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"Today, we will go to school, girls!!!" Joanna says."YAY!!!" Wenny, Rarisa,Sora and Apple says.(Joanna, Wenny, Sora, Rarisa and Apple walk to the school).(Now Joanna, Wenny, Sora, Rarisa,and Apple on the school)."Maybe, we should go from this school."Rarisa says. "Why we should go ?" Joanna says."Because i feel something strange about this school."Wenny says."But Joanna is our leader and we should listen to her."Apple says. "Yeah, she right."Sora says."Ok."Wenny and Rarisa says. "HELP!!!" Mystery people scream."WHO THERE?" Joanna says."I don't know."Apple says."We need find that sound." Joanna says. "WAIT, I SEE SOMEONE SMILE TO ME BUT SHE LIKE A GHOST!!!" Sora says. "HELP US LEADER!!! Wenny, Rarisa, Sora, and Apple says. "Maybe we need to go from this school or that ghost will kill us."Joanna says.(And they never comeback to that school again). X FILE . Butn this story will be creepy and this not end because the ghost will find them again untill ...…