¿Cuánto Pesa La Sangre?

¿Cuánto Pesa La Sangre?

139 44 34

Seguimos explorando el universo de ×~Aprender a Sentir~×Lucian se niega a ceder. En un mundo donde el sistema busca despojarlo de su humanidad, su resistencia lo convierte en un caso problemático, una mente en conflicto que rechaza la reprogramación, A pesar de todo usa sus problemas interpersonales a su favor. Su agresividad crece con cada intento de doblegar lo, hasta que conoce a uno de los doctores quién le revela un secreto inquietante. Con su ayuda, logra escapar.Pero la libertad no es el final de su tormento. Sus nuevos dueños lo convierten en una víctima más de abusos, hasta que un homicidio lo cambio todo. Su cuerpo reacciona de manera impensable, restándole años, transformándolo física y mentalmente. Ahora, en una nueva existencia, Lucian deberá enfrentar las dificultades de su propio renacimiento... y del monstruo que el sistema creo sin percatarse "…

nhl imagines

nhl imagines

1,074,433 11,446 200

request it, i'll write it. i can make your nhl dreams come true :)BOOK IS FULL…

Entre Lunas Y Mariposas

Entre Lunas Y Mariposas

860 50 21

En una escuela secundaria común, Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes aparentemente normales, llevan consigo secretos que van más allá de la vida cotidiana. Douma, conocido por su seriedad y misteriosa calma, oculta una pasión por la escritura poética y la música. Shinobu, la chica tranquila pero ingeniosa, es una apasionada entomóloga que esconde sus habilidades de manipular pequeños insectos.Un día, durante una excursión escolar, sus destinos colisionan cuando Douma, cautivado por la elegancia de Shinobu al estudiar mariposas en un campo, se ve inspirado a escribir un poema en su honor. Desde ese momento, una conexión especial comienza a florecer entre ellos.A pesar de las diferencias en sus personalidades, Douma y Shinobu encuentran consuelo y comprensión el uno en el otro. Sus mundos, llenos de secretos y pasiones, se entrelazan en el tejido de la vida estudiantil. Juntos, enfrentan los desafíos de la adolescencia, desde exámenes hasta amistades complicadas, siempre fortaleciendo su vínculo especial.A medida que la historia se desenvuelve, Douma y Shinobu exploran el poder del amor y la aceptación en un entorno donde los prejuicios y las expectativas son inevitables. La dualidad de sus personalidades y habilidades se convierte en la clave para superar los obstáculos, demostrando que incluso en la vida cotidiana, dos corazones pueden encontrar una armonía única."Entre Lunas Y Mariposas" es una conmovedora historia de amor adolescente que nos recuerda que, en la complejidad de la vida diaria, a veces se encuentran las conexiones más extraordinarias.…

𝔽𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 : 𝕀𝕣𝕠𝕙 𝕀𝕀 𝕩 𝕆𝕔

𝔽𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 : 𝕀𝕣𝕠𝕙 𝕀𝕀 𝕩 𝕆𝕔

296,508 7,775 60

Fara is the eldest daughter of Tenzin and Pema, and the granddaughter of Avatar Aang and Master Katara. Fara always thought she was different from her siblings because she could stormbend; a rare bending ability. After getting in very big trouble with the law, Tenzin has sent his daughter to the Southern Water Tribe to live with Katara for a while but what happens when she arrives back home to Republic City?....…



2,818 237 6

Les presento a Choi Seung Hyung (TOP), encantador, divertido, y lo más importante, las personas lo encuentran irresistible.Top ofrece un servicio profesional: rompe parejas. En unas pocas semanas y por honorarios acordes a su reputación, promete transformar a cualquier marido, esposa, novio, novia o prometidos en un ex. Trampas, intervención de teléfonos, identidades falsas, una sonrisa devastadora, cualquier cosa sirve para cumplir el contrato.Les presento a Kwon Ji Yong (G-Dragón ó GD). Joven, libre de convencionalismos e independiente. Heredero de una gran fortuna, su pasión es el shopping, el buen vino y la película Dirty Dancing. En diez días se casará con el hombre de sus sueños (Choi Dong Wook - Se7en) con absoluta desaprobación paterna.Cuando Top es contratado para romper ésta, aparentemente, perfecta pareja, se hallará en medio de una loca carrera contra el tiempo. Desde las soleadas calles de Jeju a los lujosos coches y alta moda de Seúl, su "misión imposible" de seducción lo llevará a arriesgarse a ser atrapado por sus implacables acreedores, furiosos "ex" y el mismo GD.Pero, más importante de todo, descubrirá "en carne propia" que, cuando de amor se trata, el plan perfecto NO EXISTE.GTOPAdvertencias : Lemon, +16…

A Sense of Propriety

A Sense of Propriety

14,182 1,165 35

"After all the trouble I caused. After what I did to you . . . Did you really expect me to be able to look you in the eye?"Cordelia Sutton, young and gentle, has seen her fair share of tribulations in life. From the untimely death of her parents to the forced removal of one of her closest friends, she desired nothing more than a quiet life in the country.But with the insistent urges from a family friend to return to London, the pressure placed upon young ladies by society is difficult enough, even more so for Cordelia who finds herself coming face-to-face with a man she thought she would never see again. Now not only must she find a way to navigate the complex world of the pure bloods but also battle her own emotions pertaining to a certain Marquis. It is a difficult task for one so ignorant of the world to undertake, and one where a sense of propriety could very well mean the difference between life and death for a love once lost.***All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Any character or event relating to persons living or dead, places or events is completely coincidental. Under no circumstances is this book or any of its characters allowed to be reproduced in any form or by any means without the expressed permission of the author.***I do not own any pictures used. All credits are due to their owners.…

Hetalia X Lectora One-shots

Hetalia X Lectora One-shots

16,308 1,288 52

Esta será una serie de One-shots Hetalia x Lectora (o lector, si es que lo quieren 7w7r) Hay pedidos abiertos, pueden ser fics normales o lemmon... Sólo tenganle paciencia a su pobre escritora :'v. DISCLAIMER: Todos los personajes que aquí aparecen no son míos, son propiedad de Hidekaz-Himaruya-sensei.…

Dream & Shadow

Dream & Shadow

91,540 3,106 47

***Completed******SS x OC fanfiction***A smart healer starts a temporary job at Hogwarts and meets Severus Snape. They both have a liking of magic potions and are experts in the dark arts. It does not take long until Severus and Leonor share parts of a miserable childhood and expose pieces of a vulnerable self. They fall in love eventually while working together finding a remedy for the Crutiatus Curse, but Voldemort's return brings no happy end to a secret romance. Severus makes a fateful mistake to keep Leonor safe. Leonor and Severus long for true love but fight against the mutual desire until there's no other choice than walking the rough path of life together. Will Leonor get what she's looking for? Is Severus going to use Leonor in exchange for Lily or will he be able to start a new life? Comes Trelawney's prophecy true or will Severus and Leonor suffer from their past until they die? The story starts at HP/Book 3 and continues to Post-Hogwarts! HP/Book 6 to Post-Hogwarts will follow in a sequel to this book. Check out chapter 4 for a small game!…

AMENAZA OMNIVERSAL: Oscuridad, Pesadilla y el Odio de toda Existencia.

AMENAZA OMNIVERSAL: Oscuridad, Pesadilla y el Odio de toda Existencia.

6,734 257 9

Maverick el Dios de la Oscuridad, Guerra y Masacre, esta cansado de ver como todos los Guardianes y Dioses oscuros hablan de su ideal de Justicia de su personaje, mientras se burlan o insultan la existencia y el "Ideal de Justicia" de otros personajes o de los otros Guardianes.Cansandolo de la Hipocrecia de los Dioses Multiversales. Ignorando estos realmente el verdadero Ideal y sueños de sus personajes e incluso.. de que todos pueden tener el mismo ideal a pesar de usar metodos diferentes: Paz, libertad e Igualdad para todos.A la ves, podia al menor concordar en parte con algunos Dioses Oscuros sobre lo que ellos predicaban: Los Humanos, los Dioses y las Demas razas son hipocritas y siempre lo seran, pues pensaran siempre sobre su bienestar personal, por encima de las Masas.Por ello, ante este desenlace, decide hacer algo que ningun otro Dios ha hecho, ya que puede considerarse "Suicidio total", Amenazar a buena parte de los Guardianes y Dioses en donde mas duele en su existencia: Los personajes que admiranY que mejor modo de hacerlo que romperlos en la mas tetrica pesadilla, asi como la amenaza a borrarlos de la Existencia.Maverick Decidido.. hara gala de su Titulo.¡QUE LA GUERRA Y LA MASACRE COMIENCEN! ¡Y QUE EL TEMOR ACECHE ANTE LOS DIOSES!¡QUE PIENSEN ANTES DE ACTUAR HIPOCRITAMENTE! ¡PUES LA OSCURIDAD TIENE OIDOS, TIENE VOCES EN TODOS LADOS Y ACTUARA CRUELMENTE PARA DARLES UNA MALIGNA LECCION! ¡LA HIPOCRECIA SE PAGA CON DOLOR Y PESAR!Por otro lado, los Heroes y Villanos, idolos de muchos Dioses, ¿Lograran vencer ante las intenciones de este ser? ¿O caeran derrotado ante este ser y sus posibles intenciones, asi como dejando que su Universo desaparesca de la Faz de la EXISTENCIA?…

Life in Zora's Domain

Life in Zora's Domain

186,245 2,888 184

An AU about Mipha's and Link's life together post Calamity. I tried to have some fun with this story, taking it in different directions, developing Mipha's and Link's family, making up some adventures, and creating some connections to other Zelda stories. But the main theme is Mipha's and Link's love for each other and building a happy life together. I'm sure I don't always succeed, but I try to keep the story light hearted and generally opt for happy outcomes.The first 2 chapters now incorporate the prequel stories 'His Future is in the Past' and 'Beginning Life in Zora's Domain', so this AU is self-contained in one story. If you've already read the prequels just jump to Chapter 1 - Studying. Cover art where available is by Nurple(twitter dot com/nurpleynurple) and used by permission. Spoiler Warning: This story has spoilers! On the other hand, if you haven't played the game this story won't make sense. This writing is a work of fan fiction using characters and events from the world of The Legend of Zelda TM: Breath of the Wild, which is owned and copyrighted by Nintendo. I do not claim any ownership of the world or its characters. It is a work of my imagination and is for entertainment only. It is not part of the official Nintendo storyline.I would like to clarify my approach to managing comments.I welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it's expressed respectfully. Comments containing offensive language will be removed, as they do not align with the intended tone of my narratives or the expectations of our audience. Constructive criticism and questions about certain choices in the storyline are appreciated and respected.…

The Sans Party! [ENDED]

The Sans Party! [ENDED]

504,382 15,570 111

HIGHEST RANK: #41 in Randomjuѕt чσur dαílч hαppєníngѕ wíth ѕαnѕ αnd híѕ díffєrєnt "hím(ѕ)"! (this book is full of Sanscest, trust me) EVENT: [n/a] Book Cover by me :3 ☆Sans | UnderTale ☆Fell | UnderFell | ? ☆Outer | OuterTale | ? ☆Swap | UnderSwap | ? ☆Geno | AfterTale | loverofpiggies ☆Error | ErrorTale | loverofpiggies ☆Fresh | UnderFresh | loverofpiggies ☆G | ?/original: UnderPatch((abandoned AU)) | borurou ☆Science or Sci | ? | ? ☆Death/Reaper | ReaperTale | ren-rink ☆Ink | InkTale | comyet ☆Greaser | ?((supposedly for Lucidia)) | rodsee ☆Dance | DanceTale | dancetale ☆Chess | ChessTale | ? ☆Katana | KatanaTale | ? ☆Dream | DreamTale | jokublog ☆Nightmare | DreamTale | jokublog ☆Sensy/Senkiller | UnderNC | anrez-op-skele ☆Ganz | GZTale | golzy ☆Melancholy | GZTale | golzy ☆Alter | AlterTale | friisan ☆Horror | HorrorTale | sour-apple-studios ☆Little | LittleTale | mudkipful ((spontaneous updates; updates every Saturday/Sunday/ if possible))…

The Storms of Arlow (The Kingdom of Dragons Book 1)

The Storms of Arlow (The Kingdom of Dragons Book 1)

428 33 8

The kingdom of Istamid is under the tyrannical rule of dragons, but there are still places where the dragons' presence isn't felt so strongly. One such place is the mountain village of Arlow. However, the residents of the village have problems of their own.Namely, the violent snowstorms. Everyone aside from Rhenor seems to think that they will blow over and that they just have to wait it out, but Rhen suspects there is something more going on. His concerns fall on deaf ears until a stranger named Kaz shows up at his door, who not only believes Rhen, but also reveals an even bigger threat looming over Arlow-earthquakes.Despite Rhen's reservations about how Kaz knows this, the two embark on a quest to put a stop to whatever is causing all of this and save Arlow before it becomes nothing but rubble.[word count: ≈ 20 000 words]• Book 1 - The Storms of Arlow • Book 2 - The Beast of Frostrun • Book 3 - The Heist of Sigallah • Book 4 - The Escape from Serrok • Book 5 - The Shores of Rethan • Book 6 - The Isles of Korrys • Book 7 - The Scourge of Embertide • Book 8 - The Battle of Embertide…

The Ocean's True Queen

The Ocean's True Queen

252,738 4,716 63

Inspired by the One Piece/Harry Potter crossover: The Lost Queen of D, Jasmine Seleste Marissa Potter learns that her life was a lie. Gathering the few people she could trust, they go back to her other home, Oceania. There her new life begins.Eventual Fem!Harry/Luffy x Doflamingo…

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles: Book 4, Gods

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles: Book 4, Gods

43,226 1,431 37

The Power Development Festival. An event taking place in Academy City that combines both the Grand Magic Games from Fiore with the Daihaseisai. This festival gathers guilds, espers, and mages from all over to put their supernatural skills to the test. And Fairy Tail has entered, to prove once again that they are the strongest guild in both dimensions.However, stranger forces are at work. God-like beings of extraordinary might and presence known as Numensapiens have started appearing in Academy City, seemingly watching Mikoto Misaka from afar.. sometimes protecting her... and sometimes merely observing her.. Mikoto then begins to feel herself coming towards the realization of a horrible destiny.. a destiny that she might not survive this time..…

Warriors name generator

Warriors name generator

16,445 764 38

Find out your warrior name! Yay # :) <3…

Legends of the Ghosts: Characters Part 1

Legends of the Ghosts: Characters Part 1

12,377 487 200

Don't worry, Captainrex2177 I'm not writing a story. or copying. I'm just sending the models of the characters of the G.H.O.S.T. and others, that's all.…

Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me

Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me

19,615,129 476,851 104

What happened to me is something I could never have dreamed up in my wildest imagination. I mean, no one really wakes up in the morning and expects to find a person you connect with so much, and feel a shared magnetism for that it may have you re-evaluating whether you believe in love at first sight. It's even more bizarre that this person is one of the most recognisable people on the planet. One should think of me as so lucky. All I ask is Pretty Please, Don't Pinch Me.. because this is one dream I don't want to wake up from.Ava Sinclair considered herself to be quite a regular twenty year old. That is right up until she runs into one of the most publicly lusted after men. Juggling work, friends and family is hard enough, so when she is thrust into the public eye in such an impromptu manner, she must learn to deal with all the add ons. Yet something much larger and something she doesn't quite understand emerges and she begins to lose all sense of reality.Cover created by the lovely @Ayiah_Jaddo Copyright © 2014 WordsWithGemAll rights reserved. This book or any portion thereofmay not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoeverwithout the express written permission of the publisher.…

Fun Facts

Fun Facts

4,668 378 200

This book is about things I like to do. I get a ton of surprises at home, and especially on my birthday.This is more than that just an about me book. If someone gives you a problematic remark about your stories that you think is more judgemental per say rather than constructive critique feel free to tag me ask me to check your story, and I will decide if they were right or they were wrong and you and other peers like you can embrace me with those stories because since my 6th grade English class…

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 3 {COMPLETED}

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 3 {COMPLETED}

1,114,990 11,524 200

Welcome to my third book of imagines! {*} = smut! Requests are closed! MEAN OR HATEFUL COMMENTS WILL GET YOU BLOCKED!!!!…

Me Perteneces

Me Perteneces

12,887 1,285 12

Viktor un alfa dueño de una de las grandes compañías de Rusia; Yuuri el segundo hijo de una familia de renombre dueña de una de las grandes compañías de Japón, era un hermoso omega digno para un alfa de una alta categoría. Ambos se conocieron en una reunión que había propuesto el ruso con la familia del nipon. Desde ese entonces el ruso comenzó a cortejar al menor y con el tiempo se convirtieron en pareja. Yuri Plisetsky un alfa reconocido por ser la mano derecha de viktor y gran amigo de este aunque tenia un problema, cuando era niño tuvo un accidente y quedo sin olfato dejando en un profundo sueño a su lobo interno convirtiéndolo literalmente en beta. Conoce perfectamente a la pareja de su gran amigo, aunque en el transcurso del cortejo de su amigo, conoció a un medico especializado en tu problema y sin dudarlo se fue hacia el extranjero y ausentarse por 3 años para realizarse un tratamiento para que volviera a sentir olores y poder despertar a su lobo interno. A su llegada, se entera de que su amigo había engañado al menor por bastante tiempo y a pesar de llevar 3 años de relación con el nipon nunca lo marco. Al buscarlo y tenerlo frente suyo llorando por aquel engaño se da cuenta de que es su pareja destinada.…