Baby, Just Say Yes || Jily & Scorily || ✔️

Baby, Just Say Yes || Jily & Scorily || ✔️

18,968 533 11

"Oi, Evans! Go out with me!""Oi, Malfoy! Go out with me!"In which Lily Luna Potter has more in common with her grandfather than she thinks.Two generations.One love story.…

Imperfection: A Scorily/Scorlily Fanfic

Imperfection: A Scorily/Scorlily Fanfic

149,340 4,198 36

She seems to live in a world of sunlight. He is a frightened little boy.She is a pint-sized troublemaker.He is painfully careful to observe all rules. She is an inept student.He makes all "O's."She is Lily Luna Potter.And he is Scorpius Malfoy.…

I Love You, Lily (A Scorily Fanfiction) -COMPLETED-

I Love You, Lily (A Scorily Fanfiction) -COMPLETED-

272,761 6,800 79

"What's wrong, mate?" Albus asked me. He looked at where I was looking- the point where Lily had disappeared- and slapped his forehead. "You STILL fancy my sister?" Rose didn't say anything, which was odd for her. I turned my attention back to Al. "So what if I do?" I asked with false bravado. "Mate, she hates you like she hates Derrick McLaggen. Maybe worse." I remembered McLaggen. He was the Slytherin that I'd hexed into oblivion after he'd tried to make a move on Lils. That was when she'd hexed me worse than I'd hexed him. "I don't need your help," she'd snapped at me, and stomped away. "You're welcome," I'd sighed. Now, looking at that small, obscure point where she'd vanished, I wanted to go after her, make her talk to me. But I knew Al was right. She hated me. And that, reader, is how I started my year- looking forward to fun and torture in the sparkling, dancing, penetrating blue eyes of Lily Luna Potter, the daughter of the Boy who Lived. LOL SO NOW THAT YOU KNOW THIS BOOK WILL BE AWESOME, IMMA ADD SOME RANDOM HARRY POTTER-RELATED WORDS SO IT'LL SHOW UP BETTER. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THEM AND GO ON TO THE STORY, WHICH THOUGH SLOW IN THE BEGINNING ACCELERATES RATHER RAPIDLY *WINKS* Harry Potter Ginny Weasley Lily Luna Potter Scorpius Malfoy Draco Malfoy Astoria Malfoy Hermione Jean Granger Rose Weasley Ron Weasley Fred Weasley George Weasley Albus Potter James Potter Sirius Black Remus Lupin…

Unmasked (A Scorily/Scorlily Fanfic)[post-cursed child]

Unmasked (A Scorily/Scorlily Fanfic)[post-cursed child]

57,321 1,912 36

A dancing pair of fluttery pink fairy wings. That was all anyone ever seemed to see in Lily Luna Potter, because she never took them off. An angel of innocence, she pranced around Hogwarts as if everyone loved her, making good marks and smiling at everyone she saw. It was all a mask, of course, and it chafed at her, making her feel pressured and overly bubbly, like a bottle of butterbeer being shaken. It was bound to wear thin someday and peel off, this mask of hers, she reasoned. Why not now? A stack of books. That was all anyone ever seemed to see in Scorpius Malfoy, because he was never seen without one- often his thin face would be completely hidden by thick, musty old tomes. Even after going on that completely MENTAL time-traveling adventure with Albus Potter and having his birth status confirmed, Scorpius was still "that odd Malfoy kid," while Albus himself had suddenly become a Hogwarts icon. This made Scorpius feel second-best to a former fellow loser- never a good feeling. But he was bound to distinguish himself someday, he reasoned. Why not now? Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Potter. Two adolescents who were trying to break free from predetermined images that had been thrust upon them. Their only obstacles? Each other.…

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)

61,101 896 118

Lily Potter dreamed of going to Hogwarts and being in Gryffindor. But the time comes for her to go to Hogwarts, and her dreams change. What will happen when she becomes a Slytherin, befriends a Malfoy, and turns against her family? Everything falls apart.Please read:This is not my story I found this story on an unpopular website called, it came out 8 years ago and I loved the story it deserves a lot more views, and since Wattpad is where most people read today I reposted this story over here. This is not my story and I take no credit except the cover. I love this author and thank her for making this great story The author's name is: animeaddict56Thank you and please enjoy…

I think I'm in love with a Malfoy.

I think I'm in love with a Malfoy.

2,934,815 42,866 35

Fanfic Watty Awards winner 2011. Lily Luna Potter is the only daughter of the famous Harry Potter. It's her fifth year at Hogwarts and her feelings for a certain golden haired Slytherin are starting to surface. He's the son of an ex-deatheater, but for some reason, she can't get him out of her head. Can she resist her temptations this year? Especially on an eventful school trip to Durmstrang for the infamous Triwizard Tournement. On the outside Scorpius Malfoy has everything, the looks, the brains and the charm but there's one thing missing. A certain red head that he can't have. Or can he? This year will change everything.Magic and Love in one story. What more can you want really?Note: I know now that the new book and play has come out it may be a little different to what happens in this story, as when I wrote this story I didn't have a clue what any of the characters were going to be like. So I'm sorry if they act out of character to whats in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.…

✔ Lily Luna Potter First Year

✔ Lily Luna Potter First Year

6,214 181 24

We've all heard the story of Harry Potter but what about his youngest daughter? This is Lily's first year of Hogwarts. When she gets placed in Slytherin, her whole life changes. This story is a little bit different then the Cursed Child because Scorpius is in Lily's year and Rose's name has been changed to Madelyn and she's also in Lily's year. Albus is older than her and James is her twin. Hogwarts was going perfectly fine until Lily Luna Potter entered. This is my first story so please don't judge too hard and I hope you enjoy!…

Until the Very End | Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Potter Fanfiction

Until the Very End | Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Potter Fanfiction

13,922 189 25

Previously: My Forbidden Love - A Lily Potter x Scorpius Malfoy FanfictionLily Luna Potter has only ever liked one boy-the one she's forbidden to date. Scorpius Malfoy is a charming young man - who believes that he likes her cousin - Rose, until the day an exciting first-year with pink fairy wings and a rush of red hair.…

Hello, Lily! (A Scorily/Scorlily fanfic)

Hello, Lily! (A Scorily/Scorlily fanfic)

11,742 380 15

Scorpius Malfoy has a reputation to uphold. As Hogwarts' Head Boy, he simply HAS to be seen as intelligent, important- and desirable. So when the news hits that Hogwarts will be holding a spring formal ball, Scorpius makes up his mind- he has to have a date. The only problem is that he doesn't know the first thing about girls. Pretty, vivacious Lily Potter is a clever, cheeky girl whose nose is in everybody's business- the astonishing thing is that she generally has permission for her nose to be there. From sports training to quarrels between friends to relationships, Lily deals with the problems of others in her own unique way- but recently she's run up against a problem of her own. Her former boyfriend, Evan Levi, has dumped her for a girl whose only advantage is her face. Lily has been struggling for months with this blow, but now she's decided it's time to move on. So when Scorpius Malfoy comes to her, asking her to get him a date to the Vernum Ball, Lily is determined to go with him herself- and throws herself wholeheartedly into her goal, using her own unique method, which features plenty of hilarious twists and turns.…

Lily Potter And The Metamorphagus

Lily Potter And The Metamorphagus

15,859 460 12

~ BOOK ONE ~Lily Luna Potter is not your everyday witch. Her parents are celebrities in the Wizarding world after they helped to defeat the evil Lord Voldemort over two decades ago. Now it is her chance to go to the very school where it all began; Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Accompainied by her brothers, Albus Severus and James Sirius Potter, she will make new friends and embark on some of the most dangerous adventures her family has yet to have heard of.Can the Potter family once again conquer the darkness lurking in the shadows of their everyday lives, or will their efforts all be in vain?Disclaimer: I own none of the characters!…

Hp Ships

Hp Ships

5,377 140 60

My opinions on the HP ships some with my sister @MistyJZ...Includes next gen ships!Feel free to comment your opinions as well I would love to read them!Please note my reference has a few misspelled ship names and I have been trying to correct them. So if you notice any please let me know. And please consider... Following and Voting!Hope you enjoy! Thank you.…

Harry Potter Next Gen

Harry Potter Next Gen

9,180 174 57

This is my first story and its just kind of for fun. And most characters are created by the queen herself JK Rowling. Btw its mostly about lily and scorpius but there are multiple other couples in it. Such at James and Alice, Albus and Lena, And other in the family and yes Alice and Lena are my one characters that I have created although the name Alice for the character was something I got from other stories but other than that I came up with the characters and their names on my own..…

My Opinion on Harry Potter ships

My Opinion on Harry Potter ships

1,647 81 19

Exactly what the title saysI will be just a little bit biased on the Canon couplesAnd if I don't ship the characters you ship I am sorry please don't hate on meRecommendation on which ship I should do next are always welcome 😊…

Love and Energy

Love and Energy

15,492 390 28

Lily loves Scorpious. Scorpious loves Lily. Do they know that? No. Will Lily try to befriend Scorpious? Yes. And just when everything is going perfect and they are becoming a blooming friendship, something goes VERY wrong. Will Lily and Scorpious fall in love? Will Albus and James freak out?!?! Follow Lily as she searches for her heart ❤️ through adventure and friendship this will be the true test of love!Cover: @majesticmountain…

Do you believe in fairy tales? Scorlily One shots.

Do you believe in fairy tales? Scorlily One shots.

224 2 3

Their is not enough scorlily ff and I don't have the attention span to write a full story but I do have the attention span to write multiple one shots.I don't own Harry Potter .It belongs to J.K Rowling...sadly.…

I Love You, Lily (Scorlily fanfiction)

I Love You, Lily (Scorlily fanfiction)

5,565 23 21

"Everytime she laughs, she hopes he's watching hoping that he will fall for her smile just as hard as she fell for his."This is my first story, I hope you will like it! Massive credits to slutforhinny, she gave me the idea to make this, go follow her on tiktok, she's the best and to LilyOfTheLibrary she is an amazing author and this story is inspired by many of her storys. (Harry Potter is not my story and I do not own the characters, this is just a fanfiction, im sorry for any spelling mistakes and the cover is NOT made by me)…



582 86 10

"Umut hemen sönen bir şey biliyor musun?""Ya?""Evet. Ve eğer kaybettiysen bir daha nasıl yakacağını bilemezsin."…

Golden | Scorily

Golden | Scorily

851 20 4

"In which she chooses what sets her heart on fire"Credit to salemdiablo for the amazing cover! Please go look at her, she's really great and talented!…

Harry Potter next gen insta
The Next Generation: At Hogwarts (A Scorily fanfic)

The Next Generation: At Hogwarts (A Scorily fanfic)

5,869 198 9

Lily Luna Potter is starting her first year at Hogwarts. Sorting takes place, she makes new friends, what could possibly spoil the year... This is my first Wattpad book so please leave comments to help me make this book better. Thanks!…