Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian Mythology

58,482 1,242 84

Egyptian mythology is the collection of myths from ancient Egypt, which describe the actions of the Egyptian gods as a means of understanding the world. The beliefs that these myths express are an important part of ancient Egyptian religion. Myths appear frequently in Egyptian writings and art, particularly in short stories and in religious material such as hymns, ritual texts, funerary texts, and temple decoration. These sources rarely contain a complete account of a myth and often describe only brief fragments.Inspired by the cycles of nature, the Egyptians saw time in the present as a series of recurring patterns, whereas the earliest periods of time were linear. Myths are set in these earliest times, and myth sets the pattern for the cycles of the present. Present events repeat the events of myth, and in doing so renew maat, the fundamental order of the universe. Amongst the most important episodes from the mythic past are the creation myths, in which the gods form the universe out of primordial chaos; the stories of the reign of the sun god Ra upon the earth; and the Osiris myth, concerning the struggles of the gods Osiris, Isis, and Horus against the disruptive god Set. Events from the present that might be regarded as myths include Ra's daily journey through the world and its otherworldly counterpart, the Duat. Recurring themes in these mythic episodes include the conflict between the upholders of maat and the forces of disorder, the importance of the pharaoh in maintaining maat, and the continual death and regeneration of the gods.The details of these sacred events differ greatly from one text to another and often seem contradictory. Egyptian myths are primarily metaphorical, translating the essence and behavior of deities into terms that humans can understand. Each variant of a myth represents a different symbolic perspective, enriching the Egyptians' understanding of the gods and the world.-2017-Completed-…

Angel Mythology (Angelology)

Angel Mythology (Angelology)

2,100 53 14

Angels and Archangels and other creatures of the heavenly hierarchy.2022…

Inca Mythology

Inca Mythology

4,547 40 10

Inca mythology includes many stories and legends that attempt to explain or symbolize Inca beliefs.Ethnographic and anthropological studies such as Prof. Gary Urton's demonstrate that Inca believe systems were inter-related to their view of the cosmos, in particular the way that they observed the motions of the portion of the Milky Way and planets of the solar system as seen from the Cusco or Qosqo (their capital whose meaning is 'the centre of the earth'). From this perspective their stories depict the movements of constellations, planets, planetary formations, which are connected to their agricultural cycles for a society that relied on cyclical agricultural seasons, which were not only connected to year cycles (as in Europe) but to a much wider cycle of time (every 800 years at a time). This was the main tool to ensure cultural transmission of key information, in spite of regime change or social catastrophes.The Inca myths have been interpreted from a Eurocentric perspectives, this is detached from cosmology and agriculture, depriving of its richness and practical ancient functionality.All those that followed the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire by Francisco Pizarro burned the records kept by the Inca culture. There is currently a theory put forward by Gary Urton that the Quipus could have represented a binary system capable of recording phonological or logographic data. Still, to date, all that is known is based on what was recorded by priests, from the iconography on Incan pottery and architecture, and from the myths and legends that have survived among the native peoples.Contains the creation myth, list of deities, Inca Empire and many more. 2019-ON HOLD…

Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology

328,467 5,774 185

Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. It was a part of the religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to and study the myths in an attempt to shed light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece and its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.Greek mythology is explicitly embodied in a large collection of narratives, and implicitly in Greek representational arts, such as vase-paintings and votive gifts. Greek myth attempts to explain the origins of the world, and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines and mythological creatures.-This Book of Greek Mythology contains :The beginning of the world : how the world created by the greek mythThe Olympian gods : will tell you about the 12 gods of Olympus + 2 (Hades and Hestia)The Greek Heroes : many famous Greek heroes are here including the mighty Hercules, Achilles and Jason.Other Myth : Also this book includes many famous Greek mythology such as the King Midas, Galatea and his creation and for Bonus; The Trojan War!-2017-Completed-Κάμπινγκ μισό αίμα…

2 Sentence Terrifying Horror Stories

2 Sentence Terrifying Horror Stories

104,816 4,832 75

These 2-Sentence Horror Stories Will Send Shivers Down Your SpineBigger doesn't always mean better, especially when it comes to scary stuff. Sometimes it's the small things that are the most terrifying, like an unexpected spider in the bath tub for instance, or a creaking floorboard in the dead of night.You might want to keep the lights on for this one...2017-Completed-…

Japanese Mythology

Japanese Mythology

24,554 553 88

Japanese mythology includes a vast number of gods, goddesses, and spirits. Most of the stories concern the creation of the world, the foundation of the islands of Japan, and the activities of deities, humans, animals, spirits, and magical creatures. Some myths describe characters and events associated with particular places in Japan. Others are set in legendary locations, such as the heavens or the underworld.The mythology of Japan has a long history dating back more than 2,000 years. It became part of two major religious traditions: Shinto, an indigenous religion, and Buddhism, which developed in India and came to Japan from China and Korea.2021…

Philippine Mythology

Philippine Mythology

170,121 1,495 42

Philippine mythology is the body of myths, tales, and superstitions held by Filipinos, mostly originating from beliefs held during the pre-Hispanic era. Some of these beliefs stem from pre-Christian religion that was specially influenced by the Hinduism and were regarded by the Spanish as "myth" and "superstition" in an effort to de-legitimize precolonial faith by replacing those native beliefs with colonial Catholic Christian myths and superstitions. Today, some of these precolonial beliefs are still held by Filipinos, especially in the provinces.Filipino myth is incorporated from various sources, having similarities with Indonesian and Malay myths, as well as Christian traditions, such as the notion of Heaven (kaluwalhatian, kalangitan, kamurawayan), Hell (impiyerno, kasamaan), and the human soul (kaluluwa). Filipino mythology attempts to explain the nature of the world through the lives and actions of gods, goddesses, heroes, and mythological creatures. A majority of these myths were passed on through oral tradition.-This Book contains :- the creation myth- list of deities- list of creatures- the story of Lapu-Lapu-2018-Completed-…

Philippine National Heroes

Philippine National Heroes

33,819 324 40

Here are the lists of Philippine National Heroes and their contributions towards philippine independence.2018-Completed…

Mispronounced Words

Mispronounced Words

15,073 223 41

Language is a beautiful, but complicated thing. A word can start out one way in one place, but by the time it gets spread across the world, it's become an entirely different thing. In other words, you may be mispronouncing tons of words without even knowing it. Maybe everyone else you know pronounces them that way too, or your friends/family are too nice to tell you. But it's way more complicated than that because those mispronunciations might have become so widely used that they've actually been adopted by dictionaries and are now accepted as correctpronunciations. Then again, there are some words with tricky pronunciations we just choose to ignore in favor of our own, simpler version.2017-Completed-…

Korean Mythology

Korean Mythology

30,449 494 41

Korean mythology consists of national legends and folk-tales which come from all over the Korean Peninsula. The origin may be a blend of Korean shamanism, Buddhist, Chinese myths, Confucian and Taoist legends and myths. The legends may also vary greatly by region, even within the country. For example, the people of Jejudo have a very different lifestyle from that of the mainland and so can generate different forms of the same myths.In Korean shamanism, animism was dominant as the prime source for religious life for the Korean people. Particular worship of mountains, animals, plants stem from the belief that they had souls and often show up in the folktales as well as talk about tributes and sacrifices, whether literal, or figurative.At the same time, there were gods that occupied certain domains and they would often show up in folktales as distant protectors that called on humans when asked to rather than interfering with every day life.Early in Korean history, the shamanistic religion was dominant and because early Korea was divided often into smaller domains, such as Silla and Goguryeo, Baekje, the folktales and myths tended to differ also by those regions. With the arrival of Buddhism in the 3-4th century, the myths and native religion began to change as did the myths. With the advent of Neo Confucianism, the native religion was suppressed by the government where shamans were often killed for practicing and so many of the legends either changed or were blended into existing legends.-This Book contains:- Creation myth- List of Deities and Famous Figures- Explanation about korean shamanism.- The Flood Myth- Collections of stories, myths and legends-2018-Completed-…

Celtic Mythology

Celtic Mythology

23,271 527 134

Celtic mythology is the mythology of Celtic polytheism, the religion of the Iron Age Celts. Like other Iron Age Europeans, the early Celts maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure. Among Celts in close contact with Ancient Rome, such as the Gauls and Celtiberians, their mythology did not survive the Roman Empire, their subsequent conversion to Christianity, and the loss of their Celtic languages. It is mostly through contemporary Roman and Christian sources that their mythology has been preserved. The Celtic peoples who maintained either their political or linguistic identities (such as the Gaels in Ireland and Scotland, and the Celtic Britons of southern Great Britain and Brittany) left vestigial remnants of their ancestral mythologies, put into written form during the Middle Ages.-2019-Completed-…

Roman Mythology

Roman Mythology

7,808 186 32

Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to ancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system, as represented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans.The Romans usually treated their traditional narratives as historical, even when these have miraculous or supernatural elements. The stories are often concerned with politics and morality, and how an individual's personal integrity relates to his or her responsibility to the community or Roman state. Heroism is an important theme. When the stories illuminate Roman religious practices, they are more concerned with ritual, augury, and institutions than with theology or cosmogony.This book contains how the Roman myth created, the story of Romulus and Remus, Roman gods and many other Roman mythology, including the legendary Julius Caesar, The Punic War and Pompeii.2021-Completed-…

Philippine History

Philippine History

48,666 578 35

This History of the Philippines book have history from Prehistory to Fifth Republic. This book have lot of information about Spanish settlement and rule, American rule, Independent Philippines & etc.From the beginning 'till up to now!2017-Completed-…

Psychological Facts ✔

Psychological Facts ✔

340,848 6,769 101

Ever wondered why you feel the way you do, or do the things you do? The way your mind functions has a lot to do with the way you are, and the things you do. It's amazing how every 'unique' mind, at some level, functions similarly.Here are 101 facts about our psychic that are a clear indication of why things happen to us the way they do and justify our reactions for the same.2016-Completed-…

Life Hacks #1 (Technology Tricks)

Life Hacks #1 (Technology Tricks)

47,034 638 101

Little ways to make our lives easier.2017-Completed-…

Life Hacks #2 (Food and Drinks)

Life Hacks #2 (Food and Drinks)

10,906 235 69

Little ways to make our lives easier.-Completed-2017…