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[Cover belongs to me, it's my art work]___________________________________What would happen when Error finally completes his 'mission'? When there is nothing left in the entire Multiverse but the original Undertale?What would be the reason for Error's existence then?Truth is, he was tired and brokenAfter eons of destroying and fighting Ink in a never-ending vicious cycle, Error finally did it, he finally cleaned up all the trash from the MultiverseHis job was done... well almost, there was one anomaly leftAnd now it was finally his time...Who? why, himself of courseError was a glitch too after all, just like the ones he killedAnd in his last battle with Ink, Error embraced his deathWhen was the last time he slept? Many ages he could finally fall into a eternal sleep. Heh... didn't sound so badHe was fine with it But not Ink... Hell no, Ink didn't accept this ending, it wasn't fair! He was alone... all alone is the empty Multiverse...for years...and years...and finally a new AU was born....and another....and moreThis should make Ink happy right?"Hah- hahahahahahah! So that's it? In the end he died for nothing? A meaningless life, a meaningless death..."..."...You damn fool..."...Well it didn't, it only made him frustratedAs time passed it only got worse, he couldn't deny it anymoreSomething he has been denying for too long because it was wrongInk was the protector of AUsError was the merciless destroyerBut ink was in love with him...heh the irony, right?And so he made a decisionFuck the risks! Fuck the multiverse!Ink was going to get Error back even if it meant destroying everything he wasted his life protecting in the process___________________________________Dec 7, 2020…