Lenten Reflections

Lenten Reflections

92 9 11

On the Passion of Jesus Christ…



207 72 29

Fifth in the [A Sinner's Diary] SeriesFor God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation. [2 Cor 6:2]…

Strands Of Hope

Strands Of Hope

918 271 42

Poetry, in the form of quatrain, meant to inspire, encourage, and lift the soul.…



1,006 369 36

A book of 6 Word Stories about how people meet and fall in love. A boy, a girl, the moon, the stars, and more love than is in the world.…

Of Art, Nature, & Beauty

Of Art, Nature, & Beauty

76 20 18

Nature used as a theme; contemplation of female beauty [nothing graphic!]; the relation of art in all things. A few selected works from my early days...…

Deep and Meandering Thoughts

Deep and Meandering Thoughts

383 70 32

Many times in this life my thoughts have turned black, or at least cloudy gray. Other times I simply wrote as the words fell from my mind, as if a pile of woodcarving scraps. This work is a compilation of some of those thoughts.…

Extra Super Glue

Extra Super Glue

325 67 27

I don't know why.Really.No clue.Guess it's cause I'm a broken mess.…

Chaotic Ruminations

Chaotic Ruminations

509 119 62

Bouncing, free radical, often nonsensical thoughts, words, & phrases which have escaped my mind. Read at your own risk; no lifeguard would ever volunteer to swim in this mess.…

Alien Nursery Rhymes

Alien Nursery Rhymes

67 10 5

Just for fun. All of them may not exactly rhyme, but hey, I'm working with 6 words here!Apologies to Mother Goose.…



223 9 6

Short snippets from my real and/or imagined life...…

Affairs of the Heart

Affairs of the Heart

78 20 11

This is virtually all work of several decades ago. I spent a lot of time musing about romantic ideas, reading classic romantic literature and poetry, etc. All before the vicissitudes and practicalities of life intruded in. But I will always remain a romantic at heart...…



131 24 15

Haiku poetry in the 5-7-5 syllable format. Many themes inside, but always seventeen syllabi.…

Awake Church!A Clarion Call to God's People

Awake Church!A Clarion Call to God's People

322 56 22

A selection of poems about the need for the true church, the Body of Christ here on earth, to represent faithfully, accurately, and completely the Son of God and spread His Love and His Word to the lost world that surrounds and intersects with it. This means being absolutely truthful about sin and Hell, even if deemed politically incorrect or even unkind and intolerant by the world's standards.You are Christ's body and each of you is an individual part of it. 1 Cor 12:27…

The Authparfian Chronicles

The Authparfian Chronicles

146 27 8

This is war. In the spiritual realm. For human souls. For eternity.In the spirit of the legend of Arthur, the knights of old, of the Crusades in their best intent to advance the gospel (if not always their methods). In the reality of spiritual warfare, of fights against demonic principalities, of the need to arm ourselves with heavenly armor. Herein lies prayer, for believers to stay strong, for our leaders to use Biblical principles and godly judgement, for our nation, and for any and all who read this. May God bless you and keep you. Amen.Authparf = WarbookCredit to @ SuperiorGhost…

Availeth Much

Availeth Much

438 59 27

A Book of PrayersConfess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.[James 5:16]…

Unique Advent

Unique Advent

65 21 8

Poetry and prose concerning our dear Savior's birth.This was indeed a most holy Advent. Unique from every other birth in human history, present times, or future. A chaste and blessed virgin, handpicked by God to be the mother of the Son of God! The conception, immaculate and supernatural by the Holy Spirit! The Messiah, Savior of the world, arriving in such humble circumstances!These are the things that I reflect and ponder on...…



2,396 1,041 190

At the inspiration of @abigrace44, my feeble attempt at the craft of encapsulating a meaningful story in 6 words...…

1000 Things to do Instead of sin

1000 Things to do Instead of sin

498 67 5

The premise is simple. Name a thousand other activities more profitable, more fulfilling, more satisfying than giving into sin.Whether your point of weakness is greed, lust, power/control, food, etc - there should be at least a 1000 activities better for your body, mind, soul.My goal is to list them, five at a time over 200 chapters, as God brings them to my mind. There is no set timetable for completion.I pray that this list will be beneficial for the author and the reader. That God may be glorified, honored, and praised. And that each one who reads these words will become more like Christ every day. In Jesus Name, Amen.…

How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure?

How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure?

971 119 9

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. -- Ps 119:9This work is written primarily for men, but the concept of purity (soul, mind, body) is not limited to one gender.To you who read this - I pray for your purity. And I encourage you to find an accountability partner/group.…

The Other Half of Day

The Other Half of Day

39 11 2

Cover Art by Kuro TenshiVia @HeavenChaliceLoveMain Scriptures: As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. [John 9:4]Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. [Isaiah 5:20]Teaser/Synopsis: Ten years have passed since Emily boarded a jet in her native America, bound for Manila and her mission work in the Philippines. Emily found not only her life calling to serve God and spread His love and gospel in this Asian island chain, but also her lifetime love in Paulo, native Filipino from the capital city. Now Emily was sensing a strong call from God again. He began to plant the seeds of her next assignment, which would lead her -- home. Paulo began to sense it as well. Soon, it became inevitable. Emily was to return to America with her husband Paulo. America was not the same country she left just a decade ago. It had long been in the process of becoming a materialistic, secular, and pagan nation. And in recent years, things had only gotten worse. Especially for Christians. It seems that almost any faith, or no faith at all, was acceptable in the new America -- except for Jesus Christ.Into this environment, Emily and Paulo land in America with God's mission of sharing he love of Jesus. What will the two missionaries face as they begin to preach God's Word in a nation now hostile to the gospel? Follow Emily and Paulo as they travel through the United States, experiencing adversity, uncertainty, persecution, but also the undiminishing love and favor of God in ways they never imagined. Through people that they least expected. Please pray for this work.Now, enjoy!! :-)…