Sinners Never Sleep | Stikolson *COMPLETED*

Sinners Never Sleep | Stikolson *COMPLETED*

20,599 1,196 26

*COMPLETED*Sinner (noun) a person who transgresses against divine law by committing immoral actsRicky is down on his luck in every department until he meets Ryan online and it's like all his problems disappear with a single message. What Ricky doesn't know is that Ryan is a serial killer who falls for Ricky's innocence and feels the need to protect his little racoon.Both Ricky and Ryan have checkered pasts, but who is trying to get between them?…

Aš matau tave/I see you

Aš matau tave/I see you

810 211 21

Trys merginos ir du vaikinai nusižudė Obersto vidurinėje mokykloje ir tik Adelina žino kas iš tiesų nutiko. Tai turėjo būti kvailas pokštas, išsikviesti dvasia mokyklos persirengimo kambaryje. Tačiau kai jau kitą dieną pradėjo dėtis keisti dalykai, Ade žinojo jog viskas susyja su tuo ką jos padarė. Jos kažką iškvietė iš ano pasaulio ir visiškai nesivargino uždaryti durų. Tas kažkas nuskriaudė jos draugus ir kėsinosi į ją. Demonas kuris stebi ją iš šešėlių ir laukia kol galės pasiimti paskutinę auką. „- Aš matau tave, - sušnabždėjo jis ir per mano kūną perbėgo nemalonus jausmas.- Žinau, - ištariau tyliai ir užmerkiau akis." už nuostabų viršelį dėkoju: @melancholija0…



4,583 279 8

Druhá kniha v trilógii Osudových žien. Darianka Angelov- mladá sirota, ktorá veľakrát spadla, no vždy sa vedela postaviť naspäť. Cez všetko zlo, ktoré ju sprevádzalo v živote bola veľmi veselá a v každom videla iba dobro. Raz sa jej obľúbené prechádzky lesom stanú osudovými. Jej oči uvidia to čo nemali. Lenže už je neskoro na útek. Diabol ju už chytil. Nikolai Khovansky- patrí mu celé mafiánske podsvätie. Je jeden z najvyšších. Najobávanejší muž. Nikto sa neopováži vysloviť jeho meno. Báli sa ho všetci. Naozaj všetci. Bolo veľmi málo ľudí čo si dovolilo čo i len sa naňho pozrieť. Vedeli, že Nilolai nikdy nikomu nepomôže lebo ho o to požiadajú, vždy si niečo bral na oplátku. Ľudia o ňom vedia iba to ako a koľko ľudí zabil. Je veľmi tajomný a má veľa tajomstiev, o ktorých nevie nikto. Lenže čo ak mu do jeho cesty príde žena, ktorá bude odhodlaná tie tajomstvá poznať? Darianka je druhá kniha v trilógii osudových žien. Tu sa budeme sprevádzať cestou Nikolaia a Darianky. Boli ako Slnko a Mesiac. Voda a Oheň. Nemali nič spoločne, ale zároveň sa dopĺňali. Poďte zistiť ako dopadne ich stretnutie. Bude to Nikolaiova temnota, ktorá pohltí Darianku alebo to bude Dariankino svetlo, ktoré vytiahne Nikolaia z tých nahlbších pekiel?UPOZORNENIE: V príbehu sa budú vyskytovať vulgarizmy, nevhodné scény, bude tam spomenuté citlivé témy ako je sexuálne obťažovanie, násilie a iné. čítať na vlastnú zodpovednosť!!!!!!…

K-pop/TikTok/Celeb imagines

K-pop/TikTok/Celeb imagines

104,795 1,258 81

These are my favorite people so enjoy the main POV will always be a black woman so keep that in mind (Request whatever you want)…

Schopnost - DOKONČENO

Schopnost - DOKONČENO

1,537 79 27

PowerCell City, město pokroků, nejvyspělejší město na zemi, možnost žít v něm nemá každý, ale Brief Tyler měl to štěstí a dostal možnost zde žít. Jeho rodiče ho nechaly v pěti letech sedět na schodech před sirotčincem s dopisem, který Brief nikdy nečetl a ani nechtěl. Měl zlost na své rodiče. Chloe Fox, šestnáctiletá dívka ze střední školy v severní části města, čirou náhodou je ve stejné škole, jako Brief. Ale Chloe má jednu speciální schopnost, proto jí bylo dovoleno žít v PowerCell City. Snad i Brief objeví, co je v něm skryto a snad se kvůli tomu nedostane do větších potíží, než si myslí.…

'𝐒𝐆𝐆' 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 [𝐄𝐍𝐃]

'𝐒𝐆𝐆' 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 [𝐄𝐍𝐃]

20,824 2,566 57

Kelas istimewa-kelas yang hanya akan dihuni oleh anak-anak peringkat paralel. Peringkat satu sampai dengan lima belas lah yang akan masuk ke dalam kelas istimewa ini.SGG Griffin Class adalah nama untuk kelas istimewa tingkat kelas sepuluh. SGG DixoS Class adalah nama untuk kelas istimewa tingkat kelas sebelas. Dan SGG Class Crown adalah nama untuk kelas istimewa tingkat kelas dua belas.Anak-anak pintar nan jenius serta ambisius adalah penghuni kelas istimewa ini. Bagi mereka yang tidak masuk ke kelas istimewa, bisa menyebut kelas istimewa ini adalah kelas yang paling diinginkan tapi juga paling ditakutkan.Kenapa?Kamu akan mendapatkan jawabannya setelah membaca cerita ini.Begitupun dengan angka satu, angka yang paling diinginkan tapi juga paling ditakutkan.Why?!Start : 4 November 2021Finish : 15 April 2022𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐮𝐡!…



662 241 11

"Barlas abim gitmişti,o artık yanımda değildi"…

Hidden Truth || JJK || BTS (Completed ✔)

Hidden Truth || JJK || BTS (Completed ✔)

5,537 231 28

Started : 24.11.2021End : 22.01.2022"What the actual hell?!" I shout, looking at the case paper wide-eyed. "This case is dangerous and impossible to do!" The guys just nod their heads.Spoiler : "The information you have has nothing to do with what is actually happening."Jjk FanficTags :#Bangtan Sonyeondan#Jungkook #we_are_story_makers⚠️Warning ⚠️There are mentions of death threats, scary backstories and tortures. Anyone who is not agreeing to read this story, please don't. No one is forcing.Age limit : for people starting from 11+ age. But if you are under this age and want to read this, you can read it. No restrictions.[Previously named as 'Criminal']…

Mga Tula Sa Isipan

Mga Tula Sa Isipan

11,023 752 200

Kapag ang puso'y nadungisan,Mga tula sa isipan ay masisilayan,Ang libro na 'di pangkasaysayan,Damdamin muli matu-tunghayan.Tulang isinulat mula sa isipan,Mga bagay na gustong makamtan,Kinikilala ang bawat nilalaman,Mula man sa saya o hantungan.𝗣𝗮𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗹𝗮: sa karamihan, ang bawat nilalaman ay mula sakin lamang, mga pagkakamali sa gramatiko'y 'di maiiwasan kaya mga 'di wastong teksto ay igalang.…



153,276 9,676 55

Ata ishin si nje planet, ne te cilin nuk kishte jete pa njerin apo tjetrin. Ishin gjysma e njeri-tjetrit. Dy shpirtra binjake te vuajtur ne te shkuaren e te destinuar per te jetuar bashke te ardhmen...…



28,739 355 27

after admitting her true feelings to adrien and getting rejected, after his feelings for ladybug are too strong .marinette takes on a new look, a new attitude and becomes the most bad-ass girl at school , adrien realizes marinette is ladybug, goes on a mission to win her back but will he succeed?UNDER EDTING!!!!…

Philippine Mythology

Philippine Mythology

165,302 1,433 42

Philippine mythology is the body of myths, tales, and superstitions held by Filipinos, mostly originating from beliefs held during the pre-Hispanic era. Some of these beliefs stem from pre-Christian religion that was specially influenced by the Hinduism and were regarded by the Spanish as "myth" and "superstition" in an effort to de-legitimize precolonial faith by replacing those native beliefs with colonial Catholic Christian myths and superstitions. Today, some of these precolonial beliefs are still held by Filipinos, especially in the provinces.Filipino myth is incorporated from various sources, having similarities with Indonesian and Malay myths, as well as Christian traditions, such as the notion of Heaven (kaluwalhatian, kalangitan, kamurawayan), Hell (impiyerno, kasamaan), and the human soul (kaluluwa). Filipino mythology attempts to explain the nature of the world through the lives and actions of gods, goddesses, heroes, and mythological creatures. A majority of these myths were passed on through oral tradition.-This Book contains :- the creation myth- list of deities- list of creatures- the story of Lapu-Lapu-2018-Completed-…

Becoming a Mikealson (stiklaus fanfiction)

Becoming a Mikealson (stiklaus fanfiction)

12,767 301 14

Stiles Stilinski leaves Beacon Hills after telling the pack about his relationship with Derek but Derek denies it even though it's true and the pack believe Derek and Stiles is heartbroken that his own friends think he is a liar .So Stiles leaves Beacon Hills to live with his cousins Elena and Jeremy Gilbert in Mystic Falls as he feels he shouldn't stay anywhere near the pack .Elena and the Scooby gang are having trouble with the Originals living in Mystic Falls ,what happens when her cousin comes to town and attracts one of the originals to him with his charms.Nikolaus has given up on his attraction to Caroline and wonders if he's a lost cause in love when a beautiful boy with brown hair and whiskey hazel brown eyes with golden flecks in them walks in the bar and sits a few chairs away he is mesmerized by the beauty and ultimately wants him.Stiles walks in a diner for some lunch when he sees a handsome man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes who is eying him up like candy . will Stiles move on with this new love interest or never love again afraid to suffer another heartbreak.…

Can't We Be Free Together?

Can't We Be Free Together?

4,205 181 20

♠- - - - - Updated version - - - - -♠✞ Can't We Be Free Together ✞✞ Also known as: CWBFT✞ This is a Fyolai fanfic♣- - - - - The plot of this story - - - - -♣︎✰ The beginning of this plot ✰- Nikolai is the MC and he goes through his entire life all over again, after it all started with this one horrible nightmare he couldn't stop thinking about. - While he went through these reoccurring dreams of his past, he is also waking up everyday still and having to live in two separate lives. One is reality one is fake, but they both feel so real.- His dreams tells us more about his past and how he met Fyodor and what happened when he was beginning to fall in love with him.✰ As we get deeper into the plot ✰- It changes a lot. The overall plot to the story will remain secret. As we approach chapter 14.- Things start to unfold and everything that happened before were just distractions from what is about to come.♦︎- - - - - Credits - - - - -♦︎🂡 The cover is made by Creantzyy on Insta/twitter.🂳 Fanarts I use for each chapter are all made by different artists. ♥︎- - - - - Extras - - - - -♥︎→ Important updates/announcements will be in conversations♡ Feel free to follow my other socials <3▪Tiktok/Pinterest/Insta: Demonfyodorrr▪Twitter/X: Nikolaisoverco…

𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎

𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎

439 11 21

From Archive Of Your Own (AO3), I present the work of 𝘓𝘢𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳Everyone thought that Nino Lahiffe was an extroverted and bubbly person.They were right if they were talking about Nino from three months ago. The Nino who dated Alya Césaire and was friends with Adrien Agreste, who used to make loud music and jokes about everything and nothing.But now, he was a shell of what he was before. Now he doesn't have Alya or Adrien, God, he only has Marinette and Max. He is humiliated by the girl he once thought was a nice person.It was as if everything was crumbling under his feet and there wasn't a place he could be safe.What Nino isn't expecting is to fall in love with a boy so mysterious as Damian, who coincidentally or not, is the "supposed" boyfriend of Lila Rossi.Not that the boy in question knew this…

Midnight Snack (Motionless In White/Ricky Horror) *COMPLETED*

Midnight Snack (Motionless In White/Ricky Horror) *COMPLETED*

49,605 1,856 27

*COMPLETED*Chris is a centuries-old vampire, a myth around town. But Chris isn't as monstrous as people make him out to be, he's lonely and wants some company.Rose has a morbid fascination with death, she has 'Death Sense' the ability to tell how and when someone will die. The only death she can't predict is her own.She bumps into Chris on her way out of town, he asks her to become his assistant and in return, he'll help her train her powers.One by one Chris's friends roll into town and sparks fly between Rose and Ricky. But after townspeople start getting murdered, the town decides to hunt down the myth. Chris is innocent, but some of his friends might not be.Can Rose use her 'Death Sense' to find out the truth and clear Chris and Co? And does somebody else have eyes for Rose?…



177 16 1

- Koliko smo već skupa?- Mesec i po.- Zar već?…