312,750 1,288 65

Kumpulan Cerita Panas buatan Roberto Gonzales.Khusus 21 tahun ke atas.…



138,797 882 51

Cerita Dewasa…

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞

1,280 838 28

Love Vol. 1Ayra Alishba adalah seorang santriwati di sebuah pondok pesantren yang terjebak dalam dilema percintaan rumit. Gadis cerdas dan berbakat ini mendapati dirinya terlibat dalam cinta segiempat yang membuat hidupnya di pesantren menjadi penuh gejolak.Masalah dimulai ketika Ayra jatuh cinta kepada Dzaka, yang tak sengaja ditemuinya di asrama ikhwan. Namun, sahabat terdekatnya Ghefira juga menyukai Dzaka. Di sisi lain, Pasha, santriwan baru, sekaligus teman seangkatan Ayra, diam-diam menaruh hati padanya. Situasi semakin pelik ketika Ayra dan Pasha tertangkap basah sedang berbicara berdua di tempat sepi, melanggar peraturan pesantren yang melarang interaksi lawan jenis tanpa pengawasan, ditambah jabatan yang dipegangnya saat itu. Meski tidak terjadi apa-apa, rumor menyebar dengan cepat.Akibatnya, Ayra dikucilkan oleh teman-temannya. Ia dituduh melanggar norma pesantren dan dianggap tidak pantas menjadi santriwati teladan. Ghefira yang cemburu ikut menjauhinya, sementara Pasha bimbang antara membela Ayra atau mengikuti arus. Di tengah keterasingan, Ayra harus berjuang membuktikan kebenaran, mempertahankan prestasinya, dan menyelesaikan konflik hatinya.Perjalanan Ayra menghadapi fitnah dan menemukan jati dirinya menjadi ujian terberat selama di pesantren. Akankah Ayra berhasil membuktikan ketidakbersalahannya di tengah tuduhan yang memojokkannya? Siapakah yang akan dipilih Ayra antara Dzaka dan Pasha? Atau akankah dia memilih untuk fokus pada pendidikan agamanya?Cover illustrator @ginzcover…

AMENAZA OMNIVERSAL: Oscuridad, Pesadilla y el Odio de toda Existencia.

AMENAZA OMNIVERSAL: Oscuridad, Pesadilla y el Odio de toda Existencia.

5,133 213 9

Maverick el Dios de la Oscuridad, Guerra y Masacre, esta cansado de ver como todos los Guardianes y Dioses oscuros hablan de su ideal de Justicia de su personaje, mientras se burlan o insultan la existencia y el "Ideal de Justicia" de otros personajes o de los otros Guardianes.Cansandolo de la Hipocrecia de los Dioses Multiversales. Ignorando estos realmente el verdadero Ideal y sueños de sus personajes e incluso.. de que todos pueden tener el mismo ideal a pesar de usar metodos diferentes: Paz, libertad e Igualdad para todos.A la ves, podia al menor concordar en parte con algunos Dioses Oscuros sobre lo que ellos predicaban: Los Humanos, los Dioses y las Demas razas son hipocritas y siempre lo seran, pues pensaran siempre sobre su bienestar personal, por encima de las Masas.Por ello, ante este desenlace, decide hacer algo que ningun otro Dios ha hecho, ya que puede considerarse "Suicidio total", Amenazar a buena parte de los Guardianes y Dioses en donde mas duele en su existencia: Los personajes que admiranY que mejor modo de hacerlo que romperlos en la mas tetrica pesadilla, asi como la amenaza a borrarlos de la Existencia.Maverick Decidido.. hara gala de su Titulo.¡QUE LA GUERRA Y LA MASACRE COMIENCEN! ¡Y QUE EL TEMOR ACECHE ANTE LOS DIOSES!¡QUE PIENSEN ANTES DE ACTUAR HIPOCRITAMENTE! ¡PUES LA OSCURIDAD TIENE OIDOS, TIENE VOCES EN TODOS LADOS Y ACTUARA CRUELMENTE PARA DARLES UNA MALIGNA LECCION! ¡LA HIPOCRECIA SE PAGA CON DOLOR Y PESAR!Por otro lado, los Heroes y Villanos, idolos de muchos Dioses, ¿Lograran vencer ante las intenciones de este ser? ¿O caeran derrotado ante este ser y sus posibles intenciones, asi como dejando que su Universo desaparesca de la Faz de la EXISTENCIA?…

For a Year (A Greatest Thief Novella)

For a Year (A Greatest Thief Novella)

8,348 848 11

'You'll be imprisoned for a year and a day.'The next words caught in my throat. Finn looked so defenceless, so harmless. His arms were tied back and I wanted to step forward and cut the ropes. I wanted to order the guards away, and I wanted to pull Finn out of the rain. I wanted to brush his dripping hair out of his eyes and kiss him.I would protect him, but I had to be smart. So I cleared my throat, and before I could get caught up in my thoughts again, I finished Finn's sentence. 'And then, you'll be executed.'----While Finn waits in prison, Tannix works to prove he's innocent. Unexpected challenges get in his way, including missing documents, the royal spymaster, and politics. With Tandrin's help, Tannix tries to navigate these obstacles as well as figure out his new place as a favourite Champion.In the lower city, Baisan also struggles to come to terms with what has happened, and how his world is continuing to change.*Takes place between Without a King and An Aimless War…

Courtesan of War

Courtesan of War

179,482 11,912 33

A 19th century London courtesan agrees to a phony courtship with a navy captain and finds herself negotiating uncharted territory outside the boudoir. *****The year is eighteen-thirteen. The place is London. Mistress Rosalind Hayes is a courtesan, raised in an orphan asylum and later tutored by one of the most respected courtesans of the time. Now, Rose caters to the whims of lusty nobles and businessmen, and she is determined to maintain her sovereignty.When Rose meets the Thompson siblings; Jules, a navy captain, and Alice, his spirited younger sister, the trio form an easy kinship. Rose learns they have recently lost their mother to smallpox, and she is persuaded by the siblings to pose as Jules's love interest in an attempt to bring their grief-stricken father out of a terrible depression. As luck would have it, Rose's genial manner helps to free the older man from his melancholy, but she also begins to feel things for the captain that threaten to topple her empire.CONTENT DISCLAIMER: Be prepared for a few mature scenes. This is a story about a courtesan, after all. Those with delicate sensibilities may want to keep a fainting couch nearby.COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This work is owned by the author. Please do not attempt to plagiarize or your reputation could end in ruins. IN OTHER WORDS: If you find this story on any online platform other than WATTPAD, I did not allow this. You may also be exposing yourself to malware. If you wish to read this story in its original, safe form, do it here on WATTPAD.COVER DESIGN: by @arpeggio-…



58,910 3,855 62

Camila Cabello sempre foi uma jovem responsável e dedicada à família que se esforçava diariamente para sobreviver. Filha de um professor e uma costureira, a jovem cresceu com o sonho de um dia ser uma grande estilista de moda. Porém, a realidade era mais dolorosa do que seu mundo imaginário. Em um país comunista como Cuba, a probabilidade dela conseguir realizar seu sonho era quase nula, mas com o esforço de seus pais e uma bolsa de estudos devido a suas notas, ela viajou para os Estados Unidos conseguindo uma vaga na Universidade de Nova York (NYU). Decidida a conseguir seus objetivos e dar uma vida melhor para seus pais e irmã, a latina finalmente conseguirá realizar seu sonho. Mas a vida é uma verdadeira caixinha de surpresa e quando o coração distrai, a sorte vem. E no meio dessa aventura conhecerá a misteriosa Lauren. Uma jovem que entrará em sua vida sem pedir licença, ao mesmo tempo em que carrega o grande peso dos segredos de sua família. Os dois lados de uma mesma moeda. Duas vidas e um único destino. Uma história onde os opostos se distraem e os dispostos se atraem.Não autorizo adaptações. Agradeço.…

The Divirian

The Divirian

192 11 14

collection of serialized short stories set in a dark fantasy world updates now and then.enjoy…

Just Shapes and Beats: Restart

Just Shapes and Beats: Restart

1,216 18 31

Just a note! This story isn't meant to be "professional". It's for me to get certain parts of my AU's plot down on paper--or rather digital paper--to help me remember.--After six long months of the Events thanks to Blixer, he began his journey in helping the citizens to repair the simple town of Paradise. All shapes were against him, but Blixer made friends and acquaintances and was given restrictions. Many were still against him however, feeling he should be punished for a lifetime, and not keen on forgetting what happened. But who would? After all he had caused so much damage. But some, while extremely hesitant, were able to see past it all. But not all.…

Beauty Queen

Beauty Queen

9,740 1,018 21

"Selene andava calmamente pelo palácio, arrastando seu vestido branco preferido e sentindo o frio típico que o gelo lhe dava. Ela uma sensação reconfortante, que a acalmava. Afinal, ela era o gelo e a neve. Mas, infelizmente, ela não era a única. Jadis se auto-intitulava Rainha de Nárnia e Selene, por ser mais nova, era apenas a princesa. Mas um título mais baixo nunca a impediu de tentar desfazer várias das barbaridades que Jadis fazia contra os narnianos usando seu cajado mágico. Selene, apesar de ser mais nova, era mais experiente na magia que controla a neve e o gelo e, por isso, não precisava de qualquer item mágico que a auxiliasse."…

Descendientes 3: Una nueva hermandad

Descendientes 3: Una nueva hermandad

5,029 150 21

7 meses después de haber salvado Auradon de su demente hermano, Mal aun lidia con las consecuencias de su acto, sufriendo recurrentes pesadillas sobre eso, pero cuando Ben descubre un laboratorio oculto en la isla de los perdidos, Mal decide ir a investigar y se encuentra con innumerables clones de ella y Demon, también encontrara una inesperada sorpresa, alguien de su pasado a quien creía muerta, ademas de eso un nuevo adversario aparece dispuesto a terminar lo que Demon inicio, ademas no es el único peligro, Mal fue infectada por la locura de su hermano y ahora el existe en su mente citándola a convertirse en el, ¿Ella aceptara o acabara con la maldad de su hermano para siempre?…

Alpha's Hunt

Alpha's Hunt

1,676,148 70,704 71

A Cursed Alpha. A Made Omega. A Deadly Game. .෴. Every ten years, Lycanotropes host a competition to choose the Alpha Supreme. Every ten years, 20 competitors participate.Only a quarter survive.When Elise Attwood is offered freedom in exchange of accompanying Alpha Luke Winters on the Hunt, she has no reason to refuse.After 8 weeks of blood, mayhem, fruitless feeling and dark secrets, will things ever remain the same? .෴.#1 badboyinlove_ 28 May, 2021#3 Omega_ 1June, 2021#4 Complete_ 1June, 2021#4 funny_ 25 June, 2021#1 hunter_18 Aug, 2021#1 competition_23 July, 2021…



28,816 2,192 37

Relata à historia de Leone, um jovem gay, negro e homossexual que divide apartamento com o melhor amigo, Henrique. Que conseguirá um cargo de assistente pessoal do empresário Luís Fernando dos Santos Bianchi, por quem será humilhado, pisado e após um tempo, acolhido, prestigiado e amado.…

Teaching Feeling: Otra Vida

Teaching Feeling: Otra Vida

8,800 284 32

Todos conocemos la historia de Teaching Feeling pero, ¿Qué pasaría sie el doctor fuera más que un simple humano? Descúbrelo en esta historia hecha por mí al 100%.Espero que lo disfruten.…



1,537 91 14

sharlene + donny stories for those without patience or those who simply want a brief encounter with romance.each story is written with the challenge to keep them in 100 words or more.dedicated to my old shardon friends -- those who gave me the songs they wanted me to experiment with.…

Kiss You || Merlin X Fem! Reader Fanfic

Kiss You || Merlin X Fem! Reader Fanfic

202,813 6,898 23

What would happen if you are The Beast's sister? Having a spoiled, selfish brother is a nightmare. Moreover, being sucked into a curse because of his attitude. Pretty annoying, right? However, a certain beautiful maiden broke the curse and changed your brother's behavior to a complete 180°.Now that your brother has taken over the throne with his wife by his side, you have no purpose in obtaining the throne in the near future.And so you journeyed away in the hopes to find adventure and also admire the beauty of nature. But what would happen if you met Red Shoes and the cursed F7 on your journey? Will you find the adventure you were craving? Or perhaps something more?WARNING:There are sensitive content and offensive words.DISCLAIMER:I don't own Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves. It belongs to Locus Creative Studios and Sidus Animations.I don't own Beauty and the Beast. It belongs to Disney.STARTED: June 22, 2020ENDED: Aug 5, 2020EDITED: Mar 27, 2022HIGHEST ACHIEVED RANKINGS:#1 in redshoes #1 in redshoesandthesevendwarfs #1 in fearlessseven#1 in cursed (as of 2021)#16 in beautyandthebeast (early 2022)…

Soul Bound

Soul Bound

29,744 2,211 30

A Wattpad Editor's Choice ⭐️[Book 1] Falon Byrom has two souls. One is her own, normal and human. The other, beastly and wild, belongs to Wolf. Falon can keep nothing from Wolf, they share both her mind and body. And they don't always get along. But when they learn that their kind are being targeted by other supernaturals, they'll have to get along to save the other soul bound. But saving them means joining a side in the supernatural war that threatens their kind. And joining the wrong side could doom them all to extinction.SOUL BOUND is ANIMORPHS meets the heart of PRINCESS MONONOKE and NAUSICAA. Perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare, Patricia Briggs, and UNDERWORLD.…

█▓▒­░⡷. 𝐈 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔! ⠐⢾░▒▓█

█▓▒­░⡷. 𝐈 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔! ⠐⢾░▒▓█

12,627 684 26

Qué pasaría si.... ¿Qué pasaría si un día el cual tu pensaste que todo sería normal se convierte en tu peor pesadilla y nada vuelve a ser como antes? Para muchos es una situación dónde no hay tiempo para pensar en el amor o el otro tipo de cosas pero para An yu-jin y Lee cheong-san un "par" de desconocidos que compartían algunas clases no es así, para ello el amor surgió en la peor situación. Tendrán que sobrevivir a una serie de obstáculos en los cuales no todos saldrán con vida.¿Será que los dos sobrevivirán?…

Mi Niño Inocente (LawLu)

Mi Niño Inocente (LawLu)

51,001 3,741 32

¡Bienvenidos y Bienvenidas!Esta es la primera historia creada en colaboración de ambas: -Rogisaca. -Carisnya.La historia contara con varias parejas que se irán formando y desarrollando a su manera... pero la pareja principal es de LawxLuffy (LawLu) Otras parejas: ZoroxSanji (ZoSan)SaboxAce (SabAce)Pronto otras. Atención: Contenido Yaoi.…