestimating them. Underestimating their hatred, and their love of each other. Let's just say, their parents were the biggest villains in history, but their kids were more then they could ever wish to be. They did not really care about the Isle, of course, hated their parents. But even still, there was one person that all the kids on the Isle hated no matter who they were...Beast. And with them off the Isle, well it is time to play.…

Life Turns Around in a Circle

Life Turns Around in a Circle

537 56 19

Hyunjin wondered why he had to just go and do something so stupid, but he had always been a tad more emotional than his friends. There was nothing more to do about it though. Hyunjin never expected to come across Humans, much less having been forced into quite an unfavourable situation with them. Hyunjin to offer his help, hoping that they would set him free or that he would at least be capable of avoiding capture, torture, and all other forms of terrible things that he had heard about. With his luck they had ended agreeing. Hyunjin felt this was the perfect opportunity, upon knowing now that they would not kill him, to get to know more about Humans. With such a species being unknown to him and his kin. That is, assuming they don't change their minds and kill him in the meanwhile. Hyunjin was still quite wary of these humans, after all, they had expressed their desire to harm him at first, and it was only his quick thinking that saved his skin. Furthermore, it was dangerous, Humans were. He had never been outside the forest, and though he agreed to be their guide to escape the kingdom of the south. His people were looking for him, and there was undoubtedly other humans' looking for Hyunjin's captors.…

Draco and Legolas

Draco and Legolas

412,153 16,487 59

Draco blacks out after a rather harsh punishment from his father. Uppon waking, he realizes that he was not anywhere he knew. Confused, hurt, and in pain he wanders about the forest where he woke, only to be taken to some sort of council, and inevitably getting himself in quite a bit of trouble after realizing...He was in another world. Not only that, there was a Dark Lord afoot, and despite how much Draco may dislike it, he was not about to force another world to give way to a dark lord. Especially since he was stuck there for the foreseeable future.But it is not easy keeping his identity hidden, especially with an ever observent, and curious, elf.…

Learning to Survive

Learning to Survive

30,727 1,400 37

Han Seo was being moved. His mother claims that it was for his good, but he heard the conversation with her on the phone, he knew it was something more. He doesn't know these people who suddenly want to take him in, and he doesn't want to go, but he also doesn't really have a choice in the matter. So he goes, and he meets his older half brother, Han Seok. At first, it seems that he is relatively aloof, not particularly caring too much over the fact that Han Seo is some random person violating his space, at least, until he finds out about THEM.However, that tips the scales, and it is not long before Han Seok's true personality is revealed.Prequal to How Difficult it is to Survive…

The Fates of an Earlier Time

The Fates of an Earlier Time

19,704 1,214 56

"I want to." Wen Ke Xing said simply, staring at his subordinate. "if you are so scared, why not just come with me." The female ghost just stared at him, annoyance flooding her, but she understood what he meant."I am just worried how they will react to the Ghost King walking straight into the alliance.""They agreed to have us there.""That doesn't mean that they will play nice." Wen Kexing scoffed."What would you suggest then, my dear?" He hissed, eyes flaring."Why not, just for a little bit, play a different game. After all, you love games, and if you can win over their sympathy, it will be far easier to get the information you want, and turn allies against each other." Wen Kexing thought on this before realizing she had a point."Very well, what role would you have me play?""What role did the old King have you play that caused you to kill him?" Wen KeXing stared at her, anger marring his features before he laughed."Well thought. Well thought. Very well, let us join the Heroes conference, let them pity the poor, abused young man who knows nothing but pain at the expense of another's pleasure. Let us play a game." Wen Kexing could not stop laughing now.…



83,110 3,641 47

Draco Lucius Malfoy. the son of Narcissa Malfoy, and Lucius Malfoy. Or rather, so he thought. His magic spins him into a different dimension, where he finds out that 1. He is not the son of Lucous malfoy, well, not really, but sort of. 2. He was conceived in this current dimension, but born in another, 3. His father his is brother, his godfather his father's lover, and his grandfather his father. What an interesting twist. With the knowledge of his inability to return to the dimension he lived before, he must continue living in this dimension. With overly sensitive and aggressive magic, an overprotective older brother Lucius, and TWO Potters instead of one. He also begins to catch the eye of one Tom Riddle, and must now deal with a pesky magical inheritance on top of it all. Great.This is undergoing editing by one @nbharuka94 they have been quite helpful so far, so please thank them for taking on this rather arduous and thankless task.…

What if He had a Choice?

What if He had a Choice?

56,246 3,755 64

16 Year Old Tom Riddle realized that with his return came a few...complications. Mainly being...Where was he going to stay, how is he going to survive...and more. All answered when a boy snatches his arm after his exiting the chamber and proceeds to question him, and help him in the same manner. Draco Malfoy. The boy was more than useful, and his family would also be incredibly useful. Tom was curious. Unable to help himself, he decided to begin to press himself, to try and get closer to the boy...after was amusing how the rest of the Malfoy family were both terrified, honored, and shocked at such things.…

Transient Waters

Transient Waters

9,893 720 31

SeongHwa was having some complications. Granted, his situation could be worse, as it was...he was sort of screwed either way. Now he not only had himself to worry about, but WooYoung too, and the situation got worse by the week. He did not know what he was doing on the ship in the first place, could not remember how long he had been on there, and he had no idea about Wooyoung either, the other too scared to speak most of the time, He just knew that his every fiber told him to protect the boy, so he did, to his best ability. Now, getting thrust into the foray of a battle against Pirates? Not exactly his plan of keeping safe. Jumping into that same fight and sort of accidentally challenging the captain? Okay, perhaps he needed to rethink what he felt was Safe, but in his defense WooYoung sort of dashed around like a headless chicken so he was not exactly thinking straight.…