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Disclaimer: This is fiction, none of it is true. But it's a cute story I thought about keeping it in my imagination but then thought to hell with it, sharing is caring. In 1987 during the Tango in the night tour, Stevie discovers she is expecting and knows that the father and her are not on their best of terms. So as a favor and her way of protecting her child, she decides that it's best to give her baby girl up for adoption, who was born a year after the tour. However it's sheer agony for her.The baby girl is now 24, Lindsey is becoming curious and wants to have a relationship with his long lost daughter, the memories are haunting Stevie more than ever while they don't know that their little girl is trying to triumph over the amount of turmoil she has suffered in the past ten years. Will she be accepting of her birth parents, can she welcome them in? or has she suffered to much loss of love to welcome anyone in.…