Professor VenomousxReader Mini-stories

Professor VenomousxReader Mini-stories

5,364 79 6

These are the mini-stories of Stealth Mode and Professor Venomous, takes place between Professor VenomousxReader: Anti-Love of Venom and Professor VenomousxReaderxShadowy Figure: SPLT (Shadowy Poisonous Loveless Triangle).…

Forever Mine (Romanogers)

Forever Mine (Romanogers)

52,024 1,445 26

A former Russian spy, Avenger, and Ballerina will have to face her ex-lover, Steve Rogers, on a mission. While Natasha's heart still belongs to him, the only man to have ever invaded her heart, she has yet to learn if Steve has moved on or not.And what happens if he has?Join us on this adventure to find out if the spy & soldier will find their way back to each other's hearts or seek solace in others.(I do not own the characters)…

The tokoyamiverse 2

The tokoyamiverse 2

144,687 3,993 131

The second book of short stories of our favourite bird-headed boy created by the requests commented by youmore information in the intro about the rules…

Jego Żona

Jego Żona

7,810 223 23

Co zrobisz gdy nagle stanie przed Tobą miłość Twojego życia ? Będziesz musiała dokonać wyboru. Jednak czy w mafijnym świecie kobieta ma jakiś wybór ? Życie Adrianny Kings pięknej żony Natana Kingsa wywraca się do góry nogami gdy na jej drodze staje nie kto inny jak najbardziej mroczny, wpływowy i pożądany mężczyzna świata Teo Mancinni.…

"The Silent Boy"

177 0 11

"The silent boy" is a total psycho who's super powerful and rules Lakewood high. On top of that everything about him is a mystery including his name. Boxman just so happens to stare at this maniac during class but what happens when Boxman gets caught staring at him?…

Truth be Told

Truth be Told

4,813 105 20

KO has always wanted to know who his dad is or was. TKO has always hated Shadowy figure. What happens when he tells KO about his dad. And who is he?…

From The Heart~ Evansson

From The Heart~ Evansson

39,885 1,185 38

Evansson for Life❤️Scarlett Johansson, one of the most famous celebrities in the world is going through a painful breakup Chris Evans, one of the most famous actors around the world and known for his golden heart, gets to witness one of his best friends go through yet another divorce.Will he finally gather the courage to tell her how he truly feels for her?And if so, what will Scarlett who is now a single mother, think of starting a new relationship?In her early thirties and already gone through two divorces, does she have any faith in love?"All I know, all I knowLoving you is a losing game"What happens when their hearts break?"Still I carried, I carried, I carry"•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•I must say, I've had the idea for nearly a year(I got the idea sometime in October 2020!)…

love by the moonlight

love by the moonlight

55 12 7

17-letnia Lucy Harrington po stracie mamy w wypadku samochodowym zamyka się w sobie, tata nie potrafi sobie z nią poradzić więc stwierdza, że zmiana otoczenia dobrze zrobi jego córce a więc przeprowadzają się do całkiem nowego miejsca aby zacząć wszystko od nowa. Czas zacząć nowy rozdział w ich życiu lecz Ojciec Lucy nie jest świadom ile przez jeden wybór może się zmienić. Lucy nie zadowolona tym pomysłem nie jest w żadnym stopniu dobrze nastawiona na przeprowadzkę lecz ona również jeszcze nie wie, że pozna tam pewnego chłopca który odmieni całe jej życie..…

7ds, Melascula X reader

7ds, Melascula X reader

5,705 74 4

You, a human, is enjoying life inside of your small village, full of life as mountains rest behind it, however its green, peaceful nature soon ends, as the village is attacked. you go by (Y/N) or well, your name or a custom name for the charecter.…

Poultry Pressure (Bkdk, Dkbk)

Poultry Pressure (Bkdk, Dkbk)

920 62 5

Now with a set agreement in place, Katsuki is free to eat whoever he wants as long as they are bad people. Confronting Todoroki, Katsuki learns more about the monster looming behind him and their growing... connection. While he struggles trying to win Izuku's feelings after rediscovering his own.…

Klaśnij w dłonie, Perfekcyjna Dziwaczność | Snarry

Klaśnij w dłonie, Perfekcyjna Dziwaczność | Snarry

87,805 5,269 24

OPOWIADANIE NIE NALEŻY DO MNIE - zostało znalezione na i przeniesione tutaj, by łatwiej się czytało :)Autor: point-of-tears Tłumaczenie: cariettaHarry otrzymuje swoje dziedzictwo, lecz co ma z tym wspólnego Severus?…

In Love With A Cowboy( Interracial)

In Love With A Cowboy( Interracial)

2,965,344 116,640 27

" I've had it!" I screamed at him." I have had enough of you cheating on my for the last four years of our marriage! For you choosing your work over our family! I've had enough of you! Your arrogant cheating bastard!" I screamed throwing a vase at him. He dodged it and it crashed against the wall. I wish it would have crushed against his skull instead. Alexis Jenner has had enough of her cheating husband. He has been having multiple affairs for the last four years of their marriage so she leaves him...on their anniversary. She packs up everything and heads for Texas. Little does she know the hot rich cowboy Hayden Blake lives right up the street from her new home. Is she ready for such a man? A hot cowboy at that. can she give up riding a horse and ride this cowboy into the sunset? Read and find out.Cover by: ThebaeEvanya…

Evil of a Broken Past (Ninjago)

Evil of a Broken Past (Ninjago)

12,921 331 19

TW: s3lf h@rm, mentions of su!c!d3As the son of Garmadon, the total king of evil, villainy was the only thing Lloyd knew. He'd never questioned the family business. But when Lloyd is captured by the ninja, his unquestioning loyalty to his father begins falling apart. Maybe he's not as evil as he thought.-Even though this deals with some serious topics, in between all the depressing stuff there's still a lot of CrInGe-I originally made this as a GreenFlame, but that ended up becoming more of a side plot, so oopsie but enjoy~I don't own Ninjago or the characters! Credits to all the people who make Ninjago~…

Snajper [Zwiadowcy]

Snajper [Zwiadowcy]

5,660 389 8

Po II wojnie światowej, kiedy dyktator Morgarath, odpowiedzialny między innymi za rozpad Wielkiej Brytanii, zostal ostatecznie pokonany, w Anglii monarchię zastąpiono ustrojem republikańskim. Następca tronu, książę Duncan Araluen, został prezydentem i już na początku swojej kadencji dokonał wielu reform. Jedną z nich była militaryzacja państwa i wskrzeszenie działającej przed wojną elitarnej grupy snajperów, zwanych zwiadowcami. Wśród wybrańców znajduje się Will, dwudziestoletni szeregowiec, którego talent może okazać się ratunkiem w nadchodzących, niepewnych czasach...…



338 30 10


Murderer From The Shadows (Zed Male Reader X Fem Creepy Pasta)

Murderer From The Shadows (Zed Male Reader X Fem Creepy Pasta)

25,607 198 6

Y/N, an abandoned child left to fend for himself, betrayed by his friends and family, Y/N wondered inside a forest finding a cave, inside lies a small chest bearing the Crest of Shadows, with the box opened shadowy figures enters Y/N's body and gave him the Shadow techniques, Y/N swore revenge against those who betrayed him, Y/N wondered the world murdering people who stands in his way, what happens if they are interested in him, will he join them or continue being alone?…



1,457 123 25

Co jeżeli Syriusz Black miałby córkę? Co jeżeli ta córka dostałaby niepowtarzalny dar?Co jeżeli zamiast szkoły Beauxbatons, na Turniej Trójmagiczny przybędzie szkoła o nazwie Akademia Żywiołów?Do Hogwartu na Turniej Trójmagiczny przybywają dwie szkoły. Durmstrang oraz Akademia Żywiołów, do której między innymi uczęszcza jedna z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych osób w świecie czarodziejów - Kally Black. Pewnie zastanawiacie się, jak udało jej się osiągnąć taką popularność. To proste. Kally ma moc, której nikt inny jeszcze nie miał. Ma moc władania wszystkimi żywiołami. Woda, ogień, ziemia, wiatr, lód oraz błyskawice. Według zasady zwykły uczeń Akademii Żywiołów, włada tylko jednym z nich. Ich moce ujawniają się w wieku jedenastu lat. I to wtedy wychodzi czy są zwykłymi czarodziejami czy czarodziejami amoku, inaczej czarodziejami, którzy potrafią władać żywiołami. Jednak Kally nie jest taka jak wszyscy, ona jest wyjątkowa. Jest wybranką.(Wiem, że lód to nie żywioł, ale stwierdziłam, że dodam, bo jakoś tak mi pasowało, miłego czytania)…

18 (Luwoo)

18 (Luwoo)

184,476 13,127 64

"From they day I had laid my eyes on him I want no one else, no other, just the wrong guy. In bad or worse, in deceiving or destruction, in pain or self-killing, I will nerve back off, never take a step closer to the right guy, as long as I can have the wrong one."New life should start where an old chapter closes.When raising boxing star Lucas loses the most important fight in his life, he runs away from reality to cross ways with a lost boy who's holding a blue leash.----------Contains some Luwoo and JaeyongHighest ranking#1 in Jaeyong#1 in WoocasCover by CN_512…

Ok Ko:What Might Have Been

Ok Ko:What Might Have Been

6,234 223 109

This is an AU to Deeper TiesThis story will revolve around my OC Bianca aka Ice QueenThis is what would have happened if Laserblast would have been able to stay at POINT and marry BiancaUntil further notice, Laserblast will be called Steven (after his voice actor)…

Levels of Love (iKon/B.I Fanfic)

Levels of Love (iKon/B.I Fanfic)

53,808 1,583 39

~ feat. Junhoe ~****"We could have died!" I cry dramatically. "We could have smashed our heads on the floor and died.""I wouldn't have minded", Hanbin nuzzles his face into my shoulder. "iKON might have", I say, "And YG too." Hanbin laughs against my skin, soft breath tickling and making that burning desire flare up worse than ever before. I smooth his hair back softly and he lifts his head to meet my eyes again. ****CeCe is just a regular girl with a regular life until she accidentally befriends the towering, blond Junhoe. Finding out he's a member of YG's iKON should have been the only secret he'd kept from her. But it's not. There's something no one can know about the group's leader, Hanbin, a secret which has more to do with CeCe then she could ever possibly imagine. The more she falls for his cold stare and sharp tongue, the more dangerous it gets.Copyright © 2015 RowyB03 All Rights Reserved(I don't own any of iKon or the YG Family :( but the other characters are mine! :) )…