Agra, Rasa, dan Raisa (End)

Agra, Rasa, dan Raisa (End)

4,692 153 14

[CERITA SUDAH TAMAT]Bukan kisah istimewa, hanya kisah sederhana antara Agra dan Raisa di masa SMA.Hanya kisah klasik anak remaja yang terbalut akan tawa, luka, juga rahasia.."Bahagia, Sa. Terima kasih untuk segalanya." ㅡ Alputra Agra Anggara.©chocorenjunie…



310,764 3,097 61

"Berani main-main sama gue iya? Gimana kalau gue ajak lo main bareng diranjang, hm? " ucap kilian sambil menujukan smirk nya. Sontak hal tersebut membuat gadis dihadapan nya itu takut. Hanya khayalan semata!…

The Life She Wants

The Life She Wants

60,863 2,656 19

This book is a short story about an arranged Indian couple: Tanay and Aadya. Tanay and Aadya come from a small town and conservative families. Their marriage was just like any typical Indian marriage until one day when Aadya loses her first child and decides she has had enough of this life and wants a divorce. Will they truly get divorced? Can Tanay make her stay? Will she stay? To find out, read 'The Life She Wants'(This book is inspired by true events and may contain some triggering content: domestic violence, miscarriage)…

Mine // Santana Lopez

Mine // Santana Lopez

27,553 397 35

Gabriela Moreno is a new student in Mckinley that moved from California. She has a famous mother and a lot of money, yet she feels like she's missing something. That is until she meets a certain latina cheerio. Gabriela thinks Santana is just some rude, bitchy cheerleader, but she's actually caring on the inside.Will Gabriela find out what she's missing is right infront of her, in the form of Santana Lopez? Fem OC x Santana Lopez[DISCONTINUED]…

Forever Dreams (Montana Brides, Book 1)

Forever Dreams (Montana Brides, Book 1)

108,286 4,361 15

Fans of Robyn Carr's Virgin River series will love this feel-good, small-town romance!She came to Montana looking for answers...and found forever.When Gracie Donnelly, a school teacher from New Zealand, arrives on a Montana cattle ranch, she has more on her mind than mending fences and feeding chickens. She's secretly searching for her father and answers to questions that could destroy a family.Just one look at the fiery five-foot-one redhead and Trent McKenzie knows Gracie is going to be trouble. Ever since the failure of his first marriage, he promised never to listen to his heart again. Especially when his heart is saying he's falling in love - and the one thing Gracie's searching for is the one thing that could take her away from him forever.The Montana Brides series:Book 1: Forever Dreams Book 2: Forever in LoveBook 3: Forever After Book 4: Forever Wishes Book 4.5 Forever Santa Book 5: Forever CowboyBook 6: Forever TogetherBook 7: Forever and a DayThe Bridesmaids Club:Book 1: All of MeBook 2: Loving YouBook 3: Head Over HeelsBook 4: Sweet on You…

Ishq Deewangi (Book 2)

Ishq Deewangi (Book 2)

697,557 32,403 58

Can be read as standalone.Aryaman Ranawat - Heir to Ranawat Empire. Prince of Jaigadh. Cold, brooding, dominating and a shrewd businessman. Fun and loving when with family, rude and arrogant for the outsiders. He is hot as fire and can be cold as ice, depending on the side you trigger. Loves his twin and younger sister the most but loves his mother a little more. Has the brains and looks of his fatherMaitri Rathore- A fun loving middle class girl interning in the top most company of America as an accountant. A full crack head. Speaks her mind out loudly. Wears her heart on her sleeves, living the life the way it comes to her. A simple motto of her life 'When life gives you lemons, add vodka and ice' If he was the fire that could burn then she was the fire that could give warmth.If he was the cold that could freeze then she was the cold that gave peace.Both different from each other and yet so similar.What would their journey be like?Checkout Emotionally Detached…

Real Magic

Real Magic

5,495 53 16

Figgins is sick of the fighting, so he sends Glee and the Cheerios to the Happiest Place on Earth, Walt Disney World, in an attempt to bring the clubs together. No one expected how close some of the kids would get. Main Faberry w/ other pairings tooThis story does not belong to me, it belong to TJ7207789Image does not belong to me, it belong to MoishPain on DeviantArtMajor Characters/Pairings: Quinn/Rachel, Santana/Brittany, Kurt/Sam, Mike/Tina, Mercedes, Puck, Artie, Finn, Will & Sue.Past Mentions: Quinn/Puck, Santana/Puck, Santana/Finn, Rachel/Finn, Quinn/Finn, and Quinn/Sam.…



16,081 327 33

BACA SEBELUM END YAA!!!!(hiatus sementara)NO COPY!!!!PLAGIAT JAUH JAUHHHnon bakuada seorang perempuan yang bernama ARRABELLA ANATASYA berusia 17 tahun sekolah di SMA GEMA BANGSA. dia perempuan yang cantik,pintar,baik hati bahkan bisa di bilang PEREMPUAN YANG PERFECT Hingga suatu hari dia bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki dia ADAPI GUNTARA berusia 18 tahun dia laki-laki yang tampan,pintar dan terkenal di SMA GEMA BANGSA banyak yang bilang dia laki-laki cuek,suka berantem dan tidak peduli sekitar.tetapi siapa sangka??ADAPI GUNTARA diam-diam menyukai ARRABELLA ANATASYAkepo sama kelanjutannya yu langsung di bacacerita pertama authorMURNI KARANGAN AUTHORMAAF JIKA ADA KESAMAAN NAMA TOKOH, TEMPAT DLLstart 05/11/2023Rank#2 konflik 05/12/2023#2 cuek 08/12/2023#3 bucin 08/12/2023#1 anakmuda 09/12/2023#3 anakremaja 09/12/2023#3 teman 11/12/2023#3 sma 16/12/2023#3 sahabat 26/12/2023#1 teman 01/01/2024#2 masa lalu 03/04/2024#1 masa lalu 05/04/2024#3 fiksi remaja 12/04/2024#3 teman 10/05/2024#1 konflik 06/06/2024#1 cemburu 21/06/2024#2 konflik 22/06/2024#2 sahabat 16/07/2024…

Our Love Story || HIATUS

Our Love Story || HIATUS

2,590 44 5

Masa masa SMA adalah masa paling menyenangkan dalam sejarah persekolahan. Hal ini tentu saja dirasakan oleh seluruh siswa dan paling di nanti nanti. Termasuk primadona sekolah Elit Lorentina. Gadis cantik paripurna ini juga sangat mendambakan masa menyenangkan itu. Namun pupus sudah harapannya untuk bersenang-senang. Di sekolah dia selalu mendapatkan perlakuan usil teman sekelasnya ini. Mempunyai teman seorang ketua geng motor sangatlah menyebalkan. "Cuma cara ini yang bisa bikin gue deket sama lo. Lo unik, gue suka. "Tak hanya itu, dia juga terjebak dalam kehidupan cowok itu karena hubungan pura puranya.Mungkin memang benar, jika terkadang ada cinta yang tumbuh diawali dengan kebencian. Lalu bagaimana jadinya jika hal tersebut menjadikan 2 tokoh cerita ini terikat. Bagaimana kisah mereka? Baca ceritanya!…



302 29 22

Perkumpulan 7 remaja yang awalnya hanya sebatas organisasi yang kini telah membentuk sebuah circle pertemanan yang sangat erat. Siapa yang tak kenal dengan nama "GWENCANA" di sma Candra Buana itu? Hampir seluruh antero sekolah, bahkan tukang kebun dan satpam sekaligus mengetahui circle itu. Circle yang sangat berpengaruh di sekolah, dan tentu tidak sedikit orang yang membenci mereka.Mereka semua memikili latar belakang yang berbeda. Dan tentunya dengan berbagai masalah yang hadir di hidupnya. Namun, mereka semua berusaha untuk tetap hidup dan meraih kebahagian mereka."Janji tetap hidup sampai besok?""Nyawa lo adalah nyawa kita semua."…



15,510 596 12

A vampire ff.[COMPLETED✔]..>>Jungkook ,a young man who moves to Seoul trying to find a job gets offered to work as the manager of a very rich buisnessman, Park Jimin. what starts as a normal job gets weirder as Jungkook discovers secrets he probably shouldn't have known.…



15,646,862 552,732 68

Entangled Book #1-Wattpad featured story-Ariana Jones is a sweet, innocent, and smart girl who has been battling a lot of issues all her life. She is broken and wants love, care, and respect, but all she has is hope. The hope of receiving what she hasn't ever even a bit. However, her hopes crumbled down when she was told to marry a man whom she never met before.Xavier knight has it all that she's been yearning for. He has everything he wants. But the only thing he didn't want at the moment was to be emotionally blackmailed into a marriage by his own parents. He's upset about the abrupt change in his life and blames it on her. He judges However, he has a change of heart when he gets to know her. ***It is usually said that a woman is behind a man's success, however, in this story, you'll see how a man changed the life of the woman he married to and proved that not every entanglement is painful... Because some entanglements are those from which you never want to come out....***Let's look into the journey of a girl who has nothing but the hope of living a peaceful life.**I do not allow my work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.**©All rights reserved…

 ✓ ❛ 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑 ❜ ━ mike chang

✓ ❛ 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑 ❜ ━ mike chang

420,067 8,110 54

𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐗 𝐎𝐂━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━"indecisive feeling of enjoyment. hold thethought, i think i needa moment.━─┉┈◈❖◈┈┉─━in which a always happyblonde isn't as happy asshe used to be, and onlyhe sees it. ! i do not own glee only my original characters i have added!✽ rights are reserved to glee and the creators ✽{lower case intended}COMPLETED…



3,739,796 111,668 66

[FOLLOW SEBELUM BACA]Sesama anak tunggal kaya raya yang di satukan dalam sebuah ikatan sakral? ***"Lo nyuruh gue buat berhenti ngerokok? Berati bibir manis lo itu siap jadi pengganti rokok gue.""Satu hal lagi, gue gak suka penolakan!"Erlangga Pradhika. Kapten basket yang berparas tampan dan bertampang sangar itu ternyata memiliki sifat yang selalu berubah ubah. Cuek, dingin, galak, tempramental. Tapi terkadang berubah menjadi posesif dan manja seperti bayi gede ketika bersama seseorang yang tepat, ia laki-laki yang harus menanggung tanggung jawab besar untuk menjaga perempuan yang di amanahi kedua orangtuanya.Lalu bagaimana dengan Anindiya Aletta? Perempuan kedua yang datang setelah percintaan dengan masa lalunya kandas? Anin itu cantik, jelas memiliki sifat yang sangat bertolak belakang. Cerewet, sedikit galak, keras kepala, tapi mampu membuat Erlan nyaman ketika berada di dekatnya.Akankah masa lalu itu kembali dan mengejar lagi? 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭: 2023𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡: 18/02/2024…



60,625 3,919 62

Camila Cabello sempre foi uma jovem responsável e dedicada à família que se esforçava diariamente para sobreviver. Filha de um professor e uma costureira, a jovem cresceu com o sonho de um dia ser uma grande estilista de moda. Porém, a realidade era mais dolorosa do que seu mundo imaginário. Em um país comunista como Cuba, a probabilidade dela conseguir realizar seu sonho era quase nula, mas com o esforço de seus pais e uma bolsa de estudos devido a suas notas, ela viajou para os Estados Unidos conseguindo uma vaga na Universidade de Nova York (NYU). Decidida a conseguir seus objetivos e dar uma vida melhor para seus pais e irmã, a latina finalmente conseguirá realizar seu sonho. Mas a vida é uma verdadeira caixinha de surpresa e quando o coração distrai, a sorte vem. E no meio dessa aventura conhecerá a misteriosa Lauren. Uma jovem que entrará em sua vida sem pedir licença, ao mesmo tempo em que carrega o grande peso dos segredos de sua família. Os dois lados de uma mesma moeda. Duas vidas e um único destino. Uma história onde os opostos se distraem e os dispostos se atraem.Não autorizo adaptações. Agradeço.…

Isla Fontana Series #6: Loving Her (ON-GOING)

Isla Fontana Series #6: Loving Her (ON-GOING)

150,922 12,513 39

Loving Her (6th installment of Isla Fontana Series)Warren Ramirez is a successful businessman. He came from a wealthy family who lives in an old era who believes that an arranged marriage could keep their family's wealth and power. He doesn't have a life of his own. He always follows his parents orders and commands. He's always controlled by them.As an exchange of his siblings freedom, he needs to follow his parents. He has to sacrifice his own freedom for his siblings. He needs to protect them.He has to put up with a woman his parents chose to be his wife. His life was already decided when he was in his mother's womb. That is to marry the daughter of his father's best friend. A very spoiled brat who does nothing but to spend her parents' wealth. A brat who loves to party and loves to buy expensive things. A stubborn brat who doesn't listen to anyone and just does anything she wants. A very hard headed brat who makes his head ache and turns his world upside down.Would he be able to stay in their marriage? Would he be able to learn to love her and accept her in his heart?Or he'll just end everything to fight for the woman he left because of the difference in their status? Who would he embrace in his arms? His wife whom his parents chose for him or the woman who owns his heart?…



711 255 10

bercerita tentang lima orang remaja sma yang pergi mencari obat obatan langka ke suatu gunung terlarang dan terseret masuk ke dalam dimensi dan dunia yang berbeda.Lima remaja bobrok nan pecicilan itu terlempar ke masa istana yang begitu damai dan anggun.tau lah ya akan se Ngadi Ngadi apa kisah tu lima bocah di istana 😅😅⚠️ MENGANDUNG BANYAK KATA KASAR⚠️…

Heart in London

Heart in London

357,106 27,019 45

Her marriage was fixed which was an arranged marriage but she moved to London to pursue her career and dreams and after that, she would marry. But in the way or process of chasing the dreams her heart met with his. They fell in love.And this heartful connection or encounter with him, has made her life sweet and excessively beautiful.But she is stubborn and not looking for love and Here, him being whipped out and so in love with her says:- You are the only one I need.My heart is only for you.I will make you mineBut the question is -How she moved to Londonand How will he make her fall in love with her even with her stubbornness?How would she convince her parents for their love marriage instead of the one her parents want her to marry?…

AURE UKU(completed)

AURE UKU(completed)

22,600 1,170 32

DR UMAIMAH USMAN BULAMA,Mace yar kimanin shekara ishirin da tara ,Babbar surgeon A asibitin CITY TEACHING HOSPITAL ,Aure Uku, ƴaƴanta uku .Mace mara san hayaniya wadda tasan kan Aikinta ,babu abunda tasa a gabanta illa bawa Aikinta babban muhimmanci kana yaranta wadda kaɗdarar samunsu ta rarraba mata Aure .Kalma ɗaya zaka faɗa ta bata mata rai shine kushe mata Aikinta ko nuna wasa a duk wani abu da ya shafi Aikinta .Ita ɗin kwarariyace kuma gogaggiya akan duk wani abu da ya safi surgery,ba kasar ta ba hatta a wasu kasashen tana zuwa aiki.Bangaren soyayya fa?Bata dauki soyayya a bakin komai ba tunda dukkan Aurenta guda ɗaya ne tayi na soyayya kuma shima bai karbe ta ba wanda hakan yasa ta yanke shawarar saka soyayya a ƙwandan shara duk da kuwa tayin da ake kawo mata ,ta gama yanke imani da soyayya akan duk wani ɗa namiji wanda haka yasa mutane da dama ke mata kazafi da mata take so duba da ƙin mazanta karara a fili.Amma menene dalilin tsanar tasu da tayi?Menene yasa ta cire mazan daga tunaninta da zuciyarta baki daya?Shin zata faɗa soyayyar wani ɗa namiji ko a'a?Idan zata faɗa wanenen wannan mai sa'ar?.DR IMAM MUKTAR PAKI,Saurayi dan kimanin shekaru Ishirin da tara ,bai taba Aure ba,Dalibi wanda yake neman sake gogewa akan Aikin surgery ,shekara ɗaya wadda kareta ne kaɗai zai bashi kwali da kuma lasisin Fara yin surgery ,kaddara itace tayi aikinta ta ɗauko sa kan kachakar ta kawosa CITY TEACHING HOSPITAL inda yake ƙarkashin jagorancin likitar da kowa ke tsoro da shakka,Mene zai faru idan shi bai ji wannan feelings ɗin ba sai wani daban wanda shi kansa bazaya iya fassarawa ba?Shin ya wannan kaɗdarar tasu zata kasance?Shin Wanne irin chakwakiya Imam ke shirin ɗaukowa kansa domin wannan likitar da ya ke kan giyar so AURENTA UKU ,Ƴaƴanta uku a yayin da shi ko na fari bai taba yi ba.Ku biyo ɗiya jamilu domin jin yarda wannan labarin na IMAM da UMAIMAH zai kasance !…

Red Blood, Pink Eyes

Red Blood, Pink Eyes

19,174 560 43

This story follows the same cruel fate that was given to tanjiro but what if it was his sister nezuko?what if she was the one who survived and her brother became a demon and what type of challenges that are waiting for her on a journey to cure the brother she failed to help in his time of needLet's find out!⚠️None of the demon slayer characters belong to me, they belong to Koyoharu Gotouge⚠️…