A new Role  Kat's backstory Sequel

A new Role Kat's backstory Sequel

497 13 13

I've teleported to Lakewood where everyone has powers, but a more constructed society. I run into Enid, Rad, and KO and, strangely, get a job at GARS bodega. It'll be weird working there, seeing as I know them due to my inter dimension knowledge. What'll happen in this world, and will my past come back?…

Rules of Revenge (iKON/B.I Fanfic)

Rules of Revenge (iKON/B.I Fanfic)

8,477 371 37

~ BOOK 2 of Levels of Love ~ **** It walks through the crowd below with an easy, almost arrogant, stride, beanie pulled low over its forehead. But not low enough to hide its piercing, cold eyes. I don't know why but my breathing suddenly hitches and a painful lump forms in my throat. This is my one job. My destiny. The reason I was born. Am I losing my nerve or is it something else? **** CeCe is a Fae princess and Daemon hunter, raised and trained to bring an end to the Daemon prince alongside with her soul sister Meli. This is her meaning to life. Or so she thinks. All it takes is Hanbin's mismatched eyes to make her start to once again question the world around her. He doesn't seem like the killer described in Fae tales and although she tries to fight it all she really wants to do is kiss him. And it seems the feeling's mutual. There aren't any rules when it comes to revenge... Copyright © 2016 RowyB03 All Rights Reserved (I don't own any of iKon or the YG Family :( but the other characters are mine! :) )…

A Tale In Session (City Series #1)

A Tale In Session (City Series #1)

1,054,133 40,612 33

City Series #1Claude Noestro is a famous guy in a small city not only for his skill in sports but also his family background, with that comes a lot of pressure when it comes to his lovelife. Every move he makes, news spreads around the city like wildfire. Rafaela is a hard-headed girl trying to get over her first love. Will the two clash or compliment each other?Beginning: April 12, 2020End: July 16, 2020Background photo credits: C-Jhay Mapangdol…



1,201 129 5

‚, Czas. Przestrzeń. Rzeczywistość. To więcej niż ścieżka liniowa. To pryzmat nieskończonych możliwości, w którym pojedynczy wybór może rozgałęziać się w nieskończone rzeczywistości, tworząc alternatywne światy z tych, które znasz. Jestem Obserwatorem. Jestem twoim przewodnikiem po tych ogromnych, nowych rzeczywistościach. Idź za mną i zastanów się nad pytaniem - A CO JEŚLI...? "„WHAT IF...?" Jest dodatkiem do serii „Element" opowiadającej o losach Jenny Hawkins oraz Avengersów.…

Paw patrol : Field Trip Z

Paw patrol : Field Trip Z

1,670 52 50

It was peaceful day in Adventure Bay and Adventure City or almost peaceful ...Mysterious Shadow have created a zombie cure to turn everyone into mutant beast .Now the paw patrol must find the antidote before the world it's been destroy .This is book 4 . Make sure you read book 1 , 2 and 3 so you all know the reason .…



454 13 11

Andżelika 15/16 latnia dziewczyna która trafia do szpitala po wypadku na motorze budzi sie z spiaczki farmakologicznej i dowiaduje sie ze nie wiadomo czy bedzie chodzić .... opowida wszystko starszy brat…

I'd Like to Wok With You (Yizhan Romcom)

I'd Like to Wok With You (Yizhan Romcom)

22,381 2,108 8

when WYB was tasked to film a cooking reality tv, he met chef xz, and what will happen next? Vietnamese Translationhttps://my.w.tt/rW9FzNKbd8…



354 4 26

A small and quiet Utah town is full of life. Friendly neighbors. Beautiful scenery. Friends and family that stand by you no matter what. And the light of faith being their guide and protection.Also hostile shadowy creatures, a town-wide epidemic, an unexpected famine, and unrest between even the closest of friends.And standing in the middle of it all is an ordinary young man with the remarkable, and secret, ability to see spirits and specters. Or at least, that's what he thought. Turns out he's the most unordinary being there, and with his town falling into disarray, all he has are his abilities and a mysterious weapon only he can wield.NOTE: My work is NOT permitted for use in AI-generated programs of any kind.…



10,957 801 28

Demetria Vasilieva operuje jednym z wielu oddziałów organizacji S.H.I.E.L.D. Na co dzień mierzy się z przeciwnościami losu i potworami, jakie kryją się głęboko zakorzenione w ludziach. Nie wierzyła, że ktoś może wybiegać poza skalę okrucieństwa, jaką zdążyła do tej pory poznać. Nie wierzyła, dopóki nie poznała jego. Potwora, mordercę, a może jedynie tylko tak wykreowanego człowieka? Próbował uciekać, zanim przeszłość go dogoni.Próbowała go złapać, zanim przyszłość jej zabroni. •okładka mojego autorstwa•…

My Art Work II

My Art Work II

8,905 1,363 198

Hi, this is my second art book, yay. So yeah, enjoy. :3…



1,831 92 15

Będziesz płynął z nurtem czy podejmiesz ryzyko i wyjdziesz z tej głupiej rzeki? [KONTYNUACJĘ MOŻNA ZNALEŹĆ POD NAZWĄ AIRPLANE NA MOIM PROFILU] Lisa Manoban oraz Jeon Jungkook…

Professor VenomousxReader: All that Matters

Professor VenomousxReader: All that Matters

769 18 4

This is an epilogue to Shadowy VenomousxReader: Loveless and War.(Y/n) (L/n) is currently engaged to her childhood friend Kurama When she suddenly receives a visit from her evil crush Professor Venomous, she decides to help him to rekindle his romantic relationship with Lord Boxman.…

Laika Fam Oneshots

Laika Fam Oneshots

4,290 82 35

Just something that comes through my mind🤣 Either Aus, Oneshots of my random ships or even some oneshots of my main pairings, Coraline x Wybie.…

The 5 Year Surprise

The 5 Year Surprise

39,017 935 60

THE 5 YEAR SURPRISE:It was the day of Graduation for the 18 year old couple, Hiccup and Astrid. Soon after the fantastic day, Hiccup leaves Berk City for college, forgetting everyone and his beloved. After Hiccups College Graduation years later, he decided to head back in the direction, still having sparked feelings for Astrid. Hiccup finds that Astrid has moved on with someone else, and has the happiest life, and doesn't need him anymore. Can he win back his beloved? Can Hiccup succeed on being hers again?…

Harleen Quinzel and Mr. J

Harleen Quinzel and Mr. J

33,894 3,870 56

I CZĘŚĆ TRYLOGII 22-letnia Harleen Quinzel rozpoczyna pracę w szpitalu psychiatrycznym - Arkham Asylum. W jej życiu wszystko układa się idealnie, aż do dnia, w którym do szpitala trafia najgroźniejszy przestępca w Gotham. Czy zdoła kierować się zdrowym rozsądkiem w obecności swojego szalonego pacjenta? Czy będzie w stanie dokonać odpowiednich wyborów? Tego dowiecie się czytając moją opowieść. Gorąco zachęcam do czytania! ❤ ❤ ❤ *** ,, Uśmiechaj się bo to zaskakuje ludzi. Uśmiechaj się bo to zawsze łatwiejsze, niż tłumaczenie komuś, co zabija cię od środka. " - Joker ^^^…

Twoja mała modeleczka (#1) (16+)

Twoja mała modeleczka (#1) (16+)

2,641 60 17

Pierwszy tom dylogii. Nastoletnia Arisa Vesner jest modelką. Powabną, niewinną, piękną i uroczą własnością swojej bezkonkurencyjnej, wzbudzającej niesłychany zachwyt matki. Być może nie należy ona jedynie do niej. Dziewczyna doskonale wie, iż skażona i przesiąknięta brudem czułego dotyku oraz gorliwego uczucia dawnego ukochanego nie będzie w stanie ruszyć naprzód. Kiedy najlepszy, a zarazem jedyny przyjaciel Connora obrał sobie za cel zdobycie względów słodkiej koleżanki niejakiej Arisy, chłopak został zmuszony pojawić się w życiu modelki, nawet, jeżeli z dużym dystansem. Podczas pierwszego bliższego spotkania zdecydowanie nie zyskała jego sympatii. Zamiast czego porodziła strzałę mocy. Nieznany impuls, który gwałtownie i samoistnie poskromił Connora do wywarzenia żelaznych murów, za których pomocą uparcie odgradzał się przed otoczeniem. Aczkolwiek nie jest on już małym chłopcem z nadzieją wyczekującym wyjścia ciepłego słońca w czasie burzy. Jest dojrzałym i pogardliwym mężczyzną, który ma świadomość tego, jak ogromne konsekwencje mogłyby wiązać się z wtajemniczeniem Arisy w zrośnięcie rażących mankamentów. ,,Nasza zanieczyszczona planeta od pamiętnych lat cierpiała na zasadniczymi niedobór kompromisów właściwych wyborów z poczuciem pociągu i przyjemnej serotoniny."…

Ok ko one-shots Request ( DISCONTINUED)

Ok ko one-shots Request ( DISCONTINUED)

32,397 401 28

WARING: Updates only when i get request so probabily slow. Bad gramar cuz I type fast and I don't see what I type at all Cuz why not? The world need my opinion. Like it needs it a lot I have so many AU's I can make a roman series......anyway. Thank you dear sweet lil' star called Fluffy aka Tay_Kay_Oh. She is the one that inspirate me to also do ok ko…

Just So Happens... (JJCC Fanfic)

Just So Happens... (JJCC Fanfic)

9,233 310 30

Stacey didn't travel to South Korea for any other reason than the stylist job. She needed the experience with a large company to give her a leg up in the industry. She didn't realise her Australian descent meant the company had special plans for her. From being declared as Prince Mak's 'Personal Assistant' by the man himself, to having a nasty confrontation with JJCC's leader, Simba, Stacey knows her plate is more then full. It's piled. But it's when one of the group members starts to show his true colours, and feelings, that Stacey is confronted with the idea that she might be in way over her head. And in a world where no relationship is taken lightly, there may be no safe way about this. This is my first fan-fiction so I'm not sure how good it is, and I decided to write this just as a challenge. Constructive criticism is welcome!! :) Copyright © 2015 RowyB03 All Rights Reserved Photo Credit: JJCC Facebook…

One love one chance  (cuphead x reader)

One love one chance (cuphead x reader)

105,970 2,142 12

You life had been normal up to this point you never thought of love up until the day you met the cup bros, they had moved into your neighbourhood along with many others. You could name a few there names were bendy, Boris, mickey,Oswald, the bunny kids , Donald, Felix and the cup bros. you found them all to be quiet friendly and you became friends pretty fast, you laughed at oswalds jokes when you were taking out the trash, you and him are one heck of a pun box there's a new joke to be made everyday and you and Oswald always had fresh material. you all go to the same college and you hang out with them and and by coincidence cuphead had the same classes as you every one of them on you left timetable appeared on cuphead. But what happens when cups starts to love you?. Find out In 'one love one chance'…

A Family: Dsmp Au SBI

A Family: Dsmp Au SBI

123 18 4

"Wilbur?""Yes?""Will we be okay?""Well-""What are you two doing here?!" An angry voice screamedThis story contains Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Philza Minecraft. Some of them are family and some of them are friends. I hope you enjoy!Published first chapter on: October 6th 2021…