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Poverty has the same face in all places - poverty is a disease, but the only cure is changing humanity. We need to build up the bridges between the rich and poor to close the gap to obtain peace and harmony. Unfortunately, nowadays, humanity is selfishly generous. I mean, how would you feel if the tables got turned and you were sitting where they are?How about you donate that dollar instead of buying a plastic water bottle.You keep spending money like it is going out of fashion. Sorry to break it to you, but money doesn't grow on trees.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A lot of people around the world are suffering through poverty. Not many have the support they need to start a stable career. Not many can afford the things, us Canadians, take for granted. Many people think they are helping, but they're really not. Many think the people suffering through poverty can go to the government and services for help, but they are so insecure. They don't have confidence or support to help propel them forward. Many homeless shelters reject people suffering through poverty simply because the shelter is full. Please make a change in society.…