The Paradox Encased in Amber {BTS}

The Paradox Encased in Amber {BTS}

17 1 1

Kim Seokjin has always been able to see the world and what it's made of. Each thread of fauna more full of life than the next, laced together to create a beautiful shade of green. Whether it be olive, turquoise, or teal, he loved it all. Each particle was of worth to him in his simple life. Until.. the dreams began to re-occur after countless years of everything being nothing but a numb hue of silver and charcoal to him. In his mental wanderings it's as if he isn't even asleep, his state of consciousness becomes more confusing each time he slumbers. He can't remember if it was on one or more occasion when he was led by the warmest pigment of honey he had ever seen in the dreary world he was dragged back into. The glowing trail led him to the town library, each step up the concrete stairs, the trail throbbed with almost nuclear light. Once at the top step the trail dissipated in a flash and the world before him was colorless once more. No warning was given as one of the double doors had swung open and a boy had materialized in the doorway, noticing his idle stance and held open the door for him. The boy looked young, but not much younger than him. A soft smile rested upon a set of plump lips on the younger boys gentle porcelain face, his chocolate eyes boring into his. Slightly messy blonde hair rested atop of the boy's head. His lips were moving as a sudden burst of amber surrounded the surrounding world in his vision, but the boy was unscathed by the new color occupying the landscape. He was, in fact, emitting the color himself. The anyways inaudible words the boy had spoken were drowned out by the sound of his alarm, but Jin's eyes never left the boy's face, and the boy's never left his. As pulling on his sweater about thirty or so minutes after forcing himself out of bed , a striking thought rose into his mind. To be able to see that boy so vividly in his unconscious state, he would have already seen him, right..?…

Daddy is never busy for you

Daddy is never busy for you

13 6 4

yoongi loves to make people jealous when it comes to you but you never knew. He does anything for you. He loves to dress you up and bring you to public. But he hates seeing you sad or mad…



3 0 2

- Sporadic update schedule -~ the smell of sex and blood filled the air that night, dark clouds of smoke filled the skies above. Nothing was left of the home she had ones loved, no-one alive to guide them on the path faith had thrown them on. ~Luna was a single wolf, she had travelled far an had entered a world different then the one she had grown up in, as a pup she had always loved the stories about the world outside of the forests and mountains their kind lived in, she had always dreamed of going there one day, perhaps accompanying their father or the bargers on their trips. But she had never imagined she'd be joining the world outside of the only home she had ever known because they were all gone.A she wolf an their pup, now living among humans an other kinds of creatures that occupy the world of terra, How does someone get over such los, an how does someone whose live had changed in such brutal way go one to try an make a live in which the constant fear of the past an those who might still have her sent keeps her from keeping everyone that comes on her path at arms length This is a ( alternate universe style ) bts caracter inspired fantasy fanfiction story ( aestetical collage made by me ) This story is 18+It contains mention:ViolenceRapeMental healthStarvationDeathI DONT OWN THE RIGHTS TO BTS, THEIR MEMEBERS, ANYTHJNG WRITEN IN THOS BOOK IS NOTHING BUT FICTION AN FANTASY.…

A Boy Named Kookie

A Boy Named Kookie

77,830 3,122 25

Pacifiers and papers, things Jin never knew would occupy his mind at once. A college student in his last year of pediatric nursing, Kim Seokjin is handed a responsibility the single 24-year-old was not expecting. From littles to feuding families, he is taken into the world of raising the doe-eyed Jungkook. Can Jin survive with help from the conflicted Yoongi, awkward teacher's pet Namjoon, and an Officer with a heart of gold?**Updated Weekly**Started : 2/20/19Finished : 7/27/19…

Suga Daddy

Suga Daddy

441 16 5

Jennie Min Yoo has came across the wrong man he's very aggressive rude and abusive but she starts to find the good in Min Yoongi but his past starts to keep getting to him making his aggressiveness come back.…

Twin's downfall

Twin's downfall

4,439 173 39

Read to find out...-------------------------------"I'm Park Chanhyun the playboy and that's all you need to know" "Stop trying so, hard to sound cool. Btw, I'm Park Chanyeol the older twin and more original one" he said staring at Chanhyun."What are you looking at?! Yoda ears!"Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "we have the same ears, you idiot we're identical twins""Come find out our story!""Stop shouting""Make me, hyung!"Chanyeol jumped Chanhyun smashing his lips onto him then pulled away after a few seconds had passed."Hmmm, always works" he smirked."You win" Chanhyun pouted in defeat.~*~*~Cover credit: ProblematicPupyeol~ (Boba)Once ranked: #46 for forbidden love#49 for twinbrothers #42 for twinbrothers #32 for twinbrothers#39 for twinbrothersCurrently ranked: #14 for twinbrothers…