Rrugetim i Heshtur

Rrugetim i Heshtur

24 5 1

Po ecja neper labirintet e shpirtit tim, duke kerkuar nje te vertete qe dukej gjithmone jashte kapjes sime. Bota perreth ishte plot zhurme, por brenda meje mbreteronte heshtja, ajo lloj heshtjeje qe te flet me mijera fjale, nese di si ta degjosh.Ne çdo hap, ndjeja hijet e frikes duke me ndjekur, pasqyrat qe refuzonin te me tregonin fytyren time te vertete. Kishte momente kur doja te ndalesha, te mos ecja me, por diçka brenda meje nuk me lejonte. Nje drite e fshehur thelle ne shpirtin tim refuzonte te shuhej.Ky eshte nje udhetim pa harte, nje kerkim i heshtur drejt se panjohures. Sepse ndonjeher, me shume se fjalet, jane hapat e paverejtur ata qe na çojnë drejt vetvetes.…

Rrugetimi I Jetes

Rrugetimi I Jetes

208 16 2

Ngjarje realeHistoria imeDua mendimin tuaj, si do vepronit ne rastin tim…

🍎 Lista e mekatareve 🍎

🍎 Lista e mekatareve 🍎

11,189 2,406 53

Rruget e qytetit po pergjaken cdo dite...Nje liste mekataresh...nje vrases...10 viktima...Nje detektiv vrasjesh dhe nje studente drejtesie takohen ne rruget e fatit por cfare i lidh ata bashke me ceshtjen ? Kush fshihet pas vrasjeve te shumta ? Kush eshte viktima e rradhes dhe cili eshte mekati i tyre ? A jane te gjithe mekatare ? Jo cdo gje duket ashtu sic eshte...***Ndalohet kopjimi,shperndarja apo marrja e pjeseve te ketij materiali***…

Drite ne nje humnere .

Drite ne nje humnere .

5,729 372 37

Pershendetje .Eshte hera e pare per mua qe shkruaj ne wattpad , kam guxuar te hedh hapin e pare drejt ketij rrugetimi time dhe nuk eshte aspak i lehte por premtoj se do jap maksimumin time. Ky liber do te thote shume per mua , nuk do te ndalem shume pasi per ta zbuluar per cfare flitet ju keshilloj te me ndiqni . :*…

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)

157,732 4,640 95

You, Y/n Sohma, are a special part of the Zodiac. You're the aligning soul, the soul that is seated next to god, working hand in hand with them. Your soul, in the story, represents the banquet itself. Designed to be organized and help the others in the family. Your soul is supposed to act as a therapist for the god, in other terms, keep them happy. The thing is, your soul some years ago betrayed the god by suicide (basically breaking the curse), leaving the other zodiacs to suffer. When you were born, with the rebirth of the aligning soul after decades, everyone was amazed, but since that day Akito (the holder of the god soul) has gone crazy, almost psycho. You've been cooped up since then, but will that agony ever end?(I just wanna say that this story takes a while to get to the Momiji x Y/n part, sorry)I DO NOT OWN FRUITS BASKET, THIS IS NOTHING BUT A FANFICTION.Sending a HUGE thanks to one of my fans for the book cover, you're amazing!!!Yes, this story has been completed. There is an actual ending and everything! Last updated, May 29th 2022.…



3,565,126 111,598 30

I wiped my eyes once again to see deep piercing green ones looking down at me. More tears came as I saw the root of my anger, and I stood up pushing past him. I tried to run but got pulled back by a hand grabbing my wrist. "What happened?" Clyde demanded angrily. "Get off of me!" I growled and pried his fingers off my wrist and continued to the bathroom. Once inside I went into a stall and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe my face. Why was I always crying?I heard the door open and I tried to contain my sniffling so that they wouldn't hear. Then I looked down to see the feet and saw Clyde crawling under my stall. ~~~~~Alexa Moore is a crybaby. She can't deal well with her emotions; if she is frustrated, angry, sad, mad, or hurt she can't help but cry. She hates that she always feels the need to cry and tries to stay happy by being unconfrontational, and staying away from jerks.Clyde Wood is seemingly heartless. Through the bad, sad, hurtful, and pissing situations he appears to be tougher than nails. Sure he is happy most times, but in the eyes of many he is a heartless jerk that picks on everyone. If it wasn't for his great looks he'd probably be with the Gothic kids, not the popular ones. That, and he made a hobby of being a player.Alexa meeting Clyde was definitely a recipe for disaster, causing her to shed more tears than in her entire 17 years. The year goes from good to bad to good to bad, and end bad? With so much heart churning events, will there really be a rainbow after the storm?…

Through the Awakening (Harry Styles) [Bk. 2]

Through the Awakening (Harry Styles) [Bk. 2]

256,965 10,026 104

SEQUEL TO THROUGH THE DARK :)Elizabeth Parker has suffered a great deal of pain and loss. Now, with the help of her friends she is trying to keep her life in order and trying to understand the world which she was hidden away from as a child. Will she lose herself in trying to find more information or will something be the cause of her rebellious and insanity ways.Copyright @NatalyCanez 2014Cover: namelesswriterx…

Twisted wonderland | one shots

Twisted wonderland | one shots

967,833 22,855 109

Just one shots of some characters from Twisted Wonderland.Btw there will be strong language in this book, aka cussing.I only post when I am not busy.…

I Will Protect You As Cora-San Did For Us

I Will Protect You As Cora-San Did For Us

26,741 594 89

this story is about miyuki and law fate they are destined to be together but there is always something interrupting their relationship. This story is also about her sacrifice for law she cast everything away just to keep him safe. In this story i'm not the heroin the name may be the same but i'm not making stories about me i just like the name. Miyuki has long dark brown hair and brown eyes i don't like people who thought he's high and mighty than everyone else like that stupid tenryuubito i hate people like that very much a person like that doesn't deserve to be considered as human they are a scum a trash i will not show mercy for someone like that people deserve to be treated equally.…

OC Book

OC Book

7,116 120 200

I need this y'all…

Mendime te zbehta

Mendime te zbehta

431 103 15

Mendime te ndryshme...…

Art Stuff ... Or something.

Art Stuff ... Or something.

54,775 5,105 135

It's just a book for art. That's all.…

Category Art

Category Art

165,723 10,399 200

The forms of art are inexhaustible; but all lead by the same road of aesthetic emotion to the same world of aesthetic ecstasy.Aesthetics: "a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty."#267 in Random 07/07/2017#543 in Random 19/07/2017#303 in Random 20/07/2017#300 in Random 22/07/2017#289 in Random 26/07/2017#255 in Random 30/07/2017#275 in Random 02/08/2017#249 in Random 04/08/2017#240 in Random 06/08/2017#235 in Random 11/08/2017#454 in Random 12/08/2017#256 in Random 13/08/2017#222 in Random 27/08/2017#212 In Random 27/08/2017#249 in Random 01/09/2017#253 in Random 09/09/2017#193 in Random 09/10/2017#300 in Random 14/11/2017#301 in Random 21/11/2017#257 in Random 18/12/2017#554 in Random 04/02/2018#312 in Random 11/02/2018#112 in Random 14/02/2018 #280 in Random 27/02/2018#148 in Random 03/03/2018#133 in Random 09/03/2018#60 in Aesthetics 12/05/2018#47 in Aesthetics 13/05/2018#32 in Aesthetics 22/05/2018#20 in Aesthetics 26/05/2018…

Dawn of the Epoch

Dawn of the Epoch

2,605,452 52,377 100

Hunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist it when it happened. Neither of them knew that the world would need the two of them to save it from a tyrannical pre-historic overlord, his cyborg vampire paramour, and their army of mindless drudges.Dawn of the Epoch is an epic science fiction novel about dark matter, death rays, nuclear warfare, and the Large Hadron Collider, but it is also a fantasy novel about medieval warriors, alchemy, and ancient gods. Dawn of the Epoch blends fantasy with reality, bringing mythology to life today. It is also an apocalyptic thriller spanning the globe from the Pyramids of Egypt to the heart of Africa to the majesty of the Himalayas. It is an epic hybrid-genre story with intense action sequences, magic, mythology, suspenseful plot twists, countless obstacles for the protagonists to overcome, and an utterly Machiavellian supernatural villain.Testimonials:"Probably one of my favorite books I've read to date. Brilliantly complex, adoringly rendered and quizzically intense. A must read and one I plan to revisit, and share!"- Amgwatts, Wattpad Reader"This has to be one of the most original and well written novels I have had the pleasure to read, on Wattpad and in general. It was captivating, interesting, immersive and above all, fantastic. I was left in awe of the beings, history and world you created. It was never dull, dry or predicable and it was a nice change from what seems to be the ever popular teen romance with vampires or werewolves or 'bad boys that are actually romantic good boys.' In the end it was a very pleasant surprise."-IridescentLies, Wattpad Readerhttp://dawnoftheepoch.weebly.com…

Messages, appeals and statements of Comintern (SH)

Messages, appeals and statements of Comintern (SH)

446 198 197

Messages, appeals and statements of Comintern (SH)…



378 44 6

Një dashuri, në dukje tepër e thjeshtë, por në fakt tepër e pamundur. Deniana, vajza që përjeton një dashuri të tillë, në pamundësi për të gjetur fjalët për tia shprehur në sy atë që ndjen, vendos t'ia dhurojë fletët e ditarit "ATIJ"🤍♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡Do të jetoj me shpresën se një ditë, pas shumë vitesh, ne do të vrapojmë si të çmendur nëpër rrugët e qytetit, dhe sytë ziliqar të lakmojnë, ne përsëri do i bërtasim njëri-tjetrit "të dua" duke i lënë dallgët e detit të bien sërish të qeta nën hirin e atyre fjalëve. Do ta adhurojmë të ashtuquajturën "dashuri" dhe mbi të do gdhendim emrat tanë, fjalët tona, premtimet e gjithcka që ka te bëjë me "ne". Do i dorëzohemi një ditë dashurisë që ndjejmë për njëri-tjetrin, apo jo i dashur?…

first time 😳

first time 😳

6,551 402 191

setting up shop again…

W.D Gaster's Meme club/void

W.D Gaster's Meme club/void

6,151 515 192

A secret club in the void where all the Gasters make memes, ships, and dance-HAVE FUN!…

Rruget e jetes

Rruget e jetes

4 0 1

Duke u hasur me problematikat e jetes gjendemi te kryqezuar ne drejtime te ndryshme, perditshmeria qe te merr frymen, rutina e lodhshme, e te gjitha keto hasen ne rrefimin "rruget e jetes"…



2,417 1,041 190

At the inspiration of @abigrace44, my feeble attempt at the craft of encapsulating a meaningful story in 6 words...…