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Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Kodaira, two hearts met by fate. Harumi Calliope Ishioka, the CEO of the largest and most well-known chocolatier company, was a woman of sophistication, elegance, confidence, and stoicism. She had high expectations when it came to love, and believed that it was like food, with different flavors but only one that matched her taste. She was waiting for her variant of love.On the other hand, Callisto Killian Dolce, a bisexual man, was desperate to be loved. He expressed his feelings by going clubbing, hoping to find love in sinful places. For him, he would do anything to be loved.As fate would have it, their paths crossed. Harumi was out of her mind, indulging in a sinful wish, when she met Callisto. Despite their differences, they were drawn to each other. But would destiny allow two hearts to be together? Or would it be the end of fated love?Their love was dangerous, and they both knew it. But they couldn't resist the pull they felt towards each other. They were willing to take the risk, even if it meant going against the odds. Only time would tell where their dangerous love would lead them.…